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Is there an easier way to get coins then Voltorb Flip? I tried the website and it got "There is a 50% chance that a Voltorb will be here" the I click on the tile and I get a Voltorb... This has happened to me 6 out of 7 times :( mez wanna get flygoonz.

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I agree with Nova. As someone who used voltorb flip to get a trapinch (took multiple ours), and slot machines to get all TMs (not even an hour), you're better off with a good slot machine. If the slot wheels are good (7's on the wheel close to each other), you can consistently get small and/or big bonuses. I sometimes even got 480 coins out of a well-timed single reel.

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Usually you can get that much from a single play of Voltorb flip, as the prize accumulates and if you reach from lvl5 and above, the profit is really nice each time. It might take a while, but it's a safe choice. If you get the hang of it, it's also amuzing to play, as you get the challenge of solving the puzzle in lvl7 and above.

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Usually you can get that much from a single play of Voltorb flip, as the prize accumulates and if you reach from lvl5 and above, the profit is really nice each time. It might take a while, but it's a safe choice. If you get the hang of it, it's also amuzing to play, as you get the challenge of solving the puzzle in lvl7 and above.

Yes, the prize money then is awesome, but you tend to fail when you reach that level, or before it. And I eventually used a site to help, because getting 10000 coins is a chore.

Simply put, I had a much better experience with the slot machines, since I gained 1000 coins every 1-2 minutes. I might have had a very good machine, so I might not be a good representation on that part, but voltorb flip can be enfuriating when you get kicked back to level 1 because you had to rely on luck.

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If it helps, one of the trees has 233 coins in it :P. That and i sold all of my vitamins and everything unnecessary. When you do get a trapinch, and if you have ep14, then make sure to reduce vibrava to level 31-32. This way you'll get earthquake by level up without needing a heart scale.

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guys cmon for high ranking pc men and women you guys are not thinking outside the box !!! if your on a slot machine and you hold in the print screen the slots slow down A LOT and then its simple to hit the big numbers !!

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If it helps, one of the trees has 233 coins in it :P. That and i sold all of my vitamins and everything unnecessary. When you do get a trapinch, and if you have ep14, then make sure to reduce vibrava to level 31-32. This way you'll get earthquake by level up without needing a heart scale.

Trapinch learns it before leveling up. At level 33 I think.

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Yes it does. Now even Flygon can learn it via level up. In-game you can grind your Trapinch up to lvl40 to get Superpower and then you can have a Flygon with the moves: EQ, Rock slide, Dragon Claw, move of your choice - I recommend superpower, since we don't have a tm for U-turn... yet

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