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Rather than the fairy gym opening up i think the tourmaline desert will become accessible when we can get back to reborn city. IMO the fairy gym will be one of the last ones( cuz fairy OP and all). But before that, if agate city is accessible( i.e the sleeping spell or whatever is lifted) then i think we will fight hardy first before 'officially' going back to reborn city.

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Rather than the fairy gym opening up i think the tourmaline desert will become accessible when we can get back to reborn city. IMO the fairy gym will be one of the last ones( cuz fairy OP and all). But before that, if agate city is accessible( i.e the sleeping spell or whatever is lifted) then i think we will fight hardy first before 'officially' going back to reborn city.

My guess is that the elite block of leaders will consist of Amaria, Titania, Saphira and Adrienn. Flying and Rock just don't seem strong enough as the other four types. Although we might get to fight Amaria before the other elites since she will inevitably lose her memories after the fall (if she drops from the elite block she will probably be replaced by Ciel).

Edited by Farnsworth
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My guess is that the elite block of leaders will consist of Amaria, Titania, Saphira and Adrienn. Flying and Rock just don't seem strong enough as the other four types. Although we might get to fight Amaria before the other elites since she will inevitably lose her memories after the fall (if she drops from the elite block she will probably be replaced by Ciel).

I don't think she will lose her memory for long enough to be replaced, but imo she might be the last gym leader we will face in the game (water-types can be a living hell). In addition, just like you, I don't see Ciel and Rocky as the most powerful ones either.

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I just wanted to pop this up because some of you might not have been around long enough to realize this. Back before Fairy Type even existed, there wasn't a gym in Coral Ward. I forget which episode added it in, but it was around 8-10. There's also a Misty terrain field effect that appears in Coral Ward.

The real question you should be asking is where the heck are we going to fight Amaria at? The only idea I have is Fiore Maison.

Edit: I theorize we're fighting Adrienn next. Mostly because I really can't think of anyone else we could face soon.

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If you say no to fighting Connal at the Yureyu building, he says something like "I've heard a certain name being tossed about by team meteor's officers, but it can't be..."

I think we'll find out who she is later, by meeting her in person.

I think he's talking about Lin

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First of all go check the Tombstones at the Graveyard

Second search the forum all the speculation threads about E13-14-15 and you will found lot of info

Beware the spoilers if you haven't complete the game until now

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Heather's mother and Sigmund's Sister.

My suspicions after seeing the map:

-Vs Ciel or Vs Hardy is next

-Vs Titania at the Scrapyard or Teknite Cave

-Vs Amaria may be after Saphira (Mirage Tower?)
-Vs Adrienn, second to last
-Vs Saphira will be the last (Labradorra is just a step away from Victory Road)

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Heather's mother and Sigmund's Sister.

My suspicions after seeing the map:

-Vs Ciel or Vs Hardy is next

-Vs Titania at the Scrapyard or Teknite Cave

-Vs Amaria may be after Saphira (Mirage Tower?)

-Vs Adrienn, second to last

-Vs Saphira will be the last (Labradorra is just a step away from Victory Road)

Seems really logical to me.

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I don't think we'll be seing Adrienn for a while, so that could be correct too.

Hardy has been with you for a long time and just like Noel maybe a Gym Battle occurs in the same way (outside of a certain area?) Or, eventually when the sleeping problem in Agate is fixed.

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I've got a funny feeling that Ciel is late game. Flying is one of the strongest types in the game at the moment and we've already had both of the other circus performers. Also I don't think we've got time to fight Hardy and Ciel in the near future 'cause we don't even know where the sleep PULSE is anymore and we'll most likely be going down the waterfall soon.

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By type difficulty, Ciel and Titania should be ruling this league. (I know some here are doubting the power of flying, but it is the most powerful monotype right now).

Only problem is Ciel can't use Zapdos or landorus etc. So, her flying team won't be super OP. But don't underestimate the power of a Skarmory/Togekiss/Gliscor stall core. Oh, and a gyrados or something too to eat up those ice beams.

Also, Titania can't use heatran. Poor girl, has to resort to heatproof Bronzongs. She's gonna get rekt.

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I place my bet on the possibility of facing hardy on E15

I have a different idea.

I have a feeling that we will be facing Hardy in a double battle - because IIRC, his main Pokemon in the actual Reborn League was Lunatone and Solrock... which screams double battles. And I'm pretty sure he'll be giving us the TM for Rock Slide - which is more fun to abuse in doubles.

So far, the 4th (Shelly), 7th (Aya), 10th (Radomus), 13th (Charlotte) gyms were double battles. Hence, if this pattern follows, the 16th gym will be the one we face as a double battle. So if my theory is correct, we will be facing Hardy in Episode 16.

As for the next gym leader, I have no idea really. I don't think it will be Hardy for the reason stated above or Ciel because it seems like the badges of the Agate Ace Triumvirate doesn't raise the level cap - and it would be quite cruel to make us obtain two badges that doesn't raise the level cap in a row. We'll definitely meet Amaria and Titania in the next episode - so I guess those two are the most likely. But since Ame likes to surprise us, it might even be Adrienn or Saphira (although I hope its not Saphira because she's my favorite character in Reborn and I like my favorite characters to be the strongest hehe)

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I have a different idea.

I have a feeling that we will be facing Hardy in a double battle - because IIRC, his main Pokemon in the actual Reborn League was Lunatone and Solrock... which screams double battles. And I'm pretty sure he'll be giving us the TM for Rock Slide - which is more fun to abuse in doubles.

So far, the 4th (Shelly), 7th (Aya), 10th (Radomus), 13th (Charlotte) gyms were double battles. Hence, if this pattern follows, the 16th gym will be the one we face as a double battle. So if my theory is correct, we will be facing Hardy in Episode 16.

As for the next gym leader, I have no idea really. I don't think it will be Hardy for the reason stated above or Ciel because it seems like the badges of the Agate Ace Triumvirate doesn't raise the level cap - and it would be quite cruel to make us obtain two badges that doesn't raise the level cap in a row. We'll definitely meet Amaria and Titania in the next episode - so I guess those two are the most likely. But since Ame likes to surprise us, it might even be Adrienn or Saphira (although I hope its not Saphira because she's my favorite character in Reborn and I like my favorite characters to be the strongest hehe)

It can't be Amaria or Saphira since they are said to be in the elite block of leaders (the 4 strongest leaders).

EDIT: Also it's worth mentioning that Terra's badge does raise the level cap, but it's only to level 69 (a level that is below the current cap, hence there is no 'raise' in the current cap). And it was Kiki's badge that originally didn't raise the level cap (and that got passed onto Samson). So it is possible for Ciel's badge to raise the current cap.

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We don't gonna have fly soon so neither Ciel is next

So then it's probably Adrienn next. Ame said the next episode is short, so I don't think we'll get to go to the Tourmaline desert (which rules out Titania). As stated above Hardy is most likely the 16th leader because of the double battle patterns. Amaria and Saphira are on the elite block. We are left with Adrienn and Ciel. We might get the HM Fly from Ciel but we will still need another badge to use it (and Charlotte gave us permission to use waterfall, so...). Anything is possible, but I bet on Ciel being next (unless we have a surprise battle with Amaria).

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So then it's probably Adrienn next. Ame said the next episode is short, so I don't think we'll get to go to the Tourmaline desert (which rules out Titania). As stated above Hardy is most likely the 16th leader because of the double battle patterns. Amaria and Saphira are on the elite block. We are left with Adrienn and Ciel. We might get the HM Fly from Ciel but we will still need another badge to use it (and Charlotte gave us permission to use waterfall, so...). Anything is possible, but I bet on Ciel being next (unless we have a surprise battle with Amaria).

If the trainer card is correct, Amaria is the next, after that the order is Titania, Ciel, Saphira, Hardy, and Adrienn is the last one. It will be like this if the badges are the same that were in Reborn league. Of course I can be wrong.

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If the trainer card is correct, Amaria is the next, after that the order is Titania, Ciel, Saphira, Hardy, and Adrienn is the last one. It will be like this if the badges are the same that were in Reborn league. Of course I can be wrong.

That's a good theory-

if Ame hadn't already thought of this, of course.

You see, our favorite dev thought of the fact that people would look at the trainer card, so she has the cruel pleasure of scrambling the order of the badges for upcoming episodes just to add confusion and keep people from actually knowing which badge is next. For example, in Episode 13, the Trainer card said that Adrienn would be next to be faced. But when we received Episode 14, Terra was the real leader.

Short post short: Don't trust the trainer card. Don't even look at it, really. All that will happen in a recreation of Vizzini vs. Wesley from The Princess Bride, where all the guesses were wrong and Ame had another card hidden in her sleeve the entire time.

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The trainer card has been changed several times. Since ep.15 is going to be shorter than usual, it might even not feature a gym leader battle or give us little build-up before we do so. Basing my hypothesis on that, I'm ruling out areas that are "themed" with certain leaders, such as the desert and reborn city. The latter should be changed by the time we arrive there, unless the new meteor base has kidnapped/stopped/recruited Adrienn. I believe Ciel is going to be next. She already has a field, and Ame could even modify it a bit to suit Ciel

I'm ruling the others out for reasons that might be right or wrong

Hardy: probably after the Agate situation finishes so I'm not counting on it

Titania: not a chance (desert)

Adrienn: similar as Titania, with the possible exception that xe is a Meteor now
Saphira: too cool to be rushed through

Amaria: same as above, and might not even know she's a leader

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That's a good theory-

if Ame hadn't already thought of this, of course.

You see, our favorite dev thought of the fact that people would look at the trainer card, so she has the cruel pleasure of scrambling the order of the badges for upcoming episodes just to add confusion and keep people from actually knowing which badge is next. For example, in Episode 13, the Trainer card said that Adrienn would be next to be faced. But when we received Episode 14, Terra was the real leader.

Short post short: Don't trust the trainer card. Don't even look at it, really. All that will happen in a recreation of Vizzini vs. Wesley from The Princess Bride, where all the guesses were wrong and Ame had another card hidden in her sleeve the entire time.

If you look at the field effects page, you'll see something fighting against a Lapras in the water surface field, and it's is called Deliverance + it's at level 74, which is near the level cap, so I'm actually expecting Amaria next as EP14 trainer card is showing.

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