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Nice Teddiursa


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So, in my main file, I decided to do the teddiursa puzzle in the Peridot Ward, and I just found an adamant natured Teddiursa with good IV's, any ideas for a future Ursaring's moveset (it's going to have Guts btw)

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Heh heh, I reeeeally recommend you breed it, you can get a moveset like this

Crunch Rattata>Ursaring

Thrash/Strength Level and HM

Close Combat Mankey>Ursaring

Play Rough Persian>Ursaring

To breed all of these moves, you'll need a make a Smeargle sketch them.

You can even get Belly Drum from The Zigzagoon Line or Darumaka Line.

Pokemon Locations here n_n


Buuuut if you would like a level up moveset>

Facade (Via Arcade)

Hammer Arm

Faint Attack


I don't really recommend Facade, as relying on status conditions for help can become inconsistent. We don't currently have access to a Flame Orb, but you can get a Toxic Orb, once you get 10 badges via a special glitch.

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Before anything, let me say this. Ursaring is limited in Reborn. It needs statuses, without them it's really, really bad. It solos Corey in the Corrosive Mist field because of that, but after that, it's dead weight until you get that Toxic Orb, and even then, there's better. It has rather low defenses, so instead of Guts, you'd have to go for Quick Feet, but plenty of other things have a comparable Attack stat with better or similar Speed, without having to bother with statuses.

But if you really wanna stick with it, I'd say don't bother with Belly Drum, Ursaring doesn't have the bulk to take hits at half health well. Most likely won't survive too many, if even one. With Yawn, something could be done, but it's rather unreliable.

Close Combat, Play Rough, Night Slash/Crunch and Facade are the best you can go for IMO.

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