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Emolga in the Jasper Ward?



Okay, so I read that there's an Emolga in Jasper ward on windy days, I've looked it up, and I can't seem to find any relevant information. The emolga that I'm assuming is the one that's spoken of, hops between two rooftops, but everything I've looked at said it's supposed to be sleeping. Naturally, I waited until night time, figuring it'd tucker itself out eventually and I could actually catch it during the night. However, it simply disappeared, and I'm at a loss for how I'm supposed to get it, could anyone help? (Playing on Episode 14, if it matters)

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If I remember right it can be obtainable in 2 ways

1) When is windy at night it sleeps in front of the tree (the camera don't help you so u can't see it)

2) When is not windy it sleeps at the tree (see above) but only if you see it before on a windy day|

As Simon said is really weird case b/c of this

Edited by Qaaz
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