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If Reborn was adapted into an Anime.....


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So I've come up with a fun little game for those of us invested in Japanese anime, and that is coming up with a theoretical Pokemon Reborn Anime!

If you were in charge of making Season One of a Reborn anime, for example, which seiyuus would you hire for each (major) character? What songs for your opening and endings? What event in the game will be your season one finale? Which version of the protagonist would be represented in your anime? Which composer do you hire? Who will be animating it? Would there be an English dub (in that case you could list voice actors too)? Stuff like that.

Alright I'll lead by example, if I were making the Reborn Anime......

Cast (work in progress): (Character / Seiyuu)

Amethyst / Romi Park
Darker skinned non-binary Protag. / Hiroyuki Yoshino
Victoria / Kana Hanazawa
Fern / Noboyuki Hiyama
Julia / Yukari Tamura
Corey / Kazuhiro Yamaji
Sigmund Connal / Fumihiko Tachiki
Saphira / Ami Koshimizu
Sirius / Keiji Fujiwara
Solaris / Narushi Ikeda
Charlotte / Chiwa Saito
Shelly / Izumi Kitta
Radomus / Jiro Jay Takasugi
Gossip Gardevoir / Emiri Katou
El / Unshou Ishizuka
Hardy / Katsuyuki Kenishi
Lin / Yoko Soumi

S1 OP: Abnormalize by Ling Tosite Sigure

S1 ED: Sakura by Ikimono-gakari

OST Composer: Sawano Hiroyuki or Shiro Sagisu (or both? the result of that would be way too powerful lol)

Studio: Production I.G

Licensed by Funimation because I want the Dub to actually be decent lol

Season One finale: Protagonist battles Corey and the ending theme/credits play as Corey is about to commit suicide, accompanied by flashes of all of the main cast as Corey closes his eyes and begins to lean backward.

Your turn! :D


Alright I haven't been very active here lately due to lack of time mainly but I'm back and am going to bump this because I've come up with a concept that may be very interesting and rather fitting for a theoretical Reborn adaptation.

Instead of choosing just one variant of the Protagonist to be in the entire anime, why not just have them all? Or at least most of them.

The anime could play out similar to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (my inspiration for this idea), where each protagonist either dies or is otherwise incapacitated for the next one to pick up where the other left off. I feel like this idea will give the chance to give each Protagonist a lot more personality rather than simply mimicking the bland and noble character of a typical Link-like mute protagonist from a videogame as well as include more Pokemon in the show.
This also gives Shade and Amethyst a larger role in the plot. Of course though this would mean having to make some changes to a few details to the plot from the original game (both small and large), as I'll elaborate below:

1. In the beginning of the plot, Ame already knows about Team Meteor and most of their intentions, and is recruiting capable and trustworthy trainers from all over the world to test them against her Reborn League before Meteor becomes active again under Lin. The train bombing is an assassination attempt on her.
The Reborn League itself becomes a disguise for Amethyst's initiative against the Meteors, this makes a lot of sense considering by the end of the playable game most of the Gym Leaders are actively fighting against them, and the few that ended up turning traitor (Corey, Blake, Terra, etc.) were likely to be valuable resources for inside information on Ame and Reborn, and scattering Gym Leaders across the region gives Amethyst a considerable tactical advantage, it doesn't make too much sense to have Gym Leaders stray so far from Reborn City if not for such a purpose. #Amethyst'sArmy

2. The protagonists are all former Champions from other regions, hence the last point about Amethyst recruiting strong trainers. The first Protagonist and the Indigo Plateau Champion (Vero), will be obliged to start over and pick a starter just like in the game, for the purposes of fairly testing him against the Reborn League to make sure he's up to snuff to fight against Team Meteor. This isn't such an absurd idea considering Cain and Victoria are both there as well to do the exact same thing and the fact that the Reborn League is miles ahead of any other region's leagues and clearly isn't designed for actual beginners. By the time Shade informs Ame of Vero's death Ame will realize that having the Champions start over probably isn't the best idea considering Meteor moved along their plans much more quickly than she had anticipated, and from that point on all subsequent Protagonists will already have a complete or close to complete team mostly from their region but within the limits of what you can catch in the actual game and they will continue to take the gym challenge where Vero left off.
Of course, this will drastically change the few personal interactions the Protagonist has with other characters in the game and a couple more minor plot details to accommodate each Protagonist's circumstances of death, but I think it's overall something that can work.

3. Before each protagonist's imminent death, Shade will appear before them to either spare his/her Pokemon from the same fate or if he/she chooses, make a bargain for all of their souls in a battle against Shade. However, for most of the Protags, their Pokemon are in no condition to fight Shade's at the time this happens, so they will choose the former option.

My ideas for each protag's death:

Vero (Indigo Plateau Champ): In the case of Vero, he will probably be the Protag to last the longest given his popularity. He will defeat Shade, opening up the railroad for Charlotte, Cain and co. Instead of having Team Meteor immediately waiting for them upon opening the door Vero will arrive to join them right as Sirius, Sigmund, and an army of Meteors arrive to ambush them.
Cain, Vero and the other Gym Leaders with them do their best to fend off the Meteors and escape but are ultimately overwhelmed (Charlotte only has her Ninetales with her because she left the others at Laura's house to keep them safe from Sigmund, yeah this is pretty flimsy but honestly if Charlotte had her whole team with her she'd have no problem soloing a horde of Meteors).
However by the time their Pokemon are exhausted they are pretty close to what looks like an exit, so Cain decides to use his Nidoking to make the Railnet cave in to cut the Meteors off, but Vero points out as they're rushing to the caving exit that their own Pokemon wouldn't need much time to blast through some rubble (which they later do anyway) and that they'd still need to buy more time after that or else they would be at a massive disadvantage if they were chased out in the open. At the last second, contrary to Cain's wishes (oh yeah Cain x Vero is canon in this hehe), Vero rushes back to face the Team Meteor as part of the tunnel collapses behind the rest of the company.
Instead of trying to fight however, Vero uses the same tactic Cain used earlier of making parts of the Underground Railnet collapse (injuring some of the Meteors each time) to annoy Sigmund and Sirius and make him a priority before they can continue chasing the others, not knowing that the others were soon to come across another barrier.
After luring Sigmund and Sirius some distance away from Cain and the others, the floor beneath Vero unfortunately gives away from one of his Pokemon's attacks and he falls several meters to an abandoned basement floor of the Railnet, where he lies trapped and crippled before Shade appears before him. In no condition to battle him again, Vero requests that Shade return his Pokemon to Ame and afterwards Shade mercy kills him.
After Meteor destroys the rubble barrier Cain pulls the same stunt as in the original game to reluctantly escape by himself.

Before giving Ari the key to Bxysbyion, Cain is seen in Shade's lab mourning Vero's death.

Ari (Unova Champ): Ari will take on Gyms 5-7 including Kiki. In order to make this one work, the battle with Noel will be moved to before Sirius and Sigmund launch their attack on Laura's house. After the PULSE Abra wisks Saphira and Ari away and Saphira tames the giant Steelix, Ari will return to confornt the PULSE Abra once again. However, upon defeating the Abra in battle, it will go berserk and teleport Ari once again, this time with the intention to kill, and as a result Ari ends up at the bottom of the lake in front of Laura's house, where she nearly drowns. Nevertheless she decides to go back upon thinking about the massive peril Spinal town is now in.

Panicked at this sudden development right before Lin's arrival, ZEL, Sigmund, and Sirius desperately but reluctantly agree to help Ari bring down the PULSE Abra permanently, which they do by overloading the PULSE with Sigmund's Electivire while Sirius' Chandelure burns away at the Abra's power limiting armor, charging up for one massive teleportation that would make Abra faint for good without it's armor.

After Ari defeats the Abra a second time the last teleportation goes off, the PULSE is destroyed, and Abra faints, but Ari is the one who gets teleported.

After Lin takes down Saphira and the giant Steelix, Ari is shown soaring through the sky towards her demise after Abra launched her several miles into the air. Exclaiming that her lifelong dream was to fly without the aid of a Pokemon, she takes off her belt holding her Pokeballs and clutches them with her back towards the ground to protect them from the impact of the fall. Shade appears to collect them afterwards.

Kuro (Hoenn Champ): Kuro will take on Gyms 8-10 and will read Titania's diary. After Amaria jumps off the waterfall, both Kuro and Titania make the jump to follow her, but instead Titania decides to land inside a cavern behind the waterfall with Kuro, and safely walk down the spiral cavern to where the bottom of the waterfall is.

It's a perilous walk, filled with cliffs and drop off points, but no more dangerous than straight up jumping off the waterfall.

About halfway through, Titania will push Kuro off a cliff as Kuro manages to hold on to the ledge, in shock that Titania pushed him.

Titania steps on Kuro's hand and lets him take a lethal fall similar to Vero, either because Kuro indirectly caused Amaria to attempt suicide or because he saw Titania with the Meteor grunt earlier.

Either way Kuro falls and Shade appears to him.

Initially he appears to have died but much later on it will be revealed that Kuro took Shade's deal and won the battle, sparing him and allowing him to escape to Reborn City.

Alice (Kalos Champ): Alice will be the 4th Protagonist and will take on Gyms 11-13. Ame has not released past Gym 12 so her fate has not been decided.

Lucia (Sinnoh Champ): Will take on Gyms 14-16, Kuro will probably return as a supporting character by now.

Decibel (Reborn Champ): Decibel will see the story to the end.

Edited by LordWallace
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I'd like Fumihiko Tachiki as Solaris.

edit: The S1 will include more things like sidequests and story about the train and how we came to Reborn. The diaries we find will be a bit changed so we show several things. Shade should be soooo creepy. Also, more death in the anime please

Edited by nickcrash
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I notice a distinctive lack of Norio Wakamoto in your cast. A story without a great villain is not a good story. A villain without Norio Wakamoto is not a great villain. So sorry, but I cannot possibly approve of this project :P

haha I had him in mind but so far none of the characters in my list really fit the Vicious archetype. Solaris gives off more of a Kenpachi-like over the top sadist feel as nickcrash pointed out and I personally chose the seiyuu of Lordgenome from TTGL, who is quite similar in personality and tone of voice.

Perhaps as I continue casting I'll include Norio somewhere, maybe Taka?

Edited by LordWallace
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haha I had him in mind but so far none of the characters in my list really fit the Vicious archetype. Solaris gives off more of a Kenpachi-like over the top sadist feel as nickcrash pointed out and I personally chose the seiyuu of Lordgenome from TTGL, who is quite similar in personality and tone of voice.

Perhaps as I continue casting I'll include Norio somewhere, maybe Taka?

Sigmund Connal fits most of the magnificent bastard qualities most associated with Norio's characters. Alternatively, I can see El as a large ham.

EDIT: yes I know you already have actors for both, but those are the ones that seem more fitting... The only unassigned one that I can see working is the dominant personality of ZEL, with the other two personalities possibly sounding more silly and childish... It could actually be rather funny...

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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As for Protagonists starter I would rather go with either:








because Ash doesn't own any of these! :P

and from all of these I think Mudkip and its evolutionline got the least 'love' in the original anime, so I would prefer it as the starter

and you know... Froakie line is REALLY strong... we don't want to give the protagonist to much comfort, do we?

(In that case Torchic wouldn't be acceptable either but that's alright)

And we shouldn't limit the protagonists pokemon to 6 (like Ash mostly is)... we need more than that! He should start out with weaker pokemon like in the game, like Weedle or Mime Jr.

I mean Ralts as second Pokemon, which will eventually evolve into Gardevoir/Gallade? damn that's pretty strong and ingame we have to wait a long time for Ralts.

and challanging Julia with 1 or 2 Pokemon is mostly suicide (espacially with a water-starter)... he needs a decent team by the time he challanges Julia!


Mudkip, Mime Jr., Trubbish, Pachirisu (+Beedrill, +Bidoof)

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because Ash doesn't own any of these! :P

and from all of these I think Mudkip and its evolutionline got the least 'love' in the original anime, so I would prefer it as the starter

But then we wouldn't get to see the protagonist wander the grotto (or more importantly we wouldn't see them read I Herd U Liek Mudkipz.)

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We should put the starter selection under vote. I can't decide and I'm thinking many factors simultaneously

Exactly what I was thinking. VERO CANON START POLL A-GO-GO

But then we wouldn't get to see the protagonist wander the grotto (or more importantly we wouldn't see them read I Herd U Liek Mudkipz.)

That'd be pretty hilarious. Then he keeps the mudkip as a main member.

I also wanna post what I think would be a proper dub cast... but I'm scared to.

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I think some of you are missing the point of this.

We're not trying to reach some kind of forum-wide consensus regarding what a Reborn anime would be like.

I mean I guess we could also do that if y'all really want but that was not the original intent of this thread.

The OP is simply an example of what I personally would do if I were in charge of it, each and any of you are completely welcome to make a completely different cast of your own and do your own thing with your personal Reborn anime regardless of what I have in my post. The OP is just the example, the template if you will.

Edited by LordWallace
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If Reborn was an anime it should be english based, since the original game is made in english (although I guess it wouldn't be an anime). But it definitely should have a japanese dub. Also, it would have three protagonists (one for each gender) focusing on the female one as the main and the others as friends, maybe make a gym leader join the party (probably Julia, due to events involving most of the rest of the leaders). The end for season 1 would end on a strong note, after the events of Mt Pyrous (or after the events involving Corey).

That's about it, don't know much about VAs and music...

Edited by Farnsworth
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Alright then...

Amethyst / ame herself Yoko Hikasa

Vero / Yuki Kaji

Alice / Kana Hanazawa

Kuro / Masaya Matsukaze

Lucia / Rina Satou

Decibel / Saiga Mitsuki

Ari / Toyosaki Aki

(in progress)

Season One finale: Protagonist battles Corey and the ending theme/credits play as Corey is about to commit suicide, accompanied by flashes of all of the main cast as Corey closes his eyes and begins to lean backward.

I'm assuming it'd be 12 episodes long? I don't know, seems kinda slow paced since you're only including the events up until Corey. Also, that's only like... 1/8 of the entire story? But then again, this simply could not leave out the massive amount of references ame put into the game. Seriously.
4 24/6 episodes-long seasons would probably work out better... not sure tho, the story is huge, and side episodes would be a must for characters who have certain relationships that aren't much related to the story, like Florinia's issue with Titania. Really don't think 15-seconds flashbacks would be enough to develop their past.

Edited by MMM
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I'll edit this when I can with my answers to each category

I'm assuming it'd be 12 episodes long? I don't know, seems kinda slow paced since you're only including the events up until Corey. Also, that's only like... 1/8 of the entire story? But then again, this simply could not leave out the massive amount of references ame put into the game. Seriously.

4 24/6 episodes-long seasons would probably work out better... not sure tho, the story is huge, and side episodes would be a must for characters who have certain relationships that aren't much related to the story, like Florinia's issue with Titania. Really don't think 15-seconds flashbacks would be enough to develop their past.

If it turned out that way then yeah it'd be like 12 episodes. I just didn't think there would be a good stopping point after that until the confrontation on Pyrous, which is quite a bit of story and I'd want a different opener for that arc personally, with Solaris and Kiki in it rather than Zel and Corey.

I mean adding one episode dedicated to certain side characters each season wouldn't be terrible if each season would only be like 12 episodes anyway

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