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Favourite LoL Champ!


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Well, I don't actually play League, but I've looked at the list of champions and skins in the past. Based purely on appearances, I'd have to say Kog'Maw is my favorite. (He looks like a little caterpillar of doom and it's awesome.) If I had him, I might actually try to play League more. But I'm stuck with the problem of hating all the default characters, so I never want to play, so I never get points to buy Kog'Maw with. (Plus he's one of the expensive ones. :( )

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Ashe was the first champion I played regularly, so of course as a champion she's pretty "special" (for lack of a better word).

But although I've been playing a bunch of different stuff lately (specifically Maokai or Fiora), Luxanna Crownguard remains my single favorite champion, and she always will be.

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Oh this question *Digs up listing of all champions in order of how much she likes them* Okay not really

My favorite all-around champ is obviously Annie. I just like the idea of an innocuous little girl burning people alive, also TIBBARZ. I enjoy playing her, and her playful personality is just so great

But I'm just not the type to spring entirely for all around, so here's my favorites in all the categories I care about:

Design (as in physical appearance and concept): Nocturne. Living nightmare=cool. Also Nocturne. Looks. Epic.

How fun they are to play: Tie between Orianna and Mordekaiser. Ori's ball mechanics are really fun, even though I'm not good at using them. And Morde's ult is just absolutely the best. Also I think I have more PvP wins with Morde than any other champion, that number being somewhere in the 20s-30s, though I can't be certain

Personality: Annie, I believe I stated this above

Voice: Nami. OMG her voice is the best

Honorable mentions to Rek'Sai, who'd probably be my all-arounder if I enjoyed playing her, Lux, who used to be my favorite, and Shyvana, for being just short of one of my favorites to play

Whee~, updats

It's only been a few months, but these change semi-monthly

For the above classes of favoritism, not much change

All around: Annie/Cho'Gath. Annie because <3 Cho because he's near the top in most all of the following categories

Design: Maokai. Because of his lore being so sad #treeRelatedReferenceNoOneWillGet (Still love Nocturne, but Maokai is better)

Fun2play: Orianna. Dropped Morde because I got bored of him

Personality: Cho, gentleman or otherwise. Annie remains a close second

Voice: Nami/Cho. Cho is Cho. RAWR

I also have a favorite for each role now as well. This is mostly based on who I enjoy playing the most/who I'm best at in each role

Top: Nautilus

JG: Cho'Gath

Mid: Annie

ADC: Jinx

Support: Orianna/Karma (I like Ori better, but Karma is my best support ATM, I needa buy her...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I myself love the little devil himself teemo, because he makes the normies cry. c:

Normies cry? The cry of those who don't know how to counter the little bugger. A sweeper and a couple of pink wards make Teemo cry.

However it is quite funny to see a team react to a Teemo pick xD

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However it is quite funny to see a team react to a Teemo pick xD

if the game ever even starts...the last three times I picked Teemo someone dodged. (I typically pick Teemo into Fiora or Tryndamere.)
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In terms of lore and concept, Veigar would be my favorite. In terms of gameplay and the amount of overall enjoyment I get out of playing the character, I freaking love Aatrox and Skarner. Aatrox is my favorite top laner because I never see him played and he has godly in lane sustain, and when I go back I can regularly buy a straight up BORK. Skarner is my preferred jungle because he has great survivability due to his shield, quick clear time, and because I like having a good excuse to build red smite Devourer with a Wit's End thrown in there.

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if the game ever even starts...the last three times I picked Teemo someone dodged. (I typically pick Teemo into Fiora or Tryndamere.)

Ever try Teemo into Susan (Nasus spelled backward for you few who don't meme). It's fun to watch him try to stack q when you blind him. Cry everytiem
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My fav is Annie, she's never useless no matter how underfed, that stun can almost singlehandedly turn a teamfight to your favor and very easy to farm. (Also don't question my interest in the female race). Either way, top I usually play Teemo because everyone hates him and I love to make people annoyed.

I can't jungle to save my life, ADC I usually go either Caitlyn or Jinx (curses to her rocket nerf) and support it's usually Leona or Soraka, because gotta love bananas!

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Right now I'm absolutely loving Talon, I love his theme with all the blades and sort of assassin's creed look. And it's just a ton of fun to just run around and instagib squishies. I also a big fan of Rengar and Voli, Rengar has my favorite ult in the game and it's just ridiculous how much damage he does while being tanky. Voli was one of the two champions that got me into jungling. His ganks are amazing if you know what your doing and his damage is actually really good during the mid game. i used to always go boots 5 giants belts on him good times :P.

Honorable mentions go to Riven and Xin Zhao, riven was my first main but I stopped playing her because I just was just getting stressed out by her feast or famine play style but still lore wise and design wise one of my favorite champions. Xin zhao was the other champion that got me into jungling don't play him as much as voli but still love him.

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Ever try Teemo into Susan (Nasus spelled backward for you few who don't meme). It's fun to watch him try to stack q when you blind him. Cry everytiem

And then you cry as you realize that he gets stacks when he last hits your shrooms, too

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Going to have to say my favorite champs are Trundle, Ahri, Varus, and Sona. Mostly cause they are the ones I enjoy playing the most. Also trolling around with the Troll King himself makes for a good time.

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My favorite champ has gotta be viktor

that death ray is just the perfect farming/poke tool

also he's the one who let me out of bronze (few people there know how to counter him)

also science!

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