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My name is Courtesy, I have been livestreaming a playthrough of this game and have found it quite amusing.I've cleared the second gym and the third pulse generator now, and my team is sitting at about level 26 with each pokemon. Any questions?

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My name is Courtesy, I have been livestreaming a playthrough of this game and have found it quite amusing.I've cleared the second gym and the third pulse generator now, and my team is sitting at about level 26 with each pokemon. Any questions?

What's the square root of 69 times 3 to the power of 1337 minus 4?

Also, link to your stream and your streaming schedule might be interesting to those who'd want to watch.

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Hey there Courtesy, nice to meet you. You should tell us a bit about yourself so we can make your experience here as enjoyable as possible.

If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info

No matter what your into, there's bound to be people here with similar interests, so stick around.

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I apologize, I fell asleep right after making that post.I didn't intend to leave you hanging.


Here is a highlight of me fighting the second gym and having a gay ol time


I'm probably going to continue streaming once I eat, so in like 30 or so minutes.

@Yash: I lost my insanity a while ago while streaming new vegas. No fear of that silly ol thing getting in trouble here ;)

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Hello Courtesy. Nice to meet you. I'll check out those links as well. I like learning new things...even at my age... you can never stop learning things. I also like to see how people play games... it's just something I like to do. =3 Er.. hope that wasn't creepy at all...

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Nah man, lots of people like watching how others play, it's why streaming games became a big thing. If I found it creepy I wouldn't be playing it on stream ^^

edit: By the way, I am going to start streaming again now. If anyone would direct me to a good place to post about those streams in the future, that would be awesomesauce. See you all around, I'll be chatting occasionally :o

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Right, my apologies. While I find this can be a silly rule, and it's not one I tend to like much, I don't like to cause problems by disobeying rules, and will be certain not to doublepost in the future.

While we are on that topic, I wanted to know what is considered a necropost or not, to know what will cause people to be sad or not about an action.

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