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Care to hear the snakey word of your lord and savior?


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(That's about me in the title. I am an actual snake god probably.)

Hey everyone, you can call me Infel, or Rowan. :') You can use ae/aer/aerself pronouns with me or he/him. I found this game via a link on tumblr, and I really enjoyed Omicron/Zeta so I took a swing here at Reborn and have been loving it. My team's in their late 40s/early 50s atm. Right now I'm running Aerodactyl, Sharpedo, Gengar, Meowstic-F, Luxray, and Typhlosion. Linoone is my backup poke, I felt bad for stuffing her away for Gengar, but she just wasnt holding her own anymore. :'(

I'm really enjoying the plot and a lot of the settings, the game itself is super well and lovingly crafted. My favorite location is the Byxbysion Wasteland by a mile. I'm also fond of "hell forest", I cant remember the actual name-- the place outside of Spinel Town. I called it hell forest because as soon as I noticed all the trees teleporting around all I could think was "get me out of hell forest".

If I had a complaint, it's that everything is way too dark at night. @__@ And when it's thundering, I got massive headaches-- I'm not usually photosensitive, but the flashing + the darkness of night (since I play primarily at night) was absolutely killer. But that's minor, I kept trucking through anyway.

IRL I'm unemployed so I've had tons of time to dump into the game since I've found it, but my other hobbies include subjecting myself to pixel dragon hell (aka: Flight Rising) and keeping snakes. I've got three, a cornsnake, red-tailed boa, and western hognose (the bitey hatenoodle). I would like to have a bigger collection of mostly boas in the future, but just don't have the income to support it.

I also like to draw. 8) My icon was done by me, and you can view the whole picture here! I also have an art-only blog (the one linked was my personal) here. I have been thinking about drawing some Pokemon Reborn inspired stuff since I started playing, the rather dark and gritty setting has been giving me ideas that I don't normally have playing a regular, cheery pokemon game. I seriously wish I could feed Fern to my Typhlosion.

Edited by Infel
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Hey there infel. I like Honey Badgers and Bears, so you should keep the snakes away. :) You're definitely talented at drawing.

If you have any questions you can ask the Moderators or myself. But most importantly please read the rules. I'd also recommend checking out as many of the pinned threads as you can because they usually have very useful information you can use. Like the forum FAQ for one. Also, come talk with us on the Pokemon Reborn Showdown Server, you can learn the competitive game or just talk with your fellow reborn citizens there if battling isn't really your thing. There's a link to the top left above Member Info

There are all sorts of people here, so there are sure to be some you'll find you can call your friends sooner or later.

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Well, Jericho, I keep pet rats alongside my snakes, so there's nothing saying conflicting interests can't exist. :') My pet rats will never become snake food and vice-versa, since it happens. Thanks for the info and links! Rules seem easy enough to follow-- I am generally quiet and non-confrontational. I might drop by the showdown server someday. I like competitive battling to a degree, but I am not very good at it. For now I am enjoying just trucking through the story content, thoguh I dread the day I finally catch up on the episodes and have to [gasp] wait for new updates.

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I love birds, too, and have owned a cockatiel and currently own parakeets. ;) My snakes are just my favorite animal kids so I don't tend to mention everyone else, so I'll add in that I also have cats and a rabbit. I guess I live in an actual zoo!!

All animals are great and that's why I play a game centered around making them fight each other. 8)

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Absolutely! I am well renowned within my friend-circle (of which only one other has played the franchise) for finding something new literally every day to cry about when it comes to Ar Tonelico and also I really like how Infel sounds, so I made the name mine. It's probably my #1 obsession.

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Absolutely! I am well renowned within my friend-circle (of which only one other has played the franchise) for finding something new literally every day to cry about when it comes to Ar Tonelico and also I really like how Infel sounds, so I made the name mine. It's probably my #1 obsession.

OMG this is the first time I get to meet another person who is passionate about Ar Tonelico! At long last, I am not alone anymore *tears of joy*

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"I still love the thing" is actually an understatement for me, this is the only series capable of making me go full-on fangirl mode, and I am a guy... Disgaea is possibly the only franchise that can get me as emotionally involved as Ar Tonelico can, but well, that doesn't actually involve getting emotional, given that Disgaea games re more of the parodistic/funny kind... So yeah, I can proudly declare Ar Tonelico games are the only ones that manage to truly make me get emotional every single time I play them.

The only problem is that I have no home consoles whatsoever: I can emulate PS2 games on my computer, and this saved me in Disgaea's case because I have a PsVita, so between the emulators and the Vita ports I am able to play the whole franchise... But In Ar Tonelico's case there's no Vita port of the third game, so I can only play the first two ;-;

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Yeah I feel that, though if you ask me, after watching a playthrough of the third game recently, I'm not really too worried about playing it for myself anymore. It's just so mediocre compared to one and two, it looks like it has absolutely zero replayability to me (and tbh, I rarely replay games because I have an atrocious attention span and rely on stuff I don't know to keep me interested). All the innuendo and moe warps the characters beyond recognition and just makes them exceedingly bland and awful to me. I just want to rescue Finnel, Saki, and Cocona from their writers and give them all the nice things they deserve (AKA not Aoto, fuck that guy).

Two is clearly my favorite game, but I have a lot of love one one, too, just because it made me have a lot of a feels. It's a solid game on its own, just Two took everything established in the first game and managed to make it 500% better, it's just way too incredible.

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Personally, I like the first better, but it would take too long to explain why. The second is still a great game nonetheless, even if to be honest, I rarely pay attention to anything that goes on in it, as my mind is completely full of "OMG OMG MIR PLAYABLE OMG OMG"... Which by the way is probably what the developers were banking on in the hope that a few plot holes would go unnoticed :P

Mandatory question: I know that the fact you can pair the protagonist with a different girl each time is what makes 98% of the replay value of the game, but do you have an OTP for each game? Mine would be Misha for the first because I relate to her situation (and I have spent 3 years of my life with an Aurica-type as girlfriend before breaking up in a painful way, so I've had enough of those), and Mir in the second because, come on, it's friggin' Mir. I just like to imagine her in one of those cartoonish fights girls have over the protagonist in harem animes: "I can cook for him!" "I can understand his deepest feelings!" "I CAN EXTERMINATE 70% OF HUMAN POPULATION IF HE TURNS ME DOWN!"

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Ahhh that's fair. I really do love the first game, don't get me wrong, just, for me, the second game is the love of my life. I've made a huge effort to learn hymmnos since getting into the series and I have a deep love for the Pastalie dialect so there's a lot of bias going on there. For me the Pastalie dialect is just very efficient and fluid and so I appreciate it better than Central hymmnos.

Preface: I basically worship Akiko Shikata so, by default I'm super biased toward her girls. I love all the singers who participate in the franchise but Shikata is where it's at. Mitose and Haruka are second and third place, respectively. Haruka's role as Finnel in the third game is really where I started to appreciate her because Finnel's hymns are my favorite Haruka Shimotsuki hymns besides linka and viena. Mitose's hymns are just always awesome, but they're a different style (of course, because each singer has their own way of doing things) and she definitely matches Jacqli and Ar Ru, but just something about Shikata's everything is perfect. I have her entire discog. :P

For me it's definitely Misha in the first game as well, she's darling and needs to be protected. Aurica has good character development but I can relate that knowing people like her has sort of tarnished how I feel about her.

Cloche is my favorite in the second game, if I had to pick someone to pair with Croix. I relate a lot with Cloche and want to give her the world. I love Jacqli, too, and was wanting a replay to experience her ending (I absolutely love the song that goes with it). But for me it's gonna be Cloche even still. My feelings are different between the two of them. With Cloche I want to raise her up and give her all the nice things she deserves and I think her character development was so powerful and good, with Jacqli I respect and admire her but I just don't want to see her getting together with anyone (besides Shurelia. tbh they're basically married.)

me talking about any ar tonelico girl though: protect her. give her the world. She is Perfect.

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