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Competitive Team Challenge in Pokemon Reborn


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Well people, I am kind of bored right now so I though about trying something new.. A challenge run.. Only I haven't ever done one before.. I wanted to kind of try something different.. So here it is.. The OU Team Challenge.. I won't be choosing the team.. You all can suggest teams and I will use one of them in game.. Only those 6 pokemon for a run till Charlotte.. so please don't ruin me.. You can all suggest a team.. It can even be your own team as long as it is OU.. The only restriction is using consumable items.. I don't want a team which uses consumables.. Other than that any OU team will do.. You needn't bother about available pokemon.. I will be using the team that you give me from the start of the game.. All at level 5.. (Yes pokemon can fully evolve at level 5.. How you ask?? Cause Lord Arceus.........)

So ya.. please help!!

EDIT: No legendaries either.. As pointed out by pyrrhon.. Thanks!!

EDIT 2: Changing the topic title..

Edited by Yash
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If you really want a challenge, start with Chicorita and do a run in which you can only have 1 pokemon of each type.

He said he was bored not a masochist. I think this is more of a gimmick run than a challenge run. I mean I'm still new to competitive battling, but using a team of all OU doesn't sound that hard for a game. The hardest part will probably be getting them all into the game.

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He said he was bored not a masochist. I think this is more of a gimmick run than a challenge run. I mean I'm still new to competitive battling, but using a team of all OU doesn't sound that hard for a game. The hardest part will probably be getting them all into the game.

B-But he said "challenge run"....

How about a gen-locke?

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*Ahem* Use Lando-T and Rotom-W and Terrakion and basically just use OU legends. I didn't see you say anything about no legends. This is what happens when you are not specific and want to easy mode the game.

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Shhhhh. You heard the man. Cuz lord Arceus.

Who's tier list are you going by?

I'll be considering smogon tiers..

An OU run wouldn't be challenging at all, since all OU pokemon are pretty powerful. Try a NU or PU run, that would be a real challenge.

The point is to use only 6.. So once that team is set.. That is all.. Kinda like how the reborn league ran.. When it was active.. RIP..

Though if you can suggest a team I will be open to trying that as well..

*Ahem* Use Lando-T and Rotom-W and Terrakion and basically just use OU legends. I didn't see you say anything about no legends. This is what happens when you are not specific and want to easy mode the game.

Actually that would probably be more difficult than using an actual team.. Even if I stock up on all legends, there would not necessarily be a synergy between the team.. So while I could breeze through regular trainers, they gym leader battles would be a whole other story..

Though you do have a point.. Will be editing the post for no legends..

Edit: When posting the pokemon please post it with complete movesets.. Also you can post an entire team..

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Uh, I don't feel like showing an entire team, but here are some sets:

Azumarill - Huge Power - Sitrus Berry - Adamant

- Belly Drum

- Aqua Jet

- Play Rough

- Superpower

Rotom wash - Levitate - Leftovers - Bold

- Volt Switch

- Hydro Pump

- Will O Wisp

- Pain Split

Breloom - Technician - Focus Sash - Jolly

- Spore

- Mach Punch

- Bullet Seed

- Rock Tomb

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Do megas count? I don't know if you- I mean arceus can give them to you but I think that could be pretty fun. And the Read Me does say they were implemented.

Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Workup

*I am not good at team building. I just like fighting types.

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You guys should really suggest Pokemon that Yash could actually obtain.

But I don't know what he can and can't obtain. Megas have been implimented into the game, that's a fact, but since I know very little about code and stuff I have no clue what limitations there are through cheating. If he can do it, it could be fun. If he can't, then there are plenty of other (likely better) options.

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But I don't know what he can and can't obtain. Megas have been implimented into the game, that's a fact, but since I know very little about code and stuff I have no clue what limitations there are through cheating. If he can do it, it could be fun. If he can't, then there are plenty of other (likely better) options.

Megas are still not obtainable, only banettite can be found on the current episode, but the mega ring is still unavailable. There is a thread that lists all the obtainable pokemon in the current episode, however it disconsiders pokemon that were available in previous episodes such as Gyarados and Togekiss.

Edited by Farnsworth
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I know what you guys mean, I can see the obtainable list right on the sidebar. But you're forgetting that Yash's plan relies on his ability to do things you normally can't do in game. Not obtainable by in-game methods does not mean not obtainable. Everything you need for a mega ring is in the game files. Now I'm not saying we should all go digging around through things we're not meant to see. In fact I specifically recommended against it. What I am saying is that it is possible. It's up to Yash what he does here, the rules we all (meaning those of us who leave the game as is) follow don't here apply.

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Not gonna give you OP movesets from the start, since that wouldn't make it challenging at all. I've also selected Pokemon that will evolve into OU tier, because having a T-tar from the beginning is waay too easy.




*Arm Thrust










-Lightning Rod


*Thunder Wave




-Sand Veil






-Natural Cure




*Steel Wing


-Solar Shine



*Dragon Dance


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BravestBird(Talonflame) Sharp beak



Cynthia(Garchomp) Rocky helmet



Glastig ulane(Sylveon) Leftys




Saproneth(Lucario) Lifeorb

Closecombat/Ironhead/Xtreme speed/SD


Hades(Gengar) Blacksludge



Katara(Starmie) Lifeorb


For extra challenge Roll a Dice 1,2=1st Stage

3,4=2nd stage

5,6=final stage

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Ok so from what you all have posted so far I will consider the following.

Diggersby- Never used it before.. Seems like fun.. :D

Tho? (Diggersby) @ Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
- Quick Attack
- Facade
- Bulldoze
- Hammer Arm

Electrike- Cause who doesn't think it's cute..

You can suggest a nickname for him/her spark..

-Lightning Rod

*Tackle(Discharge later one..)

*Thunder Wave

*----(HP grass)

*----(Signal Beam)

Gengar- I always loved it..

Hades(Gengar) Blacksludge

Starmie- Cause Gen 1 rocks!!

Katara(Starmie) Lifeorb (Natural Cure)

Charmander- *Looks at signature* Yep.. Fits right in...

Again nickname if you want spark..

-Solar Shine(Sine?? Power right??)


*Growl(Air Slash)

*Dragon Dance(WoW)

*----(Dragon Pulse)

I would still like a suggestion for a 6th Pokemon.. Something to fill in the gaps in my team..

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Ok so from what you all have posted so far I will consider the following.

Diggersby- Never used it before.. Seems like fun.. :D

Tho? (Diggersby) @ Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
- Quick Attack
- Facade
- Bulldoze
- Hammer Arm

Electrike- Cause who doesn't think it's cute..

You can suggest a nickname for him/her spark..

-Lightning Rod

*Tackle(Discharge later one..)

*Thunder Wave

*----(HP grass)

*----(Signal Beam)

Gengar- I always loved it..

Hades(Gengar) Blacksludge


Starmie- Cause Gen 1 rocks!!

Katara(Starmie) Lifeorb (Ability??)


Charmander- *Looks at signature* Yep.. Fits right in...

Again nickname if you want spark..

-Solar Shine(Sine?? Power right??)


*Growl(Air Slash)

*Dragon Dance(WoW)

*----(Dragon Pulse)

Give the starmie natural cure.

Conkeldurr w/ assault vest

iron fist

drain punch

knock off

mack punch

ice punch

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