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Favorite game on a Non-Nintendo platform?


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So, everyone is well aware of the glory that is Nintendo, so, let me ask, what's your top game when you're not playing on a Nintendo console?

For me, it's hands down Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

It's got everything you'd ever want in a game:

  • Beautiful graphics that still hold up well to this day
  • A killer OST
  • Hilariously bad voice acting. (think starfox 64 but slightly worse)
  • Dracula talks with his hands
  • RPG elements in a Metroid-esqe game
  • dracula talks with his hands
  • Lots of cool secrets!
  • American dollars are the official currency Dracula's Castle, circa 1797.

I've rambled enough, the floor is yours.

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The only thing I've really played outside of nintendo consoles is pretty much the PS/PS2 (and a bit of the PS3). I'd have to say FF IX honestly. I saw I had it on the PS3 and I really want to play it again.

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I haven't really used a Nintendo product since... the DSI? So this shouldn't be too difficult for me. Dark Souls 2, The Last of Us, GTA 3 & 5, Killer is Dead, Bioshock (1,2 & Infinite in that order), Saints Row (1,2 & 3), Kingdom Hearts, Farcry 3 and maybe Street Fighter 4. Maybe.

Wait, was I supposed to only say one?

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I would have to say Quake 3 team arena.. Though on LAN.. Also UT2k4.. For FPS types..

Assassin's creed, sly cooper, GTA as a series.

Sims and RCT3...

Burnout Takedown and Revenge.

Tons more that I can't think of right now... :P

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Unskippable cutscenes are the worst.

People who skip cutscenes are the worst.

And I would argue that we know the glory that Nintendo used to have. It's handheld still does well, but WiiU was absolutely tanking until recently.

Anyways, the last thing I really touched for xbox was halo 4, so there's that I guess. It's been months.

On the other hand, there's a lot of games I really enjoyed that came out of Playstation platforms: KH, Soul Sacrifice, BL2, Portal 1&2, Folklore, Persona, Dissidia/Duodecim, Valkyria Chronicles, Destiny, MGS series, Strength of the Sword, and probably some more I simply can't remember at the moment.

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And I would argue that we know the glory that Nintendo used to have. It's handheld still does well, but WiiU was absolutely tanking until recently.

Anyways, the last thing I really touched for xbox was halo 4, so there's that I guess. It's been months.

On the other hand, there's a lot of games I really enjoyed that came out of Playstation platforms: KH, Soul Sacrifice, BL2, Portal 1&2, Folklore, Persona, Dissidia/Duodecim, Valkyria Chronicles, Destiny, MGS series, Strength of the Sword, and probably some more I simply can't remember at the moment.

I feel like Smash Bros. kind of "saved" the Wii U. It brought some hype over to the system at least. Not enough Monster Hunter 3U love. Also, hurray for another Dissidia player!

The easy winner for me would have to be Shadow of the Colossus. It's my favorite game in general, and it's not on a Nintendo system anyway, so it's no-contest.

  • GREAT soundtrack
  • Epic battles that actually make you think outside the box.
  • Great way of telling a story (in my opinion). You have to piece it together from the few cutscenes and what little dialogue they give you.
  • Beautiful world, especially for a Playstation 2 game. It could easily pass for an early PS3 game. On top of the beauty, it's completely SEAMLESS. No loading screens. <3
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Hmmm. I guess it'd be a tie between Assassin's Creed (specifically speaking, the entire Ezio series and AC4) and Darksiders II. Hated AC3 and Darksiders 1 and not a huge fan of Altair. Any game involving Ezio had an incredible storyline. Same holds true for Death, from Darksiders 2. Also, the gameplay in AC4 was awesome. Much better than any of the previous versions, but I still miss the hookblade :D

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