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Your "game of the year" rewards! First category!


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I saw a Youtuber start a series of videos where he talked about his top five games of the year... However... Unlike the hundreds of other Youtubers doing it, he added a unique spin. And I really like the categories he is choosing, I am going to make a different thread for discussion for each game you would give an award for, because seriously, each of these categories deserve their own unique discussion.

Today's Category iiiiiiis!

The Best Game You Revisted

Long answer, what was the best game and/or runner ups that you replayed this year that you really enjoyed?

It could be a game from the NES days, or it might be a game that only came out last year.

Remember, these are games you HAVE PLAYED BEFORE and remakes such as ORAS or Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship edition don't count. But remastered games such as Duck Tales or the Last of Us do.

What was your favorite game you replayed? I will tell you guys mine later in the night :)

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No More Heroes 2 Desperate Struggle for the Wii, released January 29th of 2010. My Xbox 360 had just quit on me. It was a rough time the endless struggle against boredom had plagued me. because I had just finished episode thirteen like a day before Truly the darkest age in the history of mankind. But then I remembered something incredible! I still had the wii plugged it. It was time for the crownless king/ no more hero to rise again. In short I like this game. Great bosses, gameplay, mini games/sidequest, clothing and weapon customization, and the soundtrackm oh god the soundtrack.

The trailer

Edited by Damiano
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KH: BBS- got so into upgrading and melding commands so early on in the game, by the time I took my first break from it, I blazed through 4 worlds without breaking a sweat (on the new difficulty, Critical). Looking at the recipe lists... I'm really excited to make the really big spells as Aqua. But first, I have to run through the game with ventus, who is one of my least favorite characters. Saving Aqua's for last, cuz she is the most difficult to play as- weak phys attack, frail hp and

Earthbound- replaying this cult classic brings back memories, man. Times and friends whom I named the characters after (cuz really, paula and poo are aweful names). I'll probably find the more subtle humor this time around that I missed when I originally played it as a kid.

Golden Sun- Need I really say more? Cool looking elemental magics, sweet summons, collecting and using djinni strategically, excellent music, engaging characters and locations.

P3P- before my vita broke, I'd transferred digital copies and save files to it, and I was doing new game+ (maintains level, special items, and compendium). Reliving the drama and the social links. All the old feels are still there.

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Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect does have the honor of having to make important choices like saving the Rachni Queen, Urdnot Wrex, The Council, and etc. but the second addition holds much more weight. Even then, for PC and PS3 owners, we have the Mass Effect: Genesis to help us through so we can still get the important bits from Mass Effect 1. It continues the story of the downfall and rise of Commander Sheppard with a world that you have formed from the first game. It continues where it left off with a different scenario against the Collectors. This is probably the most important installment in the series because of how each squad member you recruit, or become loyal to will play a huge part in Mass Effect 3. It makes you want to replay it over and over to achieve the best ending possible and to take different angles with each character with romance, loyalty, side mission consequences, and other gems that will carry on. It also is no surprise that this very game won Game of the Year in 2010. It should also be no surprise that this game deserves a spot as one of the best games to replay. Period.

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This year was definitely a fun and exciting year of gaming. With Blockbusters and Dissapointments alike. But there are a few games that never fail to dissapoint... games we always come back to, because they are so much fun, ir have so much replayability that we always come back to them to replay the role of one of our favorite heroes or try find another path through their twisted storylines.

Here we want to honor these games - The best game of the year I revisited!

The nominees are:

- The Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD (Wii U)

I played TLoZ-Windwaker on the Gamecube many many times. So many times that I knew where every Island is, where every heartpiece is and when I can obtain them for the first time, and how many Rupees I exactly need for that annyoing onld chart-decivering fella named Tingle.

When I finally received an used Wii U with a lot of Multiplayer games, I was shocked when I saw that Windwaker HD was pre installed... because it wasn't the WiiU-Windwaker-Edition.

I immediatley got back into into... I was ammazed how good these graphics looked, and how I still knew where everything was... until Nintendo decided to screw me over with the change of the final Heart Piece... which is normally found in the 50-floor-battle-dungeon on OIutset Island... I searched one entire day... every Island... until I found one mini-dungeon that wasn't there in the Original and found a new treasure-chart... and with this new treasure-chart the final heart piece.

- Borderlands 2

I played Borderlands 2 back in 2012 in a Solo-Campaign and had a BLAST with the all the crazyness of Pandora, and one of the most awesome Villains ever - Handsome Jack!

It was also my first visit to Pandora, since I skipped Borderlands 1 (because of reviews that said it was boring... well). It was just so amazing, the characters were great. The story, well could have been better, but for a shooter which is mostly based on humor it is accaptable.

The RPG-Elements made the game extremely deep. Every character had a uniqe playstyle because of their uniqe ability, and you could go even more uniqe by upgrading talents in a Talen-tree that compliments your playstyle.

Then this year I came back to Pandora... but this time I wasn't alone... This time I brought Reinforcements in form of my Brother, who finally picked the GotY-Edition up this year - It was glorious!

We had sooooooo much fun together... we hadn'T had that in a long time.

- The Wolf Among Us

I buyed the game when it first game out in 2013... and played the first episode... and then.. forgot about this masterpiece... just yesterday I replayed it completely and finished it in one 9-hour session.

The Story is great with it's twists and dead-ends. The Characters are sooooo close to their respective Fairy-Tale-Original, but with a bit of seriousness. The writing was superb, and almost every decision is a hard one to make - Which area do I want to look into first? - If I go there now, I could lose evidence in the other location, and I don't have time to visit all three places...

The gameplay is mostly relaxing, which is kinda normal for a Telltale gam, but that's ok because it plays like a visual novel.

And just to pat me on the back for my great detective skills... I knew who the murderer was from the first episode... I should have become an detective.

The winner is...


- Borderlands 2!

This comes to me with no surprise.

Borderlands 2 is a masterpiece of a shooter, which is great in solo-play but is just outstanding when played together with friends or siblings.

Borderlands 2 is the game that I had the most fun with this year, because I could replay that fun game with my brother.

And the best part is yet to come - We still haven'T touched the DLCs yet... because I didn't own them... but that has changed and we will revisit Pandora together to take Captain Scarlets Pirate Booty, complete Mr. Torgues Campaign of Carnage, win at Mr.Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt and Assault Tiny Tinas Dragon Keep.

And after this is finished... we will pick up Borderlands - The Pre-Sequel when it comes in a GotY edition to continue the madness together!

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I really can't make a decision for my favorite, as the first 2 of these have made my dream to become a programmer, while 3 is just that good.

Intrusion 2 - Except for the music, the entire game was made by ONE GUY, over 3 years. Sure, story is non-existent, and game-play isn't revolutionary, but it simply does everything it does right. Any story would be a break in the game's action, so it was scrapped. It keeps adding neat little things every now and then to keep things from getting monotone, and it's just as long as it needs be for maxed Quality-over-Quantity. The game did everything it wanted, then let the credits roll.

And, my god, the boss Fights. I'd say "look 'em up", but that's something you have to go into unspoiled, they're one of the most fun things I've ever played...no matter how many tries it took to actually beat the last 2 :P

It's also only like 3 bucks on Steam right now, if anyone's curious. Or you can "sail the 7 seas".

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - If you know me, you're not surprised by this choice. Both my name and my member title are pseudo-references to it, my Avatar being a direct reference. Again, Gameplay>>Story, but the gameplay is incredibly fun. Most people who play it unfortunately miss it, it's mechanically as refined as it can be. Many people complain about not being able to switch sub-weapons mid-combo, but other mechanics take up so much RAM that it's not possible, the game utilizes all resources it's given to the fullest. Music is also right up my alley, only 3 pieces on the soundtrack aren't on my phone right now.

The boss fights are also incredibly, Monsoon possibly being my favorite of all time. The Jetstream Sam DLC also gives a completely new spin on the gameplay, almost like you're playing a new game (and makes one of the easiest bosses quite a challenge).

Aaaaand Parasite Eve 1 on the PS1, the great start of a terrible series. PE1 as it's own game was fantastic, 2 tried to copy Resident Evil and 3 can't even be considered part of the series. It's my fav out of all the games on the PS1, at-the-time-unique gameplay, great story, riveting atmosphere (this being one of the first cutscenes you see) - just go see it for yourself (XEBRA is a configuration-less Emulator if you care).

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Yu-gi-oh - Forbidden Memories.

It's a ps1 game. I played it for the first time10 years ago..maybe? I can't really recall. It was really good. But after the years, my ps1 broke plus the game cd had too many scratches and the ps2 couldnt open it. I put it away and almost forgot it.

This year I downloaded the ps1 emulator for the pc and the ISO/rom of the game too.

I couldn't finish it when I first pplayed and I neither can now.

It's one hell of a difficult game. Because it isn't like the other yu-gi-oh games.

I'm hoping of finishing it in the near future.

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Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Pokemon Colosseum


NCAA Football: 2012

This year was a pretty dry year for re-visiting games for me, as I don't really have the time or the resources to play a bunch of consoles and whatnot. Narrowing it down to the top two would be as follows.



I really enjoyed both games in their own right. The 'Colosseum' series is an excellent tangent series of the Pokemon franchise. My original playthrough of those games was to obtain as many of the Gen 2 pokemon for my concurrent Ruby playthrough, as I was completing the Pokedex as much as possible without having to buy Emerald at the time. The story is quite timeless, the characters are always ridiculous, and the game's flaws don't detract too much from the experience.

I have to go with 'Scape as a my winner though. Simply because it had been quite a while since I've played the game, and it's VASTLY different, depending on if you play Old School or RS3. if you shell out for Old SChool, there's unique bosses for that game that were not there in 2007, but the changes are still welcomed because they don't change the gameplay or the theme or anything that old Scapers know and love.

RS3 is a whole different animal. The game is somewhat comperable to World of Warcraft in graphics, plays a little like League of Legends (much to my chagrin at times), and looks like the "evolved" version of the game. Scape 3 has so many pleasant things about it that I have considered returning to the game as a free player and reliving that experience in it's modern era, despite not feeling like "RuneScape" did all of the time.

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My Revisted games of the year:

Third Place:

Final Fantasy Crystal Cronicles.

This game is simple but fun and memorable. I kinda wish Square could keep up the magic this game had... But they didn't...

Fun game play with a great sound track. It game is always an absolute joy to go back and play!

Second place:

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

This game literally gets better everytime I replay it. I always find something new and exciting when I play this game. Sometimes it is better appreciation for certain story elements, because I learn about a new fan theory or folk tale that I didn't know about that was integrated into the game. And sometime I play a really meh adventure game (cough cough link between two worlds). I need to be reminded of why I love the genre in the first place.

And the winner iiiiis...

Metroid Prime!

I haven't picked this game up every since when I first got a GameCube. At the time I wasnt a huge fan of shooters and this was probably the first game I ever finished in the genre.

Ever since then I have become way more adept at shooters and gained a nice feel for them, I randomly decided to revisit this game because I remember the action and claustrophobic atmosphere this game gave me. Which is odd since one of the main things I remember in a video game is the music... Something the Metroid series doesn't always shine in. I started up my GameCube and my opinion changed entirely as pure concentrate hype was injected straight into my veins!

Another thing that caught me off guard was how most shooters nowadays adapted a similar control scheme that this game does not have. The game essentially told me "fuck you play by my rules". And I am sure glad I did! Seriously, no other shooter I have played to this day is even comparable to the original Metroid Prime! The only game that I might put on the same level of fuck Ya that this game has is Borderlands 2.

And that were my games of the category! I will put up the next category in a bit and warning... This one requires a bit more thought :P

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Bethesda Game are always fun for me.


Fallout New Vegas

While this game gets a bad rap compared to it's older brother Fallout 3 I still think it's an amazing game. I love certain nuances it adds like different types of ammunition for weapons that do better depending on what you're trying to take down. The factions are also all interesting in my opinion. Where it falls short though is making independent, memorable characters. The DLCs go a long way to rectify that. In Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and especially Lonesome Road you end up getting more attached to certain characters than the somewhat stale main story ones. Each of them different. Of course my favorite. Joshua Graham.

Such a badass man of god.


Skyrim (PC modded for the first time)

Age of Mythology

Kingdom Hearts 1&2 Final Mix (via 1.5 and 2.5)

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