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Use squad rotation and stuff because like yeah, Pokemon in the Reborn game have a level cap and if you exceed that they'll disobey you (level caps depend on badges I'm pretty sure)

So train up a wider range of Pokemon and use Common Candies to reduce the levels of the overleveled Pokemon!

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  On 1/15/2015 at 6:07 AM, mastacre said:

The only reason I keep losing is because my pokemon won't listen to me. I've never had an issue with my pokemon being over trained in any other game except this one. It's infuriating.

Oh no! You have to resort to a strategy other than using overleveled Pokémon, what a nightmare!

You've never had an issue with your Pokémon being overtrained in any other games because all those other games aren't like Pokémon Reborn. The entire point of the level cap is to cause you trouble.

While we're on the subject, I want to address something that has been bugging me for a while.

Common Candies make the game a lot easier than it should be. If one of your Pokémon exceeds the level cap, all you have to do is spend $300 and the problem goes away. If you overlevel a Pokémon, you should either box it or drop some serious cash to buy back its obedience.

I think it would make playthroughs a lot more interesting, at the very least. If something becomes too high-leveled, you could box it and replace it on your team with something else until you raise your level cap. Forcing players to adapt and innovate is something that Pokémon Reborn strives to do, and I think the scarcity of Common Candies would complement that well.

Edited by Foamy
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  On 1/15/2015 at 12:59 PM, Foamy said:

Common Candies make the game a lot easier than it should be. If one of your Pokémon exceeds the level cap, all you have to do is spend $300 and the problem goes away. If you overlevel a Pokémon, you should either box it or drop some serious cash to buy back its obedience.

I think it would make playthroughs a lot more interesting, at the very least. If something becomes too high-leveled, you could box it and replace it on your team with something else until you raise your level cap. Forcing players to adapt and innovate is something that Pokémon Reborn strives to do, and I think the scarcity of Common Candies would complement that well.

Although i don't really mind that change, i doubt its gonna happen. Common candies are really helpful especially in the early stages of the game. Removing them or increasing their price would just crush new players.

Edited by Dhanush D Bhatt
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It's not even that easy to get overleveled, unless you're using only 2 or 3 Pokemon. I never use Rare Candies, battle every trainer, almost never run from battles in the wild and right before Aya was the only time I was ever at the level-cap. And I used the same 6 Pokemon from the moments they became obtainable.

To be blunt, I don't see the point of this topic. The high-difficulty experience Reborn tries and succeeds to deliver would be made impossible if you can just over-level yourself and plow through everything with one Pokemon, so the caps will definitely not ever get removed.

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  On 1/15/2015 at 12:59 PM, Foamy said:

Common Candies make the game a lot easier than it should be. If one of your Pokémon exceeds the level cap, all you have to do is spend $300 and the problem goes away. If you overlevel a Pokémon, you should either box it or drop some serious cash to buy back its obedience.

I think it would make playthroughs a lot more interesting, at the very least. If something becomes too high-leveled, you could box it and replace it on your team with something else until you raise your level cap. Forcing players to adapt and innovate is something that Pokémon Reborn strives to do, and I think the scarcity of Common Candies would complement that well.

I cannot begin to express how terrible this idea is. A game should balance accommodating diverse playstyles and presenting respectable difficulty. This suggestion would restrict playstyles without improving difficulty.

I think if this idea were to be implemented, a significant number of players would no longer put up with the game.

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  On 1/15/2015 at 12:59 PM, Foamy said:

While we're on the subject, I want to address something that has been bugging me for a while.

Common Candies make the game a lot easier than it should be. If one of your Pokémon exceeds the level cap, all you have to do is spend $300 and the problem goes away. If you overlevel a Pokémon, you should either box it or drop some serious cash to buy back its obedience.

I think it would make playthroughs a lot more interesting, at the very least. If something becomes too high-leveled, you could box it and replace it on your team with something else until you raise your level cap. Forcing players to adapt and innovate is something that Pokémon Reborn strives to do, and I think the scarcity of Common Candies would complement that well.

I agree you on this...IMO, Common Candy price should be increase to 5000 Poke dollars. Has you get more badges it should increase 2000 per badges. There are times when you can overleveled to get a good move on a Poke them use a CC to revert back. The player will think twice about overleveling their Poke and if they do it by mistake they have to pay the price....with their pockets. At the moment, the player aren't scare to overleveled due to the fact CC are so damn cheap.

  On 1/15/2015 at 4:27 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Uh, making common candies more scarce and expensive is kinda contradictory to the name...

All Ame have to do is hide 1-2 CC per town, problem solve.

  On 1/15/2015 at 3:40 PM, Etesian said:

It's not even that easy to get overleveled, unless you're using only 2 or 3 Pokemon....

When I started Reborn, I caught 5 Poke and trained them to lv 13 each. By the time I hit the first Gym, I was overleveled lol...

  On 1/15/2015 at 6:20 PM, dondon151 said:

I cannot begin to express how terrible this idea is. A game should balance accommodating diverse playstyles and presenting respectable difficulty. This suggestion would restrict playstyles without improving difficulty.

I think if this idea were to be implemented, a significant number of players would no longer put up with the game.

I understand where you coming from but I believe these CC take some of that challenge away nearly instantly. Here's an example *Damn, I lose to Aya but all my Poke are lv 45 now.... I should be able to defeat her now....and if she doesn't give me the badge to increase lv cap I just use CC problem solve*

Hiding 1-2 CC per town will help the player in his/her journey and save some money too (if the CC prize goes up in future releases)....

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Have the same problem when i fight with Aya because Greninja and Simipour don´t listened me so my solution was a replacing for a training Golem and Piloswine and GG B)

But you can use too the Rare candies for go more fast :P


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I don't think that the Common candies should become more uncommon/expensive. Maybe that's why they're called 'common' in the first place. And for the level cap issue, the best thing would be for you to train more pokemon, you can't Hi Jump Kick your way through the reborn league with a ridiculously overpowered blaziken, the game doesn't work this way. *end of rant*

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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  On 1/15/2015 at 6:40 PM, Smok3iT said:
I understand where you coming from but I believe these CC take some of that challenge away nearly instantly. Here's an example *Damn, I lose to Aya but all my Poke are lv 45 now.... I should be able to defeat her now....and if she doesn't give me the badge to increase lv cap I just use CC problem solve*

Most casual players (and I'm assuming you're a pretty casual player) don't plan out a route meticulously. The kind of thing where X Pokemon needs to be at exactly Y level for Z battle is something that you won't often even see in speedruns.

Like, I'm not sure how anyone can think this is a good idea. Some poor guy is going to get into one too many battle with a Pokemon that would be useful at the upcoming gym and then his only option is to catch something else and re-train it. Hiding Common Candies is a terrible solution because most players don't find most hidden items pre-Itemfinder.

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If you feel there is any modicum of elaborate strategy to this, you must see janken as the chess of children's hand games. This gym leaders have specific pokemon, just pick the ones that beat them and you win. It's not rocket science. It's not even 5th grade biology. I have 4 pokemon at level 27, 3 at level 26, and 4 at 25. The closest level after 25 is 18. My problem isn't "resorting to a strategy other than using an over-leveled pokemon," its the increase in the amount of time I have to play to be better prepared.

The old games did make it drastically simple were you could, as you said, just rush through with an high level pokemon. You could also, alternatively, gather pokemon that oppose that specific gym leaders pokemon to beat them, forgoing the previous process, and playing more to this games style. You could also select a few stronger pokemon to level and beat them that way. It took less time, was less stressful, and made for a more enjoyable experience.

I fail to see how lowering the level cap makes for a more complicated strategy; I feel it just pigeonholes you into a specific type of progression.

Edited by mastacre
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If common candies have to be increased in price I'd say 1000-2000 not exorbitantly high but high enough to make it hurt a little, but I think it's fine as is seeing how difficult the game already is. Pretty much the whole of reborn is working against the players what with the limited mon availability, low obedience caps, almost no good tms, tough gyms with fields that severely nerf half of their weaknesses, and the fields. I haven't used common candy too often since I always did a soft reset if I lost a gym, or tough battle. Though I do have 13 mon on my active team and 12 more in reserves/in-training. The game is tough enough that it made me EV train all my mon and pay attention to IVs, and I'm the kind of person who usually thinks EV/IV training is a complete waste of time.

While making common candies rare or more expensive would make it much harder it would also make the game more grindy and annoying for some people. The players should have at least one safety net.

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  On 1/16/2015 at 1:13 AM, mastacre said:

If you feel there is any modicum of elaborate strategy to this, you must see janken as the chess of children's hand games. This gym leaders have specific pokemon, just pick the ones that beat them and you win. It's not rocket science. It's not even 5th grade biology. I have 4 pokemon at level 27, 3 at level 26, and 4 at 25. The closest level after 25 is 18. My problem isn't "resorting to a strategy other than using an over-leveled pokemon," its the increase in the amount of time I have to play to be better prepared.

The old games did make it drastically simple were you could, as you said, just rush through with an high level pokemon. You could also, alternatively, gather pokemon that oppose that specific gym leaders pokemon to beat them, forgoing the previous process, and playing more to this games style. You could also select a few stronger pokemon to level and beat them that way. It took less time, was less stressful, and made for a more enjoyable experience.

I fail to see how lowering the level cap makes for a more complicated strategy; I feel it just pigeonholes you into a specific type of progression.

So your problem with the game is that it makes you work harder for your wins?

...Here, let me explain Pokémon Reborn to you...

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If you're pokemon don't listen to you, then you can use common candies of course. However, like Foamy has said, common candies can make the game easy. How do you balance it? It's a weird topic to say the least. On the one hand, you shouldn't overlevel. On the other, sometimes it may happen on accident, and when it does you can't do anything. That's why common candies are there. Reborn also has strict money usage because you don't get a lot. Common candies are easy to buy though. How do you balance it? Well how many Common Candies do you find for every Rare Candy in the game? Maybe 5-1 for some or 10-1. Maybe Common Candies can be bumped up to 1000 pokedollars or 1500. I feel it would balance it a tad bit. Hell I'd accept 600/700. Just so long as it keeps a balance between difficult and not difficult. You can buy common candies, but you could buy Super potions. It's all situational really.

P.S. If you're wondering what the level cap is, or when it will change, look at you trainer card :P K thanks my 2 cents are in peace out Bai~~~

Edit: Wait... Is someone saying lower levels makes for cheap artificial difficulty? No it doesn't. WTH? You have a low level cap so that you can't break the game. What do you think its for? You can't charge into Julias battle with a Swampert/Torterra. You can't rush into the Flobot with a Blaziken/Infernape/Chesnaught/etc. That's cheap. It makes things easy. It makes you think when you don't have the advantage. When you think for yourself, you create the advantage you need. What do you have that the AI doesn't? A human brain. One that you can use to strategise and win. Analyse what the trainers are doing. How they behave. Find good pokemon for said battle. Reborn is all about working with what you've got, and if you can't


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  On 1/16/2015 at 3:53 AM, Foamy said:

So your problem with the game is that it makes you work harder for your wins?

...Here, let me explain Pokémon Reborn to you...

I hate this mentality that proliferates in this community. When any user makes a fair suggestion or complaint regarding the tedium present in the game, there's a mob of users eager to jump to the game's defense with the non sequitur "hur hur Reborn is supposed to be hard." It happened when I made a suggestions thread several months ago, and I was vindicated by some of the changes having been implemented.

I suspect that the TC wasn't aware of the existence of Common Candies, but it could also be that he's just completely out of money, in which case he's in a deep hole. This is a reason why Common Candies should not be more expensive; if anything, they should be completely free! I seriously don't get the argument for increasing the price of Common Candy, considering it's coming from the same users who tout Reborn's difficulty as something that cannot be surmounted with a typical super-Pokemon solo. Look, if this were the case, than the player would be punished for low-Pokemoning by having fewer usable Pokemon to bring into a battle, and the increased Common Candy price would achieve nothing but frustrate players who break the level cap (likely inadvertently) and can't afford to buy Common Candies.

tl;dr version: Reborn's "difficulty" should be discouragement enough from low-Pokemoning; there is no need to increase Common Candy price.

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  On 1/16/2015 at 5:45 AM, dondon151 said:

I hate this mentality that proliferates in this community. When any user makes a fair suggestion or complaint regarding the tedium present in the game, there's a mob of users eager to jump to the game's defense with the non sequitur "hur hur Reborn is supposed to be hard." It happened when I made a suggestions thread several months ago, and I was vindicated by having some of the changes be implemented.

I suspect that the TC wasn't aware of the existence of Common Candies, but it could also be that he's just completely out of money, in which case he's in a deep hole. This is a reason why Common Candies should not be more expensive; if anything, they should be completely free! I seriously don't get the argument for increasing the price of Common Candy, considering it's coming from the same users who tout Reborn's difficulty as something that cannot be surmounted with a typical super-Pokemon solo. Look, if this were the case, than the player would be punished for low-Pokemoning by having fewer usable Pokemon to bring into a battle, and the increased Common Candy price would achieve nothing but frustrate players who break the level cap and can't afford to buy Common Candies.

I think that the mindset you've talked about might have had some influence from this thread. It's very well-written and appealing (not sure if I can link threads like this, but it's a curious read): http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7281


But anyway, I support the idea of keeping the common candy common. But the level cap thing also has become pokemon reborn's distinguising characteristic, and shouldn't be disregarded, as I understood from mastacre's posts. (correct me if I'm wrong).

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  On 1/15/2015 at 8:14 PM, dondon151 said:

Some poor guy is going to get into one too many battle with a Pokemon that would be useful at the upcoming gym and then his only option is to catch something else and re-train it.

Yep, exactly. You've gotta get punished for your mistakes, in order to properly learn from them.

Although it's not like the level cap even matters that much - as Tristen from TheGamersTree has demonstrated, you can still bring a disobedient overleveled Pokémon to a boss battle and still clean house with it.

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