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Need team analysis.


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So after recovering my og save data 3 months and 29 days later, I want to get another team ana... I had just beat Charlotte in this save.

Malts (Gardevoir) Lv: 66

Ability: Trace

Nature: Timid



Calm Mind

Trick Room (for Charlotte, gonna give it Shadow Ball)

Seismitoad Lv: 67

Ability: Swift Swim

Nature: Docile


Sludge Wave

Aqua Ring

Rain Dance

POWER (Scrafty) Lv: 66

Ability: Shed Skin

Nature: Brave

Moves:Hi-Jump Kick

Brick Break


Rock Climb

Noivern Lv: 68

Ability: Infiltrator

Nature: Modest

Moves: Hurricane

Air Slash


Shadow Ball

(Will prob replace roost with Dragon Pulse)

Mamoswine Lv: 63

Ability: Oblivious

Nature: Gentle

Moves: Earthquake

Ancient Power

Ice Shard


Blaze (Typhlosion) Lv: 63

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Calm

Moves: Flamethrower




God that took a while to type.....

Reposted from earlier (didn't get a responce due to moving issues)

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Trick Room > Shadow Ball

Corsola can give you Earth Power (you don't need aqua ring).

D Dance/ Ice Punch >>> Rock Climb/Brick Break

Of course dragon pulse is better than roost. Tailwind instead of Air Slash or Hurricane (with that swift swimmer around hurricane has 100% accuracy in rain), flamethrower or boomburst can also replace shadow ball.

Curse/Icicle Crash >> Strenght/Ancient Power

CUT?? Extrasensory is way better. (Hidden Power can also replace Inferno depending on what you have)

Edit: Sorry forgot to add this. Seismitoad will better with modest, Scrafty should go with Jolly and Moxie. Mamoswine is the one that you're going to help with trick room, so brave/adamant is better (thick fat won't be bad). Modest typhlosion.

(If you're not EV training, trick room will help everyone, because now the gym leaders have good natures, good IVs and EVs so...)

Edited by Follow
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Gardevoir: You have some very fast pokémon on your team, so trick room will be a hinderance instead of something helpful. I suggest you to replace it with grass knot. It's a good move to take down some heavy rock/ground types, since you don't have a Grass pokémon.

Seismitoad could be a lot more useful is you try to breed Earth Power from corsola onto it.

What I have to say about scrafty, is that I die a little on the inside each time I see one with rock climb. You can't use it outside of battle, and it's a horrible and innacurate move. Once again, if you have time, breed Dragon Dance from Altaria onto it, it allows your pokémon to become a deadly sweeper.

Noivern: Yeah, replace roost with dragon pulse. Hurricane is also quite innacurate, you can replace with Super Fang or a support move like Tailwind.

For Mamo the dragon hunter I can't suggest much, since the good TMs are all missing, but as soon as TM Rock Slide or Stone Edge become available, teach it to him and ditch the HM strength.

Typhlosion is an excelent pokémon, but teaching it Cut or Inferno is a blasphemy. Teach him Hidden Power and let the 4th slot vacant until TM Will-o-wisp becomes available.

Edited by Knight_Teutonic
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