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Tower of God - Sign-up thread


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What do you desire? Fortune? Glory? Power? Revenge? Or something that surpasses all others? Whatever you desire, 'that' is here. Tower of God.

Tower of God is a place where the chosen regulars take various tests on each floor in order to climb up the tower. There are many floors on this tower, with up to 10 currently known ones. The tests become more complicated and harder as people continue to climb the tower. In order to have a good chance of finishing each of those tests, one must possess many nessessary qualities - strength, intelligence, willpower, luck, and more importantly, the ability to work with others in a team. Some tests can encourage people to work together with each other. Other tests make then to challenge, fight, or betray their former allies - all of the sake of their own need of climbing the tower. What about you? Do you have any nessesary qualities to open the door and be able to climb the Tower of God? It's time to find out.

Tower of God is a major puzzle/psychological game where people get to continiously complete various tests. It was decently popular at SC2 Mafia (my previous home site), so I decided to replicate the challenge here as well. Each floor has one major test where completing it will allow the participants to ascend to the next floor. The tower uses a "test point" system where people earn points by completing the tests and lose then by failing the test. Some floors have several "minor" tests that have no negatives, but can allow the players to gain advantage in the next major quest. It is possible for players to go in negative if the lose too much test points. If a someone drops into the negative zone, then that person must earn enough points to go back into positive zone or be dropped out of tower completely. The tests on the floor can differ from each other. Some tests will be similar to your usual Mafia experiece while other tests can be challenging puzzles that everyone must work on in order to climp this tower.

So, without further ado, go ahead and try to climb the Tower of God! The new wave of sign-ups for the big psychological puzzle game has been opened! The Tower of God is a survival elimination game, where at least one person will be always eliminated at the end of each floor. How long you will last? For futher notice, all players currently inside the tower will be simply known as "Regulars".

If a participant earns a very large number of Test Points, that person can then opt to be an Administrator. The Administrator are is a special person that can also create Tests on their own for other Regulars to participate. I can also pick an Administrator myself, from site admins or other exceptional people who chose not to climb the Tower of God. So expect the future test puzzles to come not only from me, but from other people in the community as well!

Current participants:








Should you accept your willingness to climb the Tower, you will be tested for your courage, intellect, teamwork, adaptability, and of course, luck! If you become eliminated from the very first test, then you'll have to deal with it - you were probably not chosen by the tower! Best of luck!

On a side note, I'll get you a sneak peek on the upcoming tests by spoiling only the names of those tests:

Pandemic Game, Battle Chess, The Room of Trust, Poker Auction, Bomb and Fuse, Garden of Eden, Pokemon Draft, Minority Rule, Leap of Faith

Those are the names of the tests that I have previously hosted on SC2 Mafia site. Unfortunately, the site's activity has been dropped down recently, so I considered myself moving to another site again. I also hosted similar challenge on Marriland as well, but I believe Pokemon Reborn forums have better chances of attracting active people.

Edited by FragsBunny
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Ideally we should gather about as much as 15-20 people that can be willing to play Tower of God challenges for several weeks. I think I should insert few short descriptions about some of those tests. Hope that those notes can spark you interest to this challenge!

The Pandemic Game marks 2-3 regulars at random as "infected", and everyone's objecives, including the infected players is to obtain a certain numbers of "vaccines" by having regulars coming into "contact" with each other.

Battle Chess has two teams of regulars playing chess with each other... the main trick behind it is that each player will take a role of a certain chess piece.

In the Room of Trust you can only pass the test by gaining "trust" and support from other regulars. In other words, you need to convince then to vote for you!

The Poker Auction will allow players to bid on poker cards using linited amount of currency in order to build a strong poker hand of 5 cards.

The Leap of Faith is one of the harshest challenges in the Tower. Out of the 4 possible choices only one will bring you to salvation... Normally the chance to pass this test is 25%, but with some kind "faith" and "belief" your chances can go up!

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I'm planning to keep those sign-ups open for a least one week before we begin. There are two things you should keep in mind:

1. You need to use some kind Trainer card with up to 6 Pokemon in your team, because we might use then in one of the future tests. Just having a "Reborn Squad" without displaying any moves is fine.

2. The nautre of the first test on 1F will depend on how many people have signed up, because each test has a certain number of people suited to it. For example, we can't conduct Minority Rule or Pandemic Game with just 5 people, but Poker Auction and Leap of Faith are still possible with that many people.

Of course the amount of partiticipants is planned to thin down as the diffculty of tests increases. So good luck to you if you chose to participate!

Edited by FragsBunny
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to remind you that sign-ups for Tower of God are still open as of now. You may have already seen the rules for the 1F test, "Poker Auction", Four people have already passed this test, and cleared the first floor of the Tower. But what about you? Do you have what it takes to follow in their footsteps? You should catch up with then!

Sign-up at your own will! I have enough time to manage multiple floors of Tower at once.

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