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In-game team, is it decent?


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I set myself a goal, making a reborn team with all the existing types (along with some of my favourite pokes), double types were accepted, after a long time this is what I got. I'm willing to breed, to change members, and to add new ones.

252Att / 252Speed
Mystic Water
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Superpower

Comments: My starter, and the only water type in the team, I always try to set up 3 DD before sweeping. He was a monster against Terra.

252Att / 252Speed
Scope Lens
- Trick Room
- Psycho Cut
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance

Comments: My "trick roomer", sweeped samson, usually goes first in battles for setting up the trick room.

252Att / 252Speed
Hustle (God, that's powerful)
Wide Lens
- Hone Claws
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- X-Scissor

Comments: Hustle + Hone Claws = GG, I just need to keep her away from fire.

252Att / 252HP
Scope Lens
- Swords Dance
- Cross Poison
- Night Slash
- X-Scissor

Comments: Crits... yeah... lots... of... crits..., and was also a lifesaver against Shade.

252Att / 252Speed
Defeatist (Why???)
Stone Plate / No item (Sometimes I need acrobatics, and sometimes I need rock slide, I change between the two constantly)
- Acrobatics
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw

Comments: I love this guy, his stats are just so... fantastic, Charlotte will hate him forever, but his ability... eh.

Dry Skin
Air Baloon (I'm actually not liking it, I need a Zap or a Splash plate.)
- Rain Dance
- Thunder
- Grass Knot
- Surf

Comments: This guy is going to be my lifesaver against Amaria, I know, I can feel it.

252SpAtt / 252Speed
Flame Plate
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball (Can we please have TM22)
- Extrasensory
- Nasty Plot

Comments:VULPIX!!YACANNOTLEARNSOLARBEAM??I love Ninetales! One of my favorites, and it's at the same time adorable and destructive.

252SpAtt / 252Speed
Own Tempo
Holding something, suggestions?
- Sleep Powder
- Quiver Dance
- Petal Dance
- Hidden Power (Rock)

Comments: Lilligant? Most people just know it as a Chandelure energy ball breeder, but... I just think it's so cute and adorable, and strong!! It took a while to find one with HP Rock, but I finally found it thank you ditto

252HP / 252Att
Thick Fat
Earth Plate
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Curse

Comments: "No speed EVs?" I asked myself, Mamoswine is not that slow, but I wanted something to take hits (not that it's easy with 5 weaknesses), and hit hard at the same time. And I found this girl! (As I wasn't going to put speed EVs I went for Curse)

252SpAtt / 252HP
Pixie Plate
- Moonblast
- Light Screen
- Yawn
- Trump Card

Comments: My 2nd favourite from gen 6, before creating this account I always visited the forum as guest, an this was an interesting moveset, so... I went for it.


252SpAtt / 252Speed
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Thunderbolt
- Destiny Bond

Comments: "I'm dying... BUT YOU'RE COMING WITH ME"

252Att / 252Speed
Rock Head
Wide Lens
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Head Smash

Comments: My favourite one from gen 6, the stats... the design... it's amazing!

I think it looks good, but it always can be better.

Water: Feraligatr
Psychic: Gallade
Fighting: Gallade
Steel: Durant
Bug: Durant
Dark: Drapion
Poison: Drapion and Gengar

Flying: Archeops
Rock: Archeops and Tyrantrum
Electric: Heliolisk
Normal: Heliolisk
Fire: Ninetales
Grass: Lilligant
Ground: Mamoswine
Ice: Mamoswine
Fairy: Sylveon
Ghost: Gengar
Dragon: Tyrantrum

It's a fun challenge. quite hard to build a balanced team but it's a fun challenge. You guys should try it someday.

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You Tyrantrum as a flying type, good job xD Nice team. Type coverage is pretty great. But Gallade with Trick Room? Really? You even put speed evs on a pokemon that has Trick Room. And most of your pokemon have 252 evs in speed. That's a pretty big waste of a move slot you could use for better type coverage. I don't see anything wrong with your team. Type coverage is pretty good. Good job :D

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I'm really liking your team!

Feraligatr would be better with it's hidden ability.

Speed EVs on a TR setter are odd, maybe more health to make it more likely to safely set TR.

Drapion's X-Scissor really does next to nothing for coverage, 10 things less resist your attacks, 30 more are hit super-effectively. Dig would be much better (gotten via Nincada/Ninjask, the same thing that got you Swords Dance I'm guessing).

Thunderbolt is barely weaker and requires no Rain Dance set-up and with it's low physical defense, you're better off attacking right of the bat. Something like Hidden Power (Ice would be best) or Dark Pulse can replace that well. With that Ninetales around, I'd really recommend Solar Power as it's ability. Though keep in mind that Solar Power Surf is weaker than regular Surf (sun weakens Water-attacks), making HP Ice all the more desirable.

I think a Metronome would be good for Liligant, although they don't work right now, they oughta be fine for E15 onwards.

Other than that, no comments, great job.

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I guess I missed that then. Whoops. Yeah Trick Room doesn't really fit the rest of your pokemon in all honesty. If you do use Trick Room, you certainly shouldn't have speed investment on Gallade. It's counter productive.

Right then, I can change Gallade's speed EVs to HP, or maybe I can remove Trick Room, I don't think my team really needs it, just mamoswine and drapion have "low speed"(compared to the others), I might replace with leaf blade..., or night slash.

P.S. Feraligatr ability is now Sheer Force

P.P.S. I prefer using Heliolisk as a rain sweeper, solar power is good..., but I think i'll keep with rain dance, surf really needs a boost cuz it's not stab. And I think there's no problem with thunderbolt instead of thunder... but I really think Thunder can work, the only gym with strong physical attacks that is left is the Rock one (I'm definitely not bringing Heliolisk against Saphira), and I reaally don't think any birds will hurt Heliolisk so bad even with that horrible stat (exceptions like Close Combat Staraptor and EQ Archeops are different, for those I have my Archeops and Mamoswine), so I think I'll always have a turn to set the rain up.

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