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Favorite pokemon version?


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Soul Silver! I really like the follow system (especial in the cases where I use a huge Pokemon that goes away when I walk inside.) and it's the best looking Pokemon game in my opinion. Walking up to the bell tower (as sort of a walk it was) was one of the beautiful things I'd ever seen on my DS. Same with the transition/loading screens.

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Personally, I love Platinum. Cyrus had always intrigued me, and getting to know a little more about him through the distortion world and npc dialogue was cool. It had hands down my favorite events for event pokemon (Instead of just straight up giving them to you, you actually had to WORK.). Diamond and Pearl added a lot of things I love to the series, but Platinum improved and made them near perfect. The music was great as well, especially the legendaries themes and the champion battle theme.

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While I don't have a favorite, there are a few games that I like very much.

HG/SS: Good soundtrack, pokemons following you and you can access both Kanto and Johto, like in G/S/C. A lot of places to explore.

BW/B2W2: Lots of new stuff, an a.m.a.z.i.n.g. storyline and a beautiful and diverse region.

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My favourite game is probably Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. It was my first pokemon game, and I loved the introduction of shadow pokemon. Plus, Miror B. came back, so that's always good. Oh yeah, Colosseum is number two. Here's why:

Edited by Taska0G0
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I join the gen 5 lovers here, my favourites were definetly White/White 2 Nice story interesting characters and castles.^^

On nostalgica value would be Yellow thought, my first pokemon game in the series, I remember how I needed like 20 tries to beat Green/Blue there and my cousin had a Mew thanks to the glitch, while I had no idea how he got it and he told me something about the SS Anne and a hidden garden where you can get with a Graveler and Cut somehow, which was total bs, still funny thought.

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I was the kind of noob who taught his gyrados and absol flamethrower, ice beam and thunderbolt(and completely ignored setup moves). So really, platinum is my favourite generation since thats when i became aware of the finer aspects of the game. Plus the pokemon, man, they were(and still are) so cool! Staraptor, infernape, garchomp, lucario, togekiss.... The list just goes on.

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crystal was my favorite, it was the retooled version of my favorite generation games. First it allowed people to play as a girl which is something I do if able. two in my time this was considered the final sequel to the game, there was never talk about gen three for what felt like a good while. the game had slight changes to the story based around a man and his search for a legendary beast. talking about legendarys it had a very elegant pokemon suicune. it art and colorful cartridge made it feel great

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I quite like Omega Ruby, probably because Hoenn was my first region, and because the new versions had those beautiful graphics. What can I say, though, I'm also hugely biased to anything that gives me powerful fire-types (Primal Groudon and Mega Blaziken, anyone?)

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