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DOTA 2 Interest thread


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Pretty curious how many people on this forum play Defense of the Ancients?

I'm seeing a lot of League and not a whole lot of this.

I myself am only okay at the game in fact I haven't played in a while but I wanted to get back into it for my channel so I was curious who else plays this.

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Somewhat veteran of Dota 2 here (I've played for about a year and a half), although I don't consider myself an expert in it. I've also started playing less recently because of school, so I mostly play on weekends and over breaks.

What roles/heroes do you main? I usually play supports and pushers like Venomancer, but recently I've been gravitating towards carries.

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I play cores, but can pull off a decent CM and a killer Omniknight if I must. Windwaifu is probably my favorite hero atm, but other stuff I play includes Bloodseeker, Wraith King, Luna (though not much recently), and Phantom Assassin.

3.3k solo, 3.6k party MMR. I get better ping to US East but can get solid ping to EU, though it gets a bit spiky.

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Well... Over 3k mmr trash overhere. I have played really, really much, starter with supports, and switched to mid laners (because I play only with noob-cousins nowadays). Now I am at college, so I don't have time to play myself, but I am still watching some stuff (Baumi, Purge, BTS, Bulldong, SingSing, Draskyl). Once I pass my exams I think I will try to improve my farm and play some rankeds ^.^

By the way, new Jugg is pretty OP. Any thoughts how to balance him?

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Or maybe just MoM rework? Bigger mana cost? Or just take away that 6 extra agility...

Yeah, MoM is the main thing that turns Jugg into such a powerhouse. I don't think the item itself needs a rework, though; other heroes that build it like Void and SB can really only use it for solo killing (at least until Void gets a battlefury). Nerfing Omnislash is probably the right thing, in my opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play a reasonable amount of Dota, not enough to call myself good by meta standards but I'm alright playing CM Support. Or Witch Doctor support. Or Shadow Shaman support... I just play support, don't make me play carry or mid. You don't want me in Mid.

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I need to start playing Bane more... His single target damage is amazing and it seems virtually impossible for him to lose a 1v1 with his movepool... He leaves much to be desired for area damage though...

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