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I'm pretty hyped for the deviants they're giving the rest of the elite 4/fated 4/ whatever they're called 4.



Aside from Hellblade Glavenus, we now have Heavenly Eye Mizutsune, Blue Thunderlord Astalos and the Silver Ridge Gammoth.

(If these names aren't correct, don't blame me, I found them on the wiki)

I'm particularly hyped for fighting Blue Thunderlord Astalos(though I'm not looking forward to fighting it more than like 10 times for its stuff like we already have to do with Deviants...).


The video also shows off the 6th hunting style. The Alchemy Style. Here's a video of Gaijin Hunter explaining this style: 


And since nobody posted anything about it, here's the other new Hunting Style; Brave Style.



Also, there's this new thing called SP mode. Using a level 1 or level 2 Hunter Arts(maybe even level 3 if they add more of the damn things) will trigger SP mode not only for you, but any teammates in the area. Which gives you a legit reason to want to equip the "obsolete" Hunter Arts after unlocking the top level versions(though it's never specified how long it lasts).


SP mode gives you a buff depending on which Hunting Style you're using;

  • Guild Style: can consume certain items faster than usual. Which items this affects was not made clear, so we'll find out later I guess?
  • Striker Style: You get a gradual increase on your Hunter Art gauges. More Arts spam. Have fun!.
  • Aerial Style: You lose less stamina from jumps.
  • Adept Style: You get an even bigger window to do the Adept evade and Adept guard.
  • Brave Style: Increase the rate at which you fill your Brave gauge.
  • Alchemy Style: It makes it faster for the Alchemy gauge to go up? I'm sorry, I don't really have a good grasp of how the Alchemy Style works.
  • Prowlers: Get the cost of using skills reduced by 1.


Prowlers also get a new skill that puts them into Beast mode. they pull out claws and gain a bunch of claw attacks and combos. It also gets something like the Long Sword's gauge where you do a combo and if you pull off the finisher successfully you go up a level. Level 1 gives you knockback protection, level 2 gives you increased affinity, level 3 gives you both of the before and throws you into SP mode. Basically, they saw how nobody was bothering with melee cats and decided to do something about it.


...also Congalala's back, but who cares about that?

Edited by Captain Breakfast
I'm not sure what's going on with these spoiler tags. I just wanted to make my post look a bit cleaner. But I don't know how to fix this, and the snow effect lagging my craptop ain't helping.
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