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What if I.V.'s didn't exist?


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don't have nearly enough tolerance to spend hours on hours just trying to get a pokemon with perfect i.v.'s? how about you get 1 finally, and it turns out to have a bad nature? we're talking about a seriously long time that some of us are just too busy for. i /know/ i ain't got no time for that. but, instead of making people's ears bleed with old maymays, let's consider for a moment there were no i.v.'s. i mean sure, there could be a much easier way to get perfect i.v.'s, but for some unknown reason, i guess that's some sort of sin, cause i've never seen it done. personally, i kinda feel like deleting them entirely would possibly, just /maybe/ take away a bit of "feel", if you will, to that "variety" each pokemon has. i'm kinda torn between both thoughts.. any thoughts? i suppose i could've made this a poll, but i figure there's maybe been that poll already. so, how about just thoughts? maybe somebody can put into better words this "feel" thing? or, does anybody think i.v.'s were made so people would have more trouble being competitive on a global scale?

*apparently, a 4 points difference between 2 pokemon's stats, or something, counts as the same stat capability. but, 27+ has to be enough of a difference to show in battle.

Edited by Stormie
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Personally, I feel the game would be better off without them. EVs are fine, but IVs are, in all honesty bad for competitive play as they can really upset a battle in the games themselves. But, that's just my opinion. I've never wasted my time IV breeding and the like, but I also play the games pretty casually. Not to mention, I feel IV breeding and such is just... Unethical compared to the lessons the games highlight, but I am also the guy who gets attached to the Pokémon he takes along with him for the journey.

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I never played pokemon competitively, I just played to collect the pokes and for fun. I'd meet halfway and say get rid of them and just keep EV's, Then again I don't really like either. But that's just me.

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I don't really care to have perfect IV's but now that I am waiting for the next episode, I find my self trying to breed perfect IV pokemon.

everything was better when we didnt have iv's. so silly. much annoying. (sorry for the doge joke) but yeah i dont bother with ivs. theyre stupid. then again i dont play pokemon competitvly i play for fun

IV's are there since gen1, so there was no time when we didn't have them :P

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everything was better when we didnt have iv's. so silly. much annoying. (sorry for the doge joke) but yeah i dont bother with ivs. theyre stupid. then again i dont play pokemon competitvly i play for fun

i like to compete, but i can't manage the breeding thing.. it's just way too much demand. tumblr_mwy8walr6g1rjnc4ao1_500.jpg

I don't really care to have perfect IV's but now that I am waiting for the next episode, I find my self trying to breed perfect IV pokemon.

IV's are there since gen1, so there was no time when we didn't have them :P

i try to save before i grab a starter, and i can tend to use bad i.v.'s as an excuse to reload. cause, i think i have a good nature, but the ability is eh..iffy. so, i look at i.v.s, almost hoping they're bad, that way i can restart, and not feel guilty.

- w -

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It only really affects competitive play in a big way, while only a little difference is noticed in playing through a storyline, normally. In Reborn this is a bit less the case, due to the level caps.
Personally, I think of it as: 'what would make that pokemon you caught any different of the others besides it's nature?'
I just don't really know if IVs is the only way, but it is a noticeable way to give your pokes more personality.
So I think they're not that much of a problem. They only get really annoying when you try to breed for great IV's in canon games.

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I don't really care about natures, IVs and EVs existance. When I started playing Reborn, my first pokemon game ever, I didn't know those three things even existed, neither did I know what they did (It took me several months to understand just what IVs were, let along EVs and natures). To me, the only real impotance of a nature in a pokemon game is to tell me my pokemon's personality (I play for the fun and the adventure, so I enjoy having teammates with brave, impish, timid, etc. personalities, absolutely regardless of what stats those might raise or lower). As for IVs, I just see them as what they supposedly are, my pokemon's genes. If my Gardevoir has 29 IVs in attack and 6 IVs in special attack, that's cool, is MY Gardevoir, there might be others stronger than her and I could even have just released it and catch another one (well not in reborn but in other games), but that 29-6 makes her unique. The same for the rest of my team. Even if they're not superior to others of their kind in therms of statistics, that doesn't matter to me.

Something that never crosses my mind in-game, is to put my teammates to fuck with a Ditto until they have an offspring that is genetically stronger than them so that I can toss the parent away and use the child. I don't care how other people play and I respect breeders (specially since you can get certain moves and stuff only by doing it), but to me it just goes against what the game is supposed to teach me. And EVs, well, they always end fucked up and shared among all the stats (battling the same pokemon over and over for just one stat to raise is a pain), and you know what? there goes another thing that makes my pokemon unique. I care more for the ability than for any of these things, and for that there's the ability capsule.

Also, since when I play competitive I always do it on the showdown thing, and all IVs are always 31 by default, is almost as they weren't there (except if you want some trick room team or a gyro ball ferrothorn or something); no one would decrease the IVs of a competitive team under 31 unless it has a strategic purpose. If I were ever went to play a wifi battle, take for sure I wouldn't waste my time breeding for killing machines. That mass production I just find gross. And that's also why I would never win a wifi battle (probably...), but I ain't got time for that.

IVs, EVs and natures shouldn't necessarily go away by any mean, they add diversity to the creatures we know as pokémon, is just people who shouldn't be so ray cry cry 'bout them.

Edited by zimvader42
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Just wanted to point out, that i read in the forum that nature can be changed later on in the game

7th street?

Which means, only IVs cannot. So even if u get someone with bad nature but good IVs, you can later change its nature. Ofc you will need to spend a heart scale, but thats not the point of this post :P

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Without IVs the games would be hella boring (regardless of the competitive impact) because all Pokemon would be the same. Basically, every time you face X Pokemon and it uses X move, you are guaranteed to know how much damage it would deal. IVs guarantee that no two Pokemon fight the same, adding diversity to the game: they really don't change the game much beyond the bit of unpredictability to specific match-ups, if you are obsessed with them it's only because of the omnipresent competitive mentality...

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I'll have to stop you there. Just because you haven't battled competitively, doesn't mean it isn't fun. Give it a try! You never know! IMO, Competitive Batting is fun. *GASP* NO WAYY

Having good IVs/Evs/Natures is dandy. I am sure we all know that. In the official games, they didn't affect gameplay very much. But in Reborn, they are a must. If IVs became changeable, the whole idea of pokemon individuality would be obsolete. IVs make Pokemon what it is, and what it always should be.

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When I first started playing eugenics simulator pokemon I didn't care much about IVs, EVs and natures, because they are not needed in the story. You can beat mainstream pokemon games with brute force alone. When a bit of challenge appears, you have to build a better team, and having better members is the way to do it. Therefore, if my, lets say Aggron, has IVs 0Atk, 12Def he's essentially useless, whereas a similar pokemon with 29Atk, 25Def is better. You don't need to go for perfect IVs, unless you go for championships and such, where each detail counts, but it doesn't hurt to do so. They are not real animals, so you'd have to feel compassion about them.

Other things you could take into account are more or less mentioned: Unique pokemon, as two Volcaronas at lvl80 wouldn't be the same

aaaand Hidden Powers! What makes a pokemon differ is their Hidden Power.

I met it there, I gave it this nickname, it has these IVs and EVs, and this hidden power. So no it's not the same as yours. (thus not same IVs)

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I don't just refuse to bother learning IVs because I can't be bothered. From what I've heard it will never be worth it. I have no intention of competitive play and Reborn doesn't need it. I only learned about EVs a few months ago and even those are a bit meh.

The way I feel I'd rather repeatedly battle the same gym in different ways than running eggs back and forth. Damian is no stork!

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But IV's/EV'd are important, even in reborn. Not that you wont be able to beat the game without it, but if you want a smooth play you should at least reset/breed for decent IV's and at least EV train a little, change nature if it is bad for the pokemon (adamant Gardevoir). As an example, a untrained/0 IV attack/ negative attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 220 attack, while a EV trained/31 IV attack/ +attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 372 attack. That is a 152 point difference.

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Having good IVs/Evs/Natures is dandy. I am sure we all know that. In the official games, they didn't affect gameplay very much. But in Reborn, they are a must. If IVs became changeable, the whole idea of pokemon individuality would be obsolete. IVs make Pokemon what it is, and what it always should be.

Without IVs the games would be hella boring (regardless of the competitive impact) because all Pokemon would be the same. Basically, every time you face X Pokemon and it uses X move, you are guaranteed to know how much damage it would deal. IVs guarantee that no two Pokemon fight the same, adding diversity to the game: they really don't change the game much beyond the bit of unpredictability to specific match-ups, if you are obsessed with them it's only because of the omnipresent competitive mentality...

Exactly!! It adds a whole new depth to the game and gives individuality to each pokemon. Each wild pokemon is unique.

But IV's/EV'd are important, even in reborn. Not that you wont be able to beat the game without it, but if you want a smooth play you should at least reset/breed for decent IV's and at least EV train a little, change nature if it is bad for the pokemon (adamant Gardevoir). As an example, a untrained/0 IV attack/ negative attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 220 attack, while a EV trained/31 IV attack/ +attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 372 attack. That is a 152 point difference.

True. Although you don't have to rigorously breed/EV train it helps to get a few EVs in the right places

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I'll have to stop you there. Just because you haven't battled competitively, doesn't mean it isn't fun. Give it a try! You never know! IMO, Competitive Batting is fun. *GASP* NO WAYY

Having good IVs/Evs/Natures is dandy. I am sure we all know that. In the official games, they didn't affect gameplay very much. But in Reborn, they are a must. If IVs became changeable, the whole idea of pokemon individuality would be obsolete. IVs make Pokemon what it is, and what it always should be.

For the record, I have battled competitively, for the most part with multiplayer games I am a pretty competitive player. For instance, when I play Halo, I'm rather competitive. But, in Pokémon these days it isn't the case; and I have my reasons.

I view IVs as being bad for competitive play, because outside of countless hours of breeding, which again I find by the lore to be extremely unethical; it adds a major element of randomness. Randomness is not good for competitive play in any game. But, once more, that is just my opinion.

But IV's/EV'd are important, even in reborn. Not that you wont be able to beat the game without it, but if you want a smooth play you should at least reset/breed for decent IV's and at least EV train a little, change nature if it is bad for the pokemon (adamant Gardevoir). As an example, a untrained/0 IV attack/ negative attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 220 attack, while a EV trained/31 IV attack/ +attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 372 attack. That is a 152 point difference.

I just reap what I sew even in Reborn, if I get a bad nature or IVs, I have a bad nature or IVs. Half of my team in Reborn don't have ideal IVs or Natures; most of them being neutral or middle ground at best with my starter actually having a somewhat hindering nature; and I do well enough. Granted, I have also been playing the games since Gen I and have a lot of overall experience; they aren't really a factor for me and never will be.

I don't care for IVs, as I said, I like EVs; and those can make your pokémon unique as it is due to being based on what you've battled along your journey. IVs to me, I would like it if they were gone, but would prefer it if they weren't breedable; as people have said IVs make your Pokémon unique and I'm cool with that. But, breeding for perfect IVs and such just... Saps half of the purpose of the game and the lessons the stories often teach. For competitive play and such, I feel like how levels are dropped or adjusted; they should do the same with IVs to create a level field.

I know how the mechanics work, I just don't care a lot for them. Nor do most of the kids who play the games, a lot of them probably don't even know what an IV is.

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I don't like them, but they're a somple fact of the game. I don't care about getting them in game, so if I want to compete with friends or something, I tend to just use Showdown so we don't have to breed and so we can skip straight to the battles.

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Just wanted to point out, that i read in the forum that nature can be changed later on in the game

7th street?

Which means, only IVs cannot. So even if u get someone with bad nature but good IVs, you can later change its nature. Ofc you will need to spend a heart scale, but thats not the point of this post :P

oh, wow.. now, i haven't been able to play for my own reasons, but this is yet another way i can really appreciate this game. nice.

. o .

Without IVs the games would be hella boring (regardless of the competitive impact) because all Pokemon would be the same. Basically, every time you face X Pokemon and it uses X move, you are guaranteed to know how much damage it would deal. IVs guarantee that no two Pokemon fight the same, adding diversity to the game: they really don't change the game much beyond the bit of unpredictability to specific match-ups, if you are obsessed with them it's only because of the omnipresent competitive mentality...

i don't know about boring, but this definitely sounds like what i was trying to get at with the uniqueness of each pokemon. but, this adds more than what i was saying. good point about unpredictability. it sounds like it could be more boring if we could just know every time.

I'll have to stop you there. Just because you haven't battled competitively, doesn't mean it isn't fun. Give it a try! You never know! IMO, Competitive Batting is fun. *GASP* NO WAYY

Having good IVs/Evs/Natures is dandy. I am sure we all know that. In the official games, they didn't affect gameplay very much. But in Reborn, they are a must. If IVs became changeable, the whole idea of pokemon individuality would be obsolete. IVs make Pokemon what it is, and what it always should be.

i've always found competitive battling fun. we're on the same page here.

But IV's/EV'd are important, even in reborn. Not that you wont be able to beat the game without it, but if you want a smooth play you should at least reset/breed for decent IV's and at least EV train a little, change nature if it is bad for the pokemon (adamant Gardevoir). As an example, a untrained/0 IV attack/ negative attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 220 attack, while a EV trained/31 IV attack/ +attack nature lvl 100 Blaziken would have 372 attack. That is a 152 point difference.

i think they are, like i've mentioned about people's comments on individuality, that sort of thing. but, you're right here, too. 31 points adds a lot to a single stat. that's a 1st turn, or avoiding being 1-shotted by a small fraction of health, and using a move like explosion or activating a signature move/special ability combo, turning the tables on your opponent.

Poke Doge made my night xD

you have been graced. *pets sazane*

- w -

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I don't mind mechanics like EV's and IV's and everything to that nature, but the one thing I wish was that I didn't need to breed Pokemon to get things like perfect IV's or Eggs moves. Instead of having Egg moves, there could've been another mechanic, or simply more tutors/more TMs.

As for IV's it would be nice if there was some way to increase them, like a more more in depth training system, maybe with much more strict limitations so that you had to really work for perfect IV's but while keeping in the themes of teamwork and friendship with your Pokemon. Like others have said, I don't want to force my team that have gotten me through most of the game to endlessly breed with a ditto to give me the perfect child and send the parents off without so much as a "thank you". I'd rather train tirelessly WITH my team so that we can be the best through blood, sweat, and tears, not semen and eggs.

Maybe each Pokemon could only earn 3 points in IV's per day, and you had to go through some mini-game or something of intensive training to get a single point added to your Pokemon.

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i just in general never cared about iv's. i dont play competivly. and my personal thoughts, i dont think competivly is fun but thats me. its also probably the old school gamer in me. i play for fun but with or without ivs to me every pokemon is always unique.

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