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A question about breeding


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Hello guys, im doing some breeding at the moment after searching what pokemons i need for my teams with what moves, and i came across an obstacle, i dont know how to solve it but i hope you can give me an answer :P

Im doing only ep 14.1.1 kind of breeding.

So the idea is some of my pokemons will have more than 1 egg moves. I will show an example of Aggron:

Aggron - rock head zoom lens
-iron tail (lvl 35)
-Head Smash (breed)
-superpower (breed)
As you can see, Aggron can learn head smash and superpower only by breeding. (He can learn superpower by move tutor too but that wont work since there is no such move tutor in reborn :P)
I was thinking and i cannot find a way to have a baby aron with both these egg moves, since Aggron line doesnt pass these 2 egg moves, which means i cant breed the first time for first move and then breed the second time for the second move while keeping the first move.
Anyone got a solution for this, or there is no way to keep them both? :)
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I'm...confused. What seems to be the problem here? Post-E12, TM moves cannot be passed on via breeding, so there's that. Iron Tail is a level-up move, easy to get. Head Smash and Superpower are both Egg Moves, and since E13, both parents can pass on Egg Moves, so to get both moves it's just breeding something male with HS or SP with a female Aron/Lairon/Aggron, get a female Aron and breed that with something male with the other move you need. Done.

If you're looking for a way to breed all three moves (not counting Iron Tail cuz level-up), that's not possible, especially not post-E12.

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Hmm maybe i didnt explained it correctly:

first step:

female aron + male with head smash >>> i get a female aron with head smash

second step:

female aron with head smash + male with superpower >>>> ??? do i get a male/female aron with both head smash and superpower? Or just a female/male aron with superpower. Im asking because aron get head smash by breeding, that is, as egg moves but not from aron line but from other pokemons, which means aron doesnt pass down head smash.

Edit: Nvm, i understand what you mean, i even tested it and you are correct sir :)

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Edited by netbean
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...Just as a future reference, if a pokemon has any moves that can be passed down to it through breeding, that pokemon can pass those moves through breeding as well.

Since Gen 6, yes. Looks to me like he's kinda new to this.

Glad that worked out for ya, netbean!

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