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Monster Hunter Thread


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also we should totally do CAP: MonHun Edition because they're all basically mean pokemon

CAP: MonHun would require more physical research of nature though because monster design in this game has a lot of damn thought and physical featuring put into it

What is CAP?

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I meant like, making MH critters into Pokemon, not the other way around.

EDIT: Or making our own monsters. That'd be hard.

It's not that difficulty since there isn't much of a realistic limit to what monsters are capable of.

Herbivores, pelagi, carapaceon, neopteron, temnoceran and wyverns form a standard natural food chain and form an ecology. They all have strengths and abilities to aid them in survival, hunting or defending themselves.

Where the insane comes in, is elder dragons and a few exceptions to the wyvern rule (such as Akantor and Lucent Naruga)

You have Dalamadur and Raviente which are so big they literally change the shape of the earth by merely burrowing, creating rivers and the like wherever they go. In Raviente's case, he can destroy entire islands by doing that. Both of them are extremely old, reaching in the thousands of years

It also takes a 1000 years for a Gore to mold into a Shagaru, and wherever a Shagaru goes, the ecosystem will change so radically you can barely call it an ecology anymore.

Fatalis is a literal God. Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis and White Fatalis are the same creature at varying stages of their life. Apparently White Fatalis is ~10,000 years old.

You can think up the most inane shit and make it a viable creature in the monster hunter universe.

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unrelated: Been using Gunlance, Dual Blades, SnS, and Switch Axe. Would use Lance but don't have a decent one. How would you rate the Lao set? (Gives Partbreaker. Mind's Eye, and Divine Blessing)

looks pretty neat to me

hope you have that handicraft talisman though, sharpness +1 is always a good thing to have

i can imagine the set being a bit of a pain to get if it requires the horns you need to trade earth dragongems for though

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seltas is weak

unrelated: Been using Gunlance, Dual Blades, SnS, and Switch Axe. Would use Lance but don't have a decent one. How would you rate the Lao set? (Gives Partbreaker. Mind's Eye, and Divine Blessing)

nah it was a joke. me and doj did farm gore magala sets tho and they're alright

challenger is fucking 10/10

The Lao set is rly good, just a pain to get your hands on the materials.

gl :^)

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Oh I didn't know this thread was a thing, hi I have MH4U >>

Hi. ^_^

yeah handicraft gems are stingy as fuck (2 slots for +1) so it's usually best to either have a talisman for it or just make do

tends to be why i have a harder time picking blademaster sets

This is Monster Hunter. You don't wear a set because it's stat boosts are good, you wear it because it looks cool.

...At least, that's how I always play. B) The only exception is that damned transition stage from low -> high rank and high -> G Rank. Then you just get whatever you can with good defenses to get through it as fast as possible.

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Lao set looks cool, though. Can't wait to get my high-rank Zinogre and Shagaru sets though.

Well then again, almost all sets in Monster Hunter are cool. I will forever be a fan of the Blademaster Wroggi set. Haven't had a look at Lao yet, though.

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Actually forget gemming Handicraft lol thise gems suck

You need g-rank stuff to even think about getting handicraft gems.

It sucks

By the way, I drew a Velocidrome. Subscribe to my feed please


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