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Hidden Power Types for AI

Mortally Divine

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I just had a question, and I didn't exactly know where to ask it, but...

How does the hidden power type get chosen for the AI trainers? Is is random? Is it pre-set? I was just curious, because for some reason...


I'm pretty sure Charlotte's Volcarona is Supposed to have HP Rock and some other pokemon are supposed to have HP types to defend against their weaknesses.(The only reason i know that is because my honchkrow got hit hard by said Hidden Power...)

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The HP types are manually selected for most important trainers, and I believe are actually even independent on the pokemon's IVs.

Wait,so in x scenario:I'm facing Charlotte again and her Volcarona uses Hidden Power.Does that Volcarona have 31ivs across the board?

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Okay, but Noel having fire doesnt make a ton of sense, considering normal is weak to fighting. Shouldn't he have a psychic or flying hidden power type? I know his porygon-z knows psychic, and he has a girafarig and a swellow (I think). Ah well, Fern's Roserade ended up getting beat by a Klingklang using gear grind xD.

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Okay, but Noel having fire doesnt make a ton of sense, considering normal is weak to fighting. Shouldn't he have a psychic or flying hidden power type? I know his porygon-z knows psychic, and he has a girafarig and a swellow (I think). Ah well, Fern's Roserade ended up getting beat by a Klingklang using gear grind xD.

It's a coverage thing more than anything probably. For those pesky Steel Types, that might otherwise wall him.

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It's a coverage thing more than anything probably. For those pesky Steel Types, that might otherwise wall him.

Okay.. but every single one of them ;-; ? Noel was almost as much of a nightmare as Kiki and her 100% accurate high jump kicks. It still feels like I cheesed Kiki by using protect to force her to miss....

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Okay, but Noel having fire doesnt make a ton of sense, considering normal is weak to fighting. Shouldn't he have a psychic or flying hidden power type?

No, because a super-effective HP usually does less damage than a normal-effective STAB. Fire makes sense to cover steels and it gains a power boost from the terrain.

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comparing damage between super effective HP against normal effective STAB; STAB is 1.5x, super effective is 2x. So if the power of the moves were the same, the HP would do more damage. Unless there's something else I don't know about...

The power of the moves are not the same. The STAB move is almost always stronger. The special normal-type STAB that most normal-types learn is Hyper Voice. Hyper Voice has 90 -> 135 BP after STAB. A super-effective HP Flying has 60 -> 120 BP after damage modification. Hyper Voice is stronger. Tri Attack has the same power in this case and so it still renders HP Flying redundant because Tri Attack has a chance for a secondary effect.

In competitive battling, you never run HP just to cover a weakness because it'll usually do less damage than your STABs. In order to make running HP worthwhile, it has to hit a type for 2x damage that your STABs can't hit for 1x damage, or it has to hit for 4x something your STABs can't hit for 2x. HP is a really weak move.

Edited by dondon151
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Alright, makes sense. So Ame predetermines the HP type of the important trainers, but that also makes me wonder; wouldn't a rock/ground type make a good wall against noel then? Minccino has bullet seed, but other than that I didn't see him use anything that would be good against that type, and his normal STAB moves would do .75x damage, 1.5x for STAB and 1/2 for hitting a rock type. a HP type of ground would be 2x effective towards rock, and also cover the steel type.

Also, Noel's team doesnt know hyper voice IIRC, but I might've not seen their full moveset. I know that his minccino knows rock blast, bullet seed, (tail?) slap, and HP, and his porygon-Z knows discharge (f*ck you empoleon), HP, Tri attack, and psychic.

I'm also surprised at how there wasn't a ghost type coverage? at least I didnt see one...

I dunno, Noel in general just seems a bit strange to me... oh well.

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Alright, makes sense. So Ame predetermines the HP type of the important trainers, but that also makes me wonder; wouldn't a rock/ground type make a good wall against noel then? Minccino has bullet seed, but other than that I didn't see him use anything that would be good against that type, and his normal STAB moves would do .75x damage, 1.5x for STAB and 1/2 for hitting a rock type. a HP type of ground would be 2x effective towards rock, and also cover the steel type.

I'm also surprised at how there wasn't a ghost type coverage? at least I didnt see one...

Noel had a Staraptor for Steel and Rock types which got replaced by a Wigglytuf apparently. Alhough he could have some Pokemon with HP Fighting but I´m not sure. Ghost Pokemon with secondary typing, which most people would probably use (Gourgeist, Shedinja, Gengar, Drifblim and Spiritomb) he has coverage. Gourgeist and Shedinja with HP Fire, Gengar with Psychic, Drifblim with Discharge and Thundershock and Spiritomb with Moonblast and Playrough.

Edited by Yazmat
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I like that his staraptor got replaced with a fairy type, him having 2 fairy types made the fight really easy. Escavalier had no problem 1 shotting his girafarig, wigglytuff, and clefable.

Good point on the coverage though, I guess HP fire makes sense on some of his pokemon, but I still don't think all of them should have the same HP type IMHO it gives him a bit less coverage than he could have

Edited by Mortally Divine
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I think Noel's team requires a bit of a different design philosophy than the other leaders because the Normal type has poor options for covering every potential threat. The Pokemon are also not very good in general - the only Normal-type currently in OU is Chansey, but Chansey is not so good of an option on an in-game opponent team because the AI isn't going to be able to use Chansey solely in her best competitive capacity.

The one Normal-type that does come to mind is Snorlax. A Curselax set @Leftovers with 3 attacking moves could be strong, especially since the terrain adds 1/16 HP healing per turn on top of the Leftovers.

I'm sure I've said this before, but I'm really puzzled by why Noel doesn't have a Pyroar, which benefits from the terrain in several ways - its STAB is boosted, it receives halved damage from Muddy Water, and its preferred HP type is also boosted.

Edited by dondon151
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Noel has historically been way too strong. The goal with the recent changes was to weaken him.

I'm also holding back some things for future Normal-type battles.

Also not all of his Pokemon run HP Fire.

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Noel has historically been way too strong. The goal with the recent changes was to weaken him.


(falling in a pit of despair...)

Edited by Alaris
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I accept that you guys appreciate a challenge, and that is in some sense what Reborn is here for, and that's lovely. But there's a fine line between being challenging, and being over the top.

Noel crossed that line.

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