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Something Nice Finally Happens


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So, I'm new here so y'all don't know me very well. A crash course in my life: I live with my mom like the loser I am because the economy is bunk and we've always been a poor family. I worked for a year as a janitor at the high school I graduated from, but when the school district hired a cleaning company, I was never hired back in despite the promise of a job. So I've been scraping by mooching of my mom's paychecks because, without a car, I can't get hired anywhere that's out of walking distance. That's a lot of places since I live on the outskirts of a rural town.

Alright, that aside, a year or so ago I got a call from a guy trying to get in contact with my mom (we only have one phone and I usually take it with me since calls are generally for me). Turns out, he was a real estate agent looking to auction property in Los Angeles that belonged to her grandmother. Lots of legal stuff ensued, it was a nightmare. But the property was finally sold (2million to some very frenchly-named people) and we're hearing we might get as much as $27k from the whole thing. Which is huge to us. My mom has 6 siblings, so her share is what's been divvied up between those who didn't sell their share to the real estate guy (she mentioned at least two of her brothers sold their shares, and I'm not sure about any of the others. they dont talk much). Even after taxes (we're planning to put 50% into a separate bank account to pay taxes when they roll in next year.) there'll still be more than enough to pay off outstanding bills (those medical bills really get you when you have bad health like me) and buy a car, plus maybe making CDs so that the money just doesn't get all spent in a flash.

(If anyone has tips on how to make a big sum of money last or grow, I'm all ears. We need it.)

It's a very things-are-looking up situation. With the money we can finally get me a car so I can get a job, and actually bring home a paycheck and maybe pull us out of borderline-poverty. I'm not sure about moving out just yet, but I certainly will be sitting on the paychecks and saving up-- possibly to look into going to college, as the university near here added a Veterinary Medicine program and I'm highly interested in going to veterinary school.

$27k out of 2mil isn't much, but hey, when you scrape by on meager paychecks every two weeks, it's a pretty big amount.

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You're not a loser for being forced to live with your parents, the economy is rough so do what you have to do to get by. Take pride in the fact you care about your family enough to desperately seek out jobs to support them. And now that you're finally almost back on your feet, grab this flesh marble with your fist and destroy it.

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I think it's sad that a property worth that much is leaving your family's hands for cash that'll eventually get spent up, but yeah, sounds like you really need the cash right now in to keep on going at all. Wish I knew more about investments, cuz I have a good sum that I would like to use to make myself more money, but sometimes, who has the time and drive to learn complicated things?

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Infel, just don't get too excited. Many people who have financial problems usually when they receive large amounts of money, they spend it. They spend it without caution. I advise you first to try and use the public transport to find a job before you decide to buy a car, because these are expensive, not only to buy, but also to maintain (gas, repairs, tires, the list goes on). I suppose you can find something here and there. If you want to be a Vet go for it. You'll struggle having both a job and going to the university, but if you have enough dedication, you will pull it through.

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