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Why did it get deleted?


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Hi, Beefkek here.

I just wanted to ask why my topic got deleted? I know there were many people saying that it was all cheated, I tried to explain but couldnt since the acc has too many warnings.

So I will explain it here. Have I cheated? Yes, but only for money and max pp, thats it. All pokemon and their moves are legit, and I can prove it.

To answer a few questions from the topic.

How is a breeded pokemon in a ultraball? it inherits it from its mother

How does politoed have ice beam? breed it with seel in ep11

How did I do it so fast? You call 120 hours fast?

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We allow people to do whatever they like with their own files, but due to discomfort in the community we do not allow users to encourage others to 'cheat'.

I think, though, if we clear the PPMax and tone down the $$$$ we could bring it back? Then it would be a legit file.

Also, please do not make other accounts to circumvent your preview.

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Well I do not understand how you've got a level 9 Swoobat. Also, you've got illegal-leveled Forretress, Fearow, Arbok, Pidgeot etc. But all in all a file like this could be useful if it wasn't so "high-end".

Edit. Oh, Swoobat evolves with friendship, didn't remember. Yeah sorry.

Edit2. I've got to applaud you though. Pretty much work, just for the community. Many will thank you later if the file is re-uploaded here.

Edited by Chilibunny
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