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The fox steps out of the shadows... Twice.


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Haaa, see what I did there?

A quick explanation on my status as a "Developer" : I've been aiding Amethyst for a while now, while requesting to keep my assistance a secret.

As it were, I'd rather not claim credit for something that I don't feel is essentially mine - The game is Amethyst's, and I felt taking credit for any part of it wouldn't be fair. Due to this, I requested that until such a time where I could be considered part of the development team in a grander way instead of simply "being someone who codes things", I wouldn't be recognized for anything I did.

It has since been decided that the time's come, so I have accepted the position.

In a nutshell, I didn't want to be credited until credit was due, as there are people who've put way more effort than I have into this game, and the recognition for it should be solely theirs.

Either way, I'm really honored to be given this position, and I will do my utmost to uphold what is expected of it.

Lastly, I'd like to state that I hold no position of import. I've specifically requested to be neither staff nor moderator, and the single reason why I've been given a "developer" member status is to have access to development logs so I could do things more efficiently.

I believe that's all. Thank you for your time.

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While I don't know exactly what your contributions have been, over all, everything has been going great. Hope you and the rest of the developers keep the game fantastic and fresh with each update.

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>Looks at Episode 11 Cult Labyrinth


Seriously tho,who was behind that hellhole :[

Shelly's gym is the real hellhole... <_<

Anyway, congrats on developer status Kuro! Everything in the game is great so far, so just keep on doing what you do!

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Good job, and i hope you continue to create and help ame with new stuff!

(like sneaking in some more red head sprites...)

I, for one, suggested we changed all hair colors to red and gave all pokemon red wigs.

Amethyst refused.

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Well uh, congrats on being a developer or something... I hope you can help improve the game as much as you can and try your best! Also your profile picture looks cool and somewhat nostalgic to me...

Fuck. Mogeko Castle...

Anyways, yeah! I hope that you'll make the game better so that everyone can enjoy it!

Well that being said I'm still stuck at fucking Chrolette...or however her name was spelled..

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