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Stuck at Shade


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So, I've started playing Reborn - a few days ago, I think. I've gotten up to Shade, and while most gym battles are difficult in their own ways, Shade is... more so. I carefully pick and choose my team so that none of them possess the same typeing - or at least as few of them as is possible - and try to have them possessing movesets similar to such. But Shade has thus far proven impossible to beat.

By the time I get two of his team down, four of mine are fainted, and the rest go down in seconds.

My team consists of a Growlithe at 33 (I haven't been able to get a fire stone thus far), Skuntank and Loudred at 35, Serperior at 36, and a Lumineon at 37. I feel as though I should stand something of a chance with my team, but no matter how I play out the cards, nine times out of ten says I can't even get past his Gengar before he utterly annihalates me. Like, OHKO across the board. The rare few times I manage to get past his gengar, the few survivning pokes are in the red, and theres only two of them left.

Can somebody help me out here, because this is seriously killing my fun. At this rate, I'll have to screw the level cap and grind until I'm in the fifties in order to stand a chance.

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I would advise you start using the terrain as your weapon as well !! pokemon such as trubbish can throw down toxic spikes that can help quite a bit plus if you could get hold of scraggy and duskull as my friend above said that would help alot !! I see youve tried to cover the basic types such as fire water and grass but usually fighting , poison and electric types can help a lot too !! although fighting types might sounds like they're at a disadvantage here but they can hold their own such as primeape with assurance, and with his physical power and moderate speed he can hold his own against ghosts and psychic types

and if I remember correctly , shades two strongest pokemon are chandelure and gengar (corey) so your main focus should be finding a way to defeat them ad your pokemon will naturally be able to hold their own against the rest

Edited by Dr. Zexal
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