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Help!?!? D: Tangrowth is a pain -_-'


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im having trouble beating tangrowth in the park in the Obsidia Ward i've tried and failed about 6 times none of my pokemon seem to be good enough. :feelsgn:

i have a

Meowth Lvl.12

Oddish Lvl. 16

koffing Lvl.15

Sunflora Lvl.14

Makuhita Lvl.13

Prinplup Lvl.28 :Kappa:

Pachirisu Lvl.19

Purrloin Lvl.18


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Welcome to the forums Kuku, if you have a moment, please introduce yourself in the Grand Hall.

Prinplup is your only well leveled pokemon, and it's a water type that's so high it won't even listen to you. You can go to the Candy Store in the Obsidia ward and buy common candies to lower it's level to 25 so that it will listen to you. Also, this goes without saying, you should level your other pokemon up some. One pokemon I'd recommend adding for this fight and the upcomming gym battle would be Trubbish since it gets Toxic Spikes and more importantly for the Tangrowth battle, Acid Spray which is super effective and lowers special defense by two stages each time.

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Yeah. Trubbish seems like a good choice. You may also want to get a Numel. You can do so when it's raining at the Reborn train station (where you start the game). Since it's got a ground typing, it can take 3 hits before it goes down from the Tangrowth.

To take down the Tangrowth as easily as possible, just send out trubbish and use as many Acid Sprays as possible before it faints. Then send out Numel and burn it to the ground.

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I suggest you to revamp your team, with a couple of good pokemon suggestions, you can get rid of PULSE Tangrowth rather easily.

  • As the others have already said, Pansear and Numel are good choices. Both can only be obtained during rainy weather, though. If it isn't raining, you can learn how to manipulate weather through this video guide made by nickaboo92:

  • I also suggest a Klink (you can catch one at the eastern end of the underground railnet, accessible through central obsidia ward), its steel typing can provide immunity against PULSE Tangrowth's Acid Spray, as well as resistance against Vine Whip. Also, it learns Bind at lvl. 21, and binding movies are great to overcome its great defenses and bring it down.
  • I see you have a Pachirisu, it can learn Nuzzle at lvl. 19, which is able to paralize PULSE tangrowth, giving you some breathing space for your other pokemons to attack.

I hope this helps you.

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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I second Trubbish, Acid Spray was my best friend against Tangrowth; wrecked his Sp. Def. and wiped the floor with him not long after, even if Trubbish falls if you keep Koffing you should be able to follow up with Sludge; and for the love of all that is pure, don't use Clear Smog given it will reset its Sp. Def.

You're up for some Grinding regardless of what you do in order to get your team up to par, Poison Based teams fair pretty well in Reborn; at least from my experience given they're my type preference. Though, you might want something for Steel and Psychic Types down the road.

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i caught a trubbish at Lvl.15 so im working on leveling her up >////<

Also i can find any of teh fire types you all are listing O: except the one in the underground but he runs away when the rain stops

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Also i can find any of teh fire types you all are listing O: except the one in the underground but he runs away when the rain stops

Make sure you read the rules on double posting :) Its not really welcome in this forum

Numel can be obtained in the Peridot Station on a day with a thunderstorm

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Make sure you read the rules on double posting :) Its not really welcome in this forum

Numel can be obtained in the Peridot Station on a day with a thunderstorm

It´s also only avaible after the 2nd gym.

Edited by Yazmat
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if you level trubbish up be sure to keep toxic spikes in because when the fight starts you can throw them down and it can actually help alot later in the battle , if you throw throw them down twice it has the effect of toxic

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Espurr>>>Meowstic with psy moves wins, but i remember killing him with ekans>>arbok after using 3 times screech. Arbok died, but god bless him, he made me win :P

PS: Now if you had started with charmander, you would have learnt dragon rage and that would have been another story.

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