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How did YOU beat Arceus?


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On my main file, it was Gengar's Destiny Bond (with a Quick Claw, of course). Quick and simple.

Now I've made a habit of coming up with more elaborate methods, though. Because I refuse to lose to that thing, fuck that.

In the Dark mono, Prankster Liepard's Sand-Attack (he got off two, since the first Focus Blast missed), followed by the efforts of Malamar, Umbreon, and finally, Scrafty for the finish. Dragon Dance + Hi Jump Kick = no chance.

Psychic mono-type was (also Prankster) Meowstic having fun setting up Light Screen, and making Ditto-ceus useless with Flash and Confide. Or he tried, anyway- it critted him. In came Espeon who flinched twice before finally getting a Fake Tears in, then switched to Gardevoir who proceeded to use Calm Mind and then Moonblast to finish up.

Oh yes, and the item hunting run was Togekiss' Thunder Wave, Escavalier's Knock Off, and who else but Blaziken's Hi Jump Kick. It lived the first one, but was fully paralyzed on that turn. Needless to say it did not survive the second.

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It's the same way I beat everything else. I walked up, punched it right in the face and turned to Cain, Rado and Adrianne and said "Thanks for the help... No, really. Good team work."

Or maybe I cursed him with quick claw. (Forget destiny bond I want that exp)

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First time got beat very hard, then when I realized on the second time I had to live through the whole dialogue again I just hit Z the whole time, and accidentally sided with El. Got beat, didn't black out, didn't care. I was kind of out of fucks to give at that moment and it's not like it came back to haunt me after I sided with El. Except of course the side eye thrown at me by Luna after I saved her ass, but oh well.

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Can anyone try to beat such battles with a Dunsparce? A feasible moveset is Yawn/Endeavor/Protect/(Any damaging move), while giving it a focus sash...
(Protect can be earned at the game corner, the rest is through level up, endeavor being at level 46...so technically you could beat garchomp, if it doesn't have Rough Skin)

Edited by laggless01
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Meowstic with Light Clay set up Light Screen, then I just used Leech Seed and Spiky Shield with Chesnaught (holding Big Root). Two turns was enough to heal all the damage I took thanks to Arceus' high HP. I used Rock Smash in between to decrease its Defense too. Eventually the Light Screen faded and Chesnaught fainted, so I then sent out Arcanine to finish the job with Extremespeed. Pretty much the same method I used to take out Garchomp.

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I did this back before the evil Gyarados patch happened, so it bascially involved me confusing it with Ninetales, slapping a Will-o-Wisp on it, rotating out Gyarados for multiple Intimidates, and then Sweeping with D-Dance. Haters gonna hate.

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Well, I did it multiple ways.

One time I used a delphox with strong special defence take a dark pule then spam mystical fire. Lowering special attack. He fucked up by trying to use a focus blast so that wound up letting me use one more. That's a minus 2 in special attack. Next I brought out vileplume and spammed sleep power so he ran out of heals. After he stayed asleep I used azumarill to knock that health down and the rest of the team played that role too.

Another way is weezing with quick claw and destiny bond

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Truthfully, I didn't know that you'd be able to progress without defeating Arceus. I'm not sure if I got lucky with my encounter, but I ended up defeating him on my first try.

*I began with Ampharos, who dodged Arceus' initial Focus Blast.

* Used Thunder Wave on Arceus. Judgement downed Ampharos

* Switched to Gengar and used Curse. Arceus is fully paralyzed.

* Used Confuse Ray. Arceus hits itself in confusion.

I essentially got lucky that I was able to set up a Thunder Wave/Curse on it. Switching over to Noivern and getting a couple flinches from Air Slash also helped me in my encounter.

Cheap? Maybe. Annoying? Almost certainly. Do I feel any semblence of guilt? None. Arceus is banned to Ubers for a reason; got no time for scrubs using legendaries.

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When I got in this thread I was wondering how could I do to get over that Arceus, and then with a mixture of Torterra's leech seed (plus a Big root), a Sturdy Steelix with Dig and four other mons who didn't honestly had a chance against it (apart from giving the leech seed turns to act), it was over.

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When I FINALLY beat Arceus...it was mostly luck, tad bit of planning.

1) Riachu pulling off 4 Flash's in a row

2) Aggron with Iron Tail and lowering it's defense

3) Machamp with Cross Chop and No Guard

4) Greninja with Water Shuriken to finish it off!

Edited by Patrick
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just pulled it off somehow... I have a lv 47 Aggron that knows Mudslap and has Sturdy. So I started Mudslapping it into oblivion because it wants to use Focus Blast against him, and that's not very accurate to start with. I only used 4 Mudslaps. Then I have a Simipour with Scald, so it kept burning the Arceus. El used all his Full Heals, but the burn lowered its attack and allowed me to get it down pretty low. Then fully revived Aggron back out to finish it off!

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I've fought and beaten the Arceus twice with Scrafty. For some reason Arceus really likes hitting Scrafty with Dark Pulse. Obviously Scrafty can take those hits all day long. A couple High Jump Kicks from Scrafty and I won.

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