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How did YOU beat Solaris on Mt. Pyrous?


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I found this method somewhere else on the sight, i forgot who posted it, but whoever had the idea, the credit totally goes to them. I used this method to beat the Ditto-Arceus as well, so it's a surefire tactic for fights such as these.

get a pokemon with 20 or less hp, and sturdy. Then, get like....a bajillion potions, and then just stall with sturdy until all it's pp is gone. Free win.

TBH i think this tactic may be a little costly based on the reward. In the scenario of facing the Garchomp, i would find out the dialogue and story stuff, but then just reset and get dead to conserve resources & money, but hell, this was about the story, not the aftermath.

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I swapped between my Flygon and Luxray with intimidate. Fully lowered it's attack power, I then threw out my (F) Meowstic and it begins to tank about all 40 of it's remaining PP until it starts struggling. After it starts struggling, switch in my Flygon and start mashing Dragon Claw.

*I didn't even prepare for the fight by buying a bunch of items, I just spent all my money on ice cream when I saw it thinking it would come in handy at some point.*

It did

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It's been a while, but I just put a quick claw on my cofagrigus and then I just reset until it went first and cursed. Then stall for the win! Bit of a pain, but it worked well enough. Did the same thing with another painful boss later on.

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Had Macgargo and Rapidash, Venusaur, Gourgeist, Confragigous,and Dusclops in the team.

Was hoping for a flame body burn, but instead Rapidash managed an Inferno hit and burned it after dragon rush missed.

Sent out Gourgeist after Rapidash fainted, to use leech seed (survived fire fang with 1 hp!)

Sent out Dusclops and used embargo, then proceeded to use 6 x Def on Dusclops, fed it a couple chocolate icecreams.

spammed hex, pain split (bred from Gourgeist), and willowisp after the 2 full restores were used up.

Edited by Zethe
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I've beaten him 3 times on 3 different playthroughs.

1) Survived a hit with Tangrowth and used Stun Spore. After Tangrowth fainted, I kept switching between Gyarados and someting as fodder until I had only Gyarados left (Intimidating it in the process). Then I got a few Dragon Dances and killed it with a couple of Ice Fangs. Gyara was still available early on back then...

2) Used Cofagrigus to Curse and Burn him, switched around with Scrafty to Intimidate it and then stalled out with Swampert.

3) Had 2 Ekanses and one Shinx prepared for Intimidate and did this: Shinx (-1) - Ekans1 (-2) - Dead - Shinx (-3) - Ekans2 (-4) - Dead - Shinx (-5) - Babydoll Eyes (-6) - Dead. From there, I used Chesnaught with Leech Seed and Bulk Up to beat the crap out of it.

Generally, Intimidate really helps. You can also find a Focus Sash somewhere below the Grand Strairway hidden in a rock or something and try doing some Endeavor stuff.

As for Arceus:

1) Switched between Spiritomb and Scrafty until it ran out of Judgements/Focus Blasts and then spammed HJK.

2) Managed to hit 3-4 Hypnosis in a row with Gengar (since Destiny Bond wasn't working at that version) , Leech Seeded it with Chesnaught while it was asleep and then hanged on somehow unil it fainted. It didn't use Recover for some reason (and only took me 2 tries lol)

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I loaded my team with Intimidate pokemon until his attack was lowered as much as possible. Then I had Torterra/Grottle (I don't remember what the level cap is when you fight him, I might have gotten a Torterra and common candy'd it back into range) use curse 6 times and killing it that way. Second time through, I just kept retrying until he missed with dragon tail enough for my Gyrados and Blaziken to kill it (which took like 3 hours of resetting).

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  • 7 years later...

Hello, I'm new to this game and when i got to this point I really wanted to beat that Garchomp,so I came up with the plan to use Pyukumuku.Primarily their innards out ability. I made a team of them and let the Garchomp Ko them since their abilities are dependent on the opponents attack.They kill it easily,it was actually kind of funny having these cucumbers kill a dragon on a volcano.So i just wanted to share this way of killing him,since i see a lot of hard grinding methods,or methods that take a lot of time.

So ya:

4-6 Pyukumuku with Innards out ability.It doesn't matter their stats,or ev's or iv's. Just let the cucumber's kill a dragon.

Hope this helps anyone who wants to kill that bastard but don't have the time or patients to grind and train a hundred time over.

I am talking about the fight with his lv 75 Garchomp on top of the volcano.

  • Haha 1
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Never got to see the horror that was solaris with a full team for that fight... But I'm also shocked that nobody has mentioned one of the easiest was to BS this fight that dosen't even require a focus sash.


I used a Prankster Perish Song Murkrow, found in the aqua gang ally on a windy night and 100% legitimately attainable by this point in the game as it was never moved. Probably for this exact reason.

All you need to do is lead with BSkrow use Perish Song and Prankster guarantees it'll go first and just wait out the three turns since Solaris only has his Garchomp and thus can't switch out to negate the Perish Song effect.


Tho in my first save I believe I attempted to do it with a sash/band/quick claw and a Destiny Bond Vespiquen (E18, to clarify) can't remember if I actually succeeded or gave up due to RNG saying no to band/claw procing. Haven't used D-bond in E19 so I have no idea what the issue being mentioned is.

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19 minutes ago, SmilodonLady said:

I used a Prankster Perish Song Murkrow, found in the aqua gang ally on a windy night and 100% legitimately attainable by this point in the game as it was never moved. Probably for this exact reason.

This. I also used mine against Ditto!Arceus


Though I don't remember how I did it before this playthrough. I did it without the murkrow, but honestly? That's all I remember.

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Well, since this thread has been revived and the available roster has changed since then, aloow me to praise Cofagrigus again.

If you're willing to get a Bold coffin with Max IVs and EVs in HP and Defense, and minimal ones in Attack, it can (almost, if you're unlucky) solo the dragon, even without Intimidate support.

It goes as follows: get the moveset Pain Split (Apophyll Tutor), Will-O-Wisp, Power Split and Shadow Ball/Hex (level-up moves). Give it a Zoom Lens if you want more reliability.

First, you burn the shark, and eat the hit taking ~50-60% off your health. Solaris has 3 full heals, so burn three more times.

Then, you can choose. Either you go for Pain Split to ensure your survival the turn after, or go immediately for the Power Split to reduce his attack and let your teammates deal with Cripple Shark. If they missed a Stone Edge or Dragon Rush though, you'll definitely 1v1 them by picking Pain Split and your attack depending on your needs per turn.

Plus, Cofagrigus is very helpful against Kiki and anything threatening to murder you physically later, like a Stupidly Big Steelix, for example, or any physical-focused gym you can damage.

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