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It's like really really Dark


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So I'm looking for that spongebob status advanced darkness team. The goal, my first monotype. I figured I'd go with a type that wouldn't drive me insane with weaknesses. Dark seems pretty solid. Normally I like sticking with the starters but Frokie imo goes from OP to borderline useless. Not about the fluctuation. So I have two requests. One is reccomendations and two is if anyone wants to do the whole trade thing with me so I can get me a little pawniard for a starter. (Yes steel does make the game easier butIlikehimsowhatever). Thanks for being pals. Damage out.

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Definitely do the aqua line when you get there, since I find being given Carvanha and then being able to find Houndour much easier than worrying about fishing the Carvanha up. Sharpedo's pretty weak as a water type until you get Waterfall, but that early-ish level Crunch is SO good.

I also find Murkrow/Honchkrow a must if you're gonna do a dark mono, but I've yet to actually be awake on a windy night in order to catch one :P

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I planned on having Honkcrow and Houndoom since they are both pretty good even if their physical defenses are abysmal. Sharpedo's attack and speed are nice but it seems like the death of me is going to be Samson since his pokes are unforgivingly strong.

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Ah yeah. I swept Samson with Noivern and Gardevoir, neither of which are dark types, clearly.

If mega sableye were an option I'd say train it up to take into his fight so he cant land those STAB'd fighhting moves on you, but I just dont think Sableye is that good on its own with the paltry 380 stat total is has. He'd OHKO it with literally any other move.

EDIT: prankster sableye could be really useful for landing will o wisp tho.

Edited by Infel
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As I have done a mono dark before I have some tips.

Purrloin: Prankster Sand Attack is very cheap.....but it works, so its okay. This is how I beat Solaris' garchomp and Els ditto.

Based Larry (Crawdaunt): Crawdaunt is quite slow, but other than that it's the most solid dark/water type in my opinion. It gets swords dance, crabhammer and knock off through level up, and a +2 knock off kills ALOT of things.

Malamar: There is probably no way I would have beat Samson without it. Just superpower up and then psycho cut everything.

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