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mega evolve



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I'll have to agree with Jerry on this one. M-Gyarados is actually a beast! You can use it at first to indimidate (or if you are risky enough, to kill and raise you atk with moxie) and then destroy everything with 2 STAB moves, an EQ to make use of your Mold Breaker and a move of your choice, usually DD.

Heracross is also great because it can be used both as a mega and as a normal pokemon. The strategy changes drastically from one form to another, but that's something you can use in your favor. The bulk it gets once it mega evolves helps it make do of its perfect-coverage-substitute-and-sash-destroying multihit moves.

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  On 1/8/2015 at 8:00 PM, Knight_Teutonic said:

Mega sceptile is bad, isn't it?

I want my mega sceptile now

Even normal Sceptile is nice. Leaf Storm + White Herb + Unburden = OP .

I don't think starters will get megas. If nothing else, the Pidgeot cult comes back and gives you the stone when you beat Elias (villain church).

Edited by nickcrash
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  On 1/8/2015 at 8:40 PM, sandy said:

id like mega charizard but i dont see that ever happening soon, since we still have the fairy gym to go X might be allowed

Eh... let's see. Charizard X... OU huh? Nope.

If we do get it however, it'll probably be after Titania.

  On 1/9/2015 at 1:28 PM, nickcrash said:

Even normal Sceptile is nice. Leaf Storm + White Herb + Unburden = OP .

I don't think starters will get megas. If nothing else, the Pidgeot cult comes back and gives you the stone when you beat Elias (villain church).

Oh? That idea actually sounds pretty cool. I hope the Magma and Aqua gangs are brought back for the event involving the mega stones for Camerupt and Sharpedo (although it may be too unoriginal). I hope we get to see more of them though in the future

Edited by Xiri
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Everyone one is speculating that we'll get a ton of weak megas, but here's the thing that everyone is forgetting: the stone is useless without the mon. So Ame will probably give us Lati@site, both Mewtwo stones, Garchompite, T-Tarite, Salamencite, and Diancite just to be cruel.

Aside from that, Audino is practically useless in normal gameplay, so we'll probably get that soon.

Abamsnow is another questionable one, alone with Pidgeot.

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Yes, Mega Pidgeot is more for VGC battles

just checked some sets on Smogon, not bad the Hurricane, Heat Wave, Roost & U-Turn for heal and escape... Too bad that he doesn't learn Boomburst

Edited by Qaaz
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If it had more moves that could be assisted by No Guard, it would be far better. However, it can practically only Hurricane. It's like Dynamic Punch Machamp, except way less chance to confuse. Machamp is far more viable than Mega Pidgeot simply because if you leave something in one it, it will get hit by a Dynamic Punch and get confused. If you switch a counter out, it will end up in the same situation. With Pidgeot, you *might* confused with your Hurricane spam, but it is a small enough chance that people will freely switch in a counter with no worries. If you are looking for a good No Guard user, Machamp and Golurk out class it for days.

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