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Kingdom Hearts


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Welp here is a big one that a lot of us are anticipating, Kingdom Hearts 3. With the release of 2.5 I have finally caught up on the story of Sora Donald Gooofy, and the pre story of Terra, Ventus and Aqua, and I'm not disappointed. So in this wait we have let's discuss what would be some cool features they add in the next game, or characters or even worlds. Personally they need a new super boss, Sephiroth isn't cutting it any more, dare I say Keffka can fill that gap. I would love to see a more diverse character selection from Final Fantasy, maybe Zidane, or Bartz the "under rated ones" would be cool. So what would you guys add, or change to the franchise, or even what do you like about Kingdom Hearts in general.

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I would really like the organization members (Besides Lea/Axel) who got kicked out of the organization to help us. They were kinda used and obviously wernt that important to Xemnas so it would make sense, not to mention Zexion and Lexaeus are two of my favorite characters. Also, where are the missing members? Demyx, Larxene, Luxord and Marluxia never showed up in DDD. Luxord stayed loyal, so he may still be in, but Larxene and Marluxia plotted to take over the organization through castle oblivion, and Demyx was just lazy for the most part. (Although his fight still manages to piss me off. Dance Water, Dance!)

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This might be one of the few areas in which Disney owning Marvel would be a good thing. Riku/Venom/Terra teamup would be pretty cool. Can't imagine what the corresponding keyblade would look like for a Marvel world.

I really liked the command wheel and command melding from BBS. Honestly, the mp system from KH 1 and 2 were shit. You ran out mp right away... and for some reason, you had to really earn more mp to equal 1 bar after the first two bars were filled in order to get one more bar. In BBS, commands/magic were on an appropriate cool-down rate instead of something you used up in a few weak moves and spent forever whacking enemies to try to get back.

I also liked how certain commands could only be made/unlocked and used by specific characters, based on their element/fortes. (if you don't know what I'm talking about, look here)

I also really liked the idea of Dimensional Link, where your character 'borrows' the powers/play style of a character they linked with (including intriguing ones like D. Link with Maleficent as Terra). I enjoyed this much better than the summon system previous employed. This also kinda reminds me of Navi chips and navi-syncros from MMBN. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, wot.

Mmm, maybe they will relent and include more FF characters. They've been careful to keep it to FF 7 and 8 characters up till now. But now I really want to play duodecim again and my vita is broke. If they do include more FF characters, my money would be on them including FF13 characters. I can easily imagine Sora talking to Hope, and wonder what an interaction between Lighting and Aqua would be like.

That being said, I hope they undo the tragedy of BBS at least midway through the game and not at the end, and allow you to play as (or with) Terra, Aqua, and Ventus at some point. A trio of such potential and bright outlook... and then Xehanort fucks everything up and all three are isolated and imprisoned in one way or another.

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Some reminders.

The World Ends With You characters were in KH3D which was awesome.

I am also predicting that we will see a Lilo and Stitch, Pirates of the Carribean, and Toy Story level in the game. Stitch's story in BbS obviously leads up to a Hawaii based level. Also in one of the trailers for KH3, Woody's Sherrif Badge is on one of the menus that sora activates in his Gun Wielding stance he used. There was also a Dark looking pirate motif on the menu bar when sora did some pirate shit Attack.

Lastly, though I don't know where the sources are for this, but I heard a couple rumors...

1. Utada Hikaru said that she doesn't want to do the theme song.

2. The guy in charge of KH (can't remember his name atm) asked Marvel and Lucas Arts if they could use their properties. He said "some said yes, some said no"

Also Mael. Spider-Man is a Sony property, sorry to kill your hype.

I also get the feeling that the final boss fight will involve us playing as Kairi. I am predicting this based off of how the last few games ended.

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A 3-pronged story like BBS!

Sora - teams up with Lea (and later Ventus)

Riku - teams up with Mickey (and later Terra)

Kairi - teams up with Aqua (who will train her along the way) - maybe needs to be unlocked first, since Aqua is still trapped in the realm of Darkness

Final Battle - EVERYONE vs all 13 Xehanorts... with the original being the absolute Final wielding the Chi-Blade!

Maybe Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lea and Micky are getting those badass-armor like Terra, Ventus and Aqua.

As for worlds:

Star Wars

C'mon... now that SW belongs to Disney this is just a must... maybe play a different episode with each character? Sora - Ep.4, Riku Ep.5, Kairi Ep.6?


Lightsaber-Keyblade - Sora gets a green one, Riku a yellow one and Kairi a blue one!

Avengers (to maximize the Marvelness):

As for Episodes to play - "Lokis Invasion", "Age of Ultron", "Civil War"


Sora - Captain America - Style

Riku - Iron Man - Style

Kairi - Black Widow - Style


That movie was way to strong at the Box Office to not include...


Sora - Elsa - Style

Riku - *Bad Guy* - Style (forgot the name xD)

Kairi - Anna - Style

Wreck it Ralph

unlikely because of soooooo much copyright-stuff in there... but yeah would be neat.


Sora - Ralph-Style

Riku - *Military Woman*-Style (Why do I always forget some names?? xD)

Kairi - Vanelope - Style


Old scottland... teaming up with Merida to defeat the big evil bear and break the curse.


Sora - Witch - Style

Riku - Bear - Style

Kairi - Merida - Style


since Toy Story characters were planned as summons in the original, now it is time to give them some spotlight! Maybe play each movie with a character - Sora TS1, Riku TS2, Kairi TS3.


Sora - Woody-Style

Riku - Buzz-Style

Kairi - Jessie-Style

and many.. many more... (maybe Finding Nemo instead of Little Mermaid as the underwater world)

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  On 1/6/2015 at 3:36 AM, Maelstrom said:

Mmm, maybe they will relent and include more FF characters. They've been careful to keep it to FF 7 and 8 characters up till now. But now I really want to play duodecim again and my vita is broke. If they do include more FF characters, my money would be on them including FF13 characters. I can easily imagine Sora talking to Hope, and wonder what an interaction between Lighting and Aqua would be like.

Actually Final Fantasy 10 characters have been a part of the game, just much more minor roles to this point. Off the top of my head, Tidus was on Destiny Island (along with some other Final Fantasy X characters?) And in KH2, Yuna, Rikku, and one other girl were made into...... pixies. <_<

I'd imagine there's a chance they'll add some of the XIII characters in one way or another.

The thing as far as Disney goes that I think they HAVE to add is Pirates of the Caribbean, Davey Jones and company.

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  On 1/7/2015 at 6:22 AM, Magus said:

Oh Gadot, I've never seen that Honest trailer, funny as hell and I really can't disagree with what he said.

It released yesterday. I saw it when I got home.

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In the pokemon themed one they call Pikachu, Japanese Mickey.

Also the voice actor for Goofy recently tweeted that all of his recordings were completed recently.

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I agree with everything you guys are saying. Yes to all dat.

Also, a point about them constantly reminding the player about who the characters are... namely Sora, Donald and Goofy... well they gotta introduce themselves to the new people the meet, right? It'd be pretty rude to just be like "Yo, just saved your bitch ass from heartless/nobodies/dream eaters. Peace." *leaves with "Deal With It" sunglasses on*

...Y'know that would be badass, but that's not teachin' the kids that play this good manners :L

Also, I would love to see Neku and co. back in the non-Dream World. I had practically just beaten TWEWY when Square announced that they were gonna be in DDD and I flipped my shit. They hype could not be contained. Now that would also be said for KH3 for me, but I still don't have a PS4... nor will I be getting it any time soon. Hopefully I'll get it in time, or else I'll most likely have everything spoiled for me q_q

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Now I'm hearing that KH3 won't even be a thing in 2015 and it's not because they want to add more content or anything like that. It's been 10 DAMN YEARS SQUARE. YOU GUYS NEED TO GET YOUR DAMN PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. WE'RE TIRED OF YOUR LAME SIDE GAMES AND PORT REMAKES. MEANWHILE FINAL FANTASY HAS HAD HOW MANY MAIN SERIES GAMES RELEASE?


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  On 1/9/2015 at 8:11 PM, Jericho said:

Now I'm hearing that KH3 won't even be a thing in 2015 and it's not because they want to add more content or anything like that. It's been 10 DAMN YEARS SQUARE. YOU GUYS NEED TO GET YOUR DAMN PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. WE'RE TIRED OF YOUR LAME SIDE GAMES AND PORT REMAKES. MEANWHILE FINAL FANTASY HAS HAD HOW MANY MAIN SERIES GAMES RELEASE?


It's not going to be a 2015 thing?? Ariufdghfghufdgfsdghfsdg

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  On 1/9/2015 at 8:11 PM, Jericho said:

Now I'm hearing that KH3 won't even be a thing in 2015 and it's not because they want to add more content or anything like that. It's been 10 DAMN YEARS SQUARE. YOU GUYS NEED TO GET YOUR DAMN PRIORITIES STRAIGHT. WE'RE TIRED OF YOUR LAME SIDE GAMES AND PORT REMAKES. MEANWHILE FINAL FANTASY HAS HAD HOW MANY MAIN SERIES GAMES RELEASE?


*flips desk*

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I'd love to see the command styles return, rather than flashy sequences like the triangle sequences in KH2. But, a LOT more diversity in them. Also, DLinks were OP, an instaheal and auto refreshed skills? Yay, Unlimited Elixers!

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My only issue with making the game harder is that a franchise like this makes a ton of money on it's casual audience. And if they make the game more difficult, then they lose the casual audience.

Casual audiences make more money than hardcore, pro, or intermediate gamers.

For example, on the Wii U. Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country Tropic Freeze, and Bayonetta 2 all released during separate release windows and all wii u owners had the ability to buy the 3 of them and play them.

Obviously mario outsold the latter two, not only due to brand name, but the difficulty helped a lot. I played all 3 and I Thought that the Mario game was a cake walk.

I keep hearing from a lot of nintendo fans that they didn't like DKCR2 or Bayonetta 2, because those games were too hard.

:/. I admit, those games weren't easy, but that is part of why those games were so damn good.

Birth by Sleep was in my opinion the hardest KH game in the series... How did it sell? Like Bayonetta did. The original KH and KH 2 were as easy as Mario, how well did those games sell?

... I refuse to answer....

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