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Favourite LoL Champ!


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This thread is just about your favorite/favourite League champion(champions if you can't think of just one). I know I love to say who mine is and why, so I'll start off.

My favourite League champ as of two months ago (because I haven't been able to play League for so long) is probably Cassiopeia.

I usually play her top because top laners can't deal with her because they most likely never see her played. Her passive is absolutely amazing. I can just spam qs to poison the enemy to get more passive stacks for my ap, and Cass's q costs virtually no mana. Cass can easily kill any top laner with bad escape with just a q and e combo at level 2 because your e is basically an auto attack after you poison an enemy champ. Also, because there is almost no ranged top laners, or top laners with good gap closers because level 6, I can just bully them extremely hard to the point where they have to sit in their tower while the wave is in the middle of the lane. Oh yeah, when you finish Cassiopeia's build, she has over 1k ap, because of her passive. Her ult does a lot of damage too. If you can use Malphite ult, Amumu ult, Orianna ult, Cass ult, Yasuo ult, then you literally win a team fight. Just five abilities. I wanna see a wombo combo of epic proportions like that, one day *looks off in to the sunset*. That's it :3

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You all need to start figuring out where threads go. If this were about pokemon it would be under Pokemon Fan Club, as Gaming General pertains to video games other than Pokemon.

Favorite champ would have to be Thresh. He's the definition of a perfect support. Great peel, superior initiation, the capability to save without risking his own life in the process, and still being broken when built AD. #ThreshPrince

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I like Sona. Fun to play, looks great, interesting lore. Her melody moves the soul, her silence sunders the body.


In all srsness, I like Sona a lot too, but she's not my all time fav.

For my favorite champ of all time, it's a three way tie between the champs I used to get out of the depths of Bronze V to Silver this past season: Nasus, Darius and Rumble.

For Nasus, I've liked him even before he got his VU. And when he did... oh MAN when he did... I played him even more. Unfortunately I haven't played him in a while, but with the recent Shurima lore updates, his VU and the fact that I loved playing him even before all of that, he holds a very special place in my heart. For me, I love late game champs, and Nasus is one of the best examples for that. Even if you lose hard early game, Nasus will still be an almost unstoppable killing machine later. His kit is so simple, but you still have to know how to use it to its full potential. I also love champs with abilities that grow in power indefinitely, like Nasus and Viegar. Especially with Nasus, his Q can chunk the living hell out of anyone if you raise them stacks right. I also usually build Triforce on him so that Sheen proc just amps it up even further. All in all, Nasus iz bes atk doge

Darius also holds a place in my favorites list for mostly the same reason as Nasus. Although he doesn't have the same late game POWAH as Nasus, he's just an all-around good bruiser/fighter. He was also the champ that won me my last promo match to get into Silver. And finally, his Ultimate is probably the most statisfying to pull off, at least for me... especially with Dunkmaster :3

Rumble is a special case, as he's the only mage-ish character in here. His playstyle is unique, and you really need to know how to control your heat if you wanna win lane. Okay... scratch that thing about Darius's Ult being the most satisfying to execute correctly, cuz Rumble's is the bomb diggity. The feeling you get when you set it up perfectly in a teamfight, that only could win it for you and your team.

I couldn't possibly pick between these guys, I love playing all of them equally.

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Guys, I will elaborate this once again. This is not the Pokemon Fan Club. This thread corresponds to League of Legends, not the pokemon games. Please make sure you read before you go post, as with any topic.

They've gotta learn somehow, I guess.

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Oh this question *Digs up listing of all champions in order of how much she likes them* Okay not really

My favorite all-around champ is obviously Annie. I just like the idea of an innocuous little girl burning people alive, also TIBBARZ. I enjoy playing her, and her playful personality is just so great

But I'm just not the type to spring entirely for all around, so here's my favorites in all the categories I care about:

Design (as in physical appearance and concept): Nocturne. Living nightmare=cool. Also Nocturne. Looks. Epic.

How fun they are to play: Tie between Orianna and Mordekaiser. Ori's ball mechanics are really fun, even though I'm not good at using them. And Morde's ult is just absolutely the best. Also I think I have more PvP wins with Morde than any other champion, that number being somewhere in the 20s-30s, though I can't be certain

Personality: Annie, I believe I stated this above

Voice: Nami. OMG her voice is the best

Honorable mentions to Rek'Sai, who'd probably be my all-arounder if I enjoyed playing her, Lux, who used to be my favorite, and Shyvana, for being just short of one of my favorites to play

Edited by KosherKitten
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Nocturne is my favorite champ to play. I just love everything about him. All of his skins look great. Well, actually, the new look for the ravager skin isn't all that great. It looked cooler before though. The skins I usually put on are void and eternum. His spell shield is pretty funny. "hey, try to hit me with a spell while dueling. Thanks, more attack speed for me". His ult has to be my favorite ult in the game. I love Paranoia. Reducing the enemy's vision and rushing in on the carry is really fun.

Honorable Mentions: Ezreal, Pantheon, Aatrox, and Rammus

Edited by IronWraith
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The only reason I main support is because Sona, Nami, Janna, and Lulu are by far my favorite champs.

It's hard for me to pick one apart from them, but Sona definitely stands out because she was the first champ I mained.

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I honestly can't pick a singular favorite. Thresh and Heimerdinger are at the top of the list, despite not playing them as much lately. I just love their characters and their gameplays. Others I'd name would be Zyra, Ezreal, Corki, and Riven are up there too. It's just way too hard for me to pick only one.

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My two favourites of all times are Ahri and Mundo, Mundo is perfect to carry teams that arent so good and helped me to get from bronze to gold the most (also I love to just ran into the enemy team and get like no dmg at all), but when I feel that my team is good enough or I just want to have fun I go with Ahri and chainsaw throught the enemy team.

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Favorite champs eh, well lets see.

Fav no3: Kog'maw

Fav no2: Tristana

Fav no1 and the winner is : Diana

Diana is awesome, i used to play her mid or top, both worked great for me, great passive, great spells and one of best ulti i have found :D

That said, i havent played LoL for several months now, maybe 1 year.

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  • Developers

Annie and Sejuani are pretty close to my heart <3

also kennen

where his skin???
new skin?????
Blood Moon????????????????????
Just Elise and Thresh??????????????????????????????????????????

not that im talking shit those skins are beautiful but


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  • 3 months later...

I like a lot of champions but my two favorites are Ahri and Azir. Ahri was the first champion I put effort to learn, and I've been playing with her since I started to play LoL, with time I got better at LoL in general and eventually attained all of Ahri's skins, Azir has an amazing concept and design, and contrary to what I thought, it was not that hard to learn how to play, but I have yet to master the legendary banana juke ^^

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