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A Collection of Baubles [CW][Poem]

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That's what

The pain does with

Every moment I spend with you.

The healing stings; sometimes, you just suddenly

Remind me of

The past. But just a little bit.

I think that... It's I who need you, rather than you needing me.

When you see this, all I want you to know is that I'm grateful, eternally

Eternally, eternally. Internally, externally. It doesn't matter. It matters not. What does is that

I've met you now.

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Speechless-- that's what I am when

He tells me words I don't believe--

"You are beautiful." Again and again.

Is your intention to deceive?

A white, smiling mask doesn't help any

But your tone-- words of retort hitch

In my throat. Emotions a-plenty

Course through me. I'm bewitched

By a cliche spell. It's a strange, guilty pleasure

Really. The truth of these words, I try to measure.

It's quite the game, indeed, but then, you're also my savior.

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Here is the beginning of the universe.

Consider as each elements intersperse

In slow motion, lest we too, burst

As we observe the world rehearse

Life before it begins. Photons disperse

In transverse pathways. Immerse yourself

In the wonders of what hasn't yet been cursed.

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Around they go, senorito and senorita

Senorita, ay! she looks like a flower

On fire. Clapping to colorful castanets

Clacking and tapping and tapping and clacking

To guitars and percussion. Senorito

Does the same, faster and faster.

¡Ole! Hear the rhythm, dance along

To la flamenco song, clap tap tap clap along.

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"Untitled. #4115"

The make-believe renegade queen arrayed in blue nightshade

Swirled and danced, drunkenly, on a bit of tightrope string.

A delicate azure thing, she stayed and swayed,

Maiden of soft, silky sapphire down on a hazardous swing

Where the heart reigns supreme; the mind is helpless and a slave

To its whims. Overthinking after all adds fuels and can't stave

Off midnight flames. Nothing's ready below to save

The faux queen. She knows she's a fool, but she still plays

Such a dangerous game. Only God knows why.

Tottering and stumbling, nearly falling, she stays.

Much like the nightmares she's unable to defy.

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"Untitled. #40515.357" (Alternate Titles: "An Attempt At Spoken Word Poetry", "How to Feel", "What Feels Am I Supposed to Feel", "Holy Shit This is a Super Long Poem")

I don't know what love feels like.

Or what it should feel like, for that matter.

The latter is confusing-- you just feel



smattering, splattering, spattering

Shattering your thoughts and convictions.

You think that that high is what love feels like

But that kind of dies out eventually like

Wavelengths. Wavelengths with their highs and lows.

You can't always synchronize your heart and mind

And never mind the thoughts you block out, deeming them as

Destructive, nonsensical, disruptive

When, really, they're just feelings. Spurs of the moment.

All I know is that to love is not as easy as the world lies.

Even then it's something that I long to learn.

But you can't just synchronize your heart and mind

And never mind the spikes in your feelings especially when--

When that one person makes you smile

And want to cry all at once. There's almost no order.

Chaos. Ordered chaos; Chaotic order.

No borders that help you differentiate how you really, truly feel.

Is it love, or just a spur of the moment?

Does it help if I know I want to spend time with that person?

And yet when I've got the chance I can't synchronize my

Heart, mind, and my mouth

I'm rendered speechless. Everything I thought of to say earlier--

Gone. Just like my thoughts and convictions.

Is it love or just a spur of the moment every time I leap when

I see you around? And is it still love if I do love you, but at arm's length

Because I don't deserve you, I know it's too soon, I'm too immature

And I'm hoping that a poem, a poem that's

Destructive, nonsensical, disruptive

As unorganized as my thoughts and convictions and feelings

Can shed light on what love is, on what it truly feels like

A poem that you may or may not read

A poem that you may or may not talk to me about

A poem I write as you sleep peacefully-- and what right have I

To drag you into my discordant, disarrayed disorganized dilemma

When you're-- You're

Free. Busy. Being the blessing that you can't see you are.

While I'm here, selfish, immature, fresh with wounds, and undeserving

Of you. Of anything beautiful. Of knowing what love truly is

Or what it feels like. I can't forgive myself.

Who's to say that you will? And yet you cause

Spikes in my emotions.

Telling me that I am loved. By you, no less.

I'm rendered speechless. But I can't touch you, for you're

At arm's length and more

And I'm here, unable to synchronize my heart and mind

Never to know or understand what love truly is and how it should really feel

If love's in those spikes in my emotions,

In this poem you may or may not read or speak to me about,

In the highs and lows that may or may not die out when

You tell me that you love me-- jokingly or not jokingly

Platonically or not platonically

Truly or not truly--

When you make me smile, make my heart ache, and my mind crash.

For all I know I'm the only one feeling these things.

But maybe then I don't care if I'll never know what love truly is or what it should feel like

For there's beauty in being with you just like this--

Both beauty and pain at loving you at arm's length and more

At wondering if this poem you will or will not ignore

At waiting, apprehensively, for the end that approaches inevitably

No matter how many times I wish it won't come.

But know that I love you dearly and am grateful, from the bottom of my heart

To the top of my mind

Even if I am


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Of Folding Laundry and Maria"

Spread it out, left sleeve, then right sleeve

Then you fold it in one two three.

Until you're through with this pile, you can't leave

Over and over and again and again.

Again and again and over and over.

You can't leave until you've recited all these mantras.

Three, two, one, Holy Mary, Mother of God

Have mercy on us for fourteen more stanzas.

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Where life'll take us, who knows?

The winds of life blow hard and it lands hard blows.

You drift by me, reminding me to be brave.

I feel like I'm staring up at a tidal wave.

But even still, you're with me now and

Somehow that makes everything okay.

You're like a white lion despite the turbulent storms,

You tell me you love me in spite of my many forms--

I hate how I can't seem to take care of you just as well

And I can't help feeling like I'm as selfish as hell.

But even still, you're with me now and

Somehow the nagging feeling goes away.

But today's a little bit different and there's a change in tone

I feel like drifting away; dandelion seeds shouldn't, can't, and don't own.

I feel like drifting away and I don't want you to see.

I've got to fly away on my own wind before I drag you down--

All I think about anyway is "me, me, me"

All whoever think this way is me, me, and me

I've ruined this poem making it all about me

It's all I'm ever good at and even still I don't want you to see

The pitiful, ugly, disdainful me

The truth I guess is that I love you but

I don't know if I want you to love me

Even then, you're there right now and

I just want to slip away somehow

fragile like a gossamer ball

that dissipates in its very fall

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  • 1 month later...

"Spürhund und Nacht"

For Bonifacia "Bonnie", "Demon Dog Next Door", our beloved craycray beagle.

A beautiful dog under the best kind of sky

Funny furry floppy ears bouncing as the stars float by

My baby, whose scent is it you pick up and follow?

What does your little wet nose sniff in the shadow?

Caramel with cream, patches of black

You leap at a bark and watch for an attack.

Then when you're braver, you howl in a song

Rising and spiraling into the nocturne all night long

You're my funny little girl, who barks at nothing in sight

Jumping at or chasing after things going bump in the night

Even when you chew on tissue paper and other delicacies

You make me smile with much ease.

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"Nacht auf See" (alternative title: "Night at Sea", "A Two-Night Stand at Sea", "I'm bad at naming things sea", "I was sleepy when I finished this sea")

Night envelops me like a lover.

The song of crickets and men are drowned away

By the shadowy sea rushing the shore.

If I sit still enough, the howling gale kisses me

With salty lips.

... Or was it the crisp tang of the jealous sea as it

Slammed up high against the lonely stone pier

Trying to reach me?

Below me, the rumbling sky tumbled with the wind

And caught silver shards surfing on its waves.

On the horizon was an infinite host of tiny floating

Lights. Like a man took bow and arrow

And the stars down.

Up above, the vastly black sea glistened

Shimmering as the captured moon glowed in silence

Amidst the pinpricks scattered everywhere

Each trying to outshine the other.

Every eve, I'd steal away to that isolated pier

Where I could fall into the alluring embrace of twilight.

Now everyday, I'd stand under the same, yet alien heavens

Missing the ocean of stars and the roaring skies

Missing the caress of the wind and its salty kisses

Missing the hypnotic song and beguiling charm

Of my lover, the night awaiting me at sea.

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The blue maiden, she blushed that day;

For that day she was bright red instead.

The game she had come from was dangerous--

But then again, so was she, even with frail mind and heart--

For it plucked at one's soul and heartstrings and sanity.

Ah, had she just been freed only to be trapped again so soon?

"How fickle of me," she scolded herself mentally.

The blue maiden, she blushed that day;

For that day she was bright red instead.

But the question, it lingers

Even with the answer possibly at her fingers:

For whom had the sweet words been penned?

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"RE: Afterword" (Alternative titles: "To The Writer", "A Thank You", "A Kind of Long Poem But Not As Long As Untitled #40515.357", "Sort-of-Bluntest Shiet Yet")

A Note:

Dear writer, this is addressed to you

You, that's right, you, the talented who wrote.

But before anything else I need to make clear

I'm afraid I'll never have the courage to talk of these things

In person. And to be honest, I really, really, really fear

That I've misunderstood them being for me (that thought kinda stings).

Nonetheless I'd also like to clarify to you

With all the gut and nonexistent grace that I can muster:

Thank you. For picking me up whenever I'm blue.

For the beautiful words that have me flounder and flustered.

Truthfully, I envy that girl for whom you seem to write.

I... Kind of dreamed to be flattered that way, every night.

It's ridiculously romantic and unfitting of me, I know.

Hell, I don't even know why I'm admitting this, but it's no mere show.

... No other's ever actually delighted me this deeply

Or made me feel as special. It's not easy at all to rhyme

But it's worth it if I can convey that I treasure you dearly.

Genuinely. Maybe even more than that. I'll figure it out in time.

It'll come in Fragments or so, perhaps

Till then, I hope I'm not sinking into a relapse.

You know how horrible I am with words, and maybe I'm just overthinking too.

Again you probably meant none of yours for me, but regardless,

I wanted to put in a reference you might get, so I'll say that to dream is all we need to do.

TL;DR: you make me smile and... well, to be cliche but true, light up my darkness.

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spoiler'd cause holy shit I can feel how emotionally stupid I am from the previous pages

that and so it's out of the way and out of sight

"I'm probably going to be misunderstood for this and it's a very messy poem but it's really important to get this message to you"

Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous


like a cornered animal-huntress

like blooming nightshade

like a crazed naked gypsy flame

enticing but


I know deep inside to warn you:

"Get away from me; I'm nothing but trouble"

I need to protect you


I know that I'll just hurt you


like shattered glass and broken china

don't ever play with fire, dear moth;

stare too long and you'll go mad

See, love is beguiling, love is...

... not as easy as the world lies.

I know that all too well

and wish for you to not suffer like I did.

... but

whenever I read the sweet things you say

I have to admit

That... it's as if flame and ice pour over me at all once

I shiver and feel a strange warmth

I sigh. I laugh, and feel genuinely better than I usually do

in a general state of okay-ness

in a state of peace.

And I want, all the more, to keep you closer

and to hold you and tell you that everything's going to be okay.

but I know deep inside

if I encourage this

if I give in

everything will fall apart again

I'll be nothing more but a monster

a monster, once more

a monster who tears the soul, heart, and mind

who breaks the bonds between friends

I'm no goddess

I'm just as mortal as you, he, she, xe

mortal and fragile

and I don't want you to be broken

broken like me

as broken as these haphazard words of mine

I need to convey these things to you

I need to protect you


... you're precious to me.

even if it's hard to see

even if I don't show it or reciprocate completely.

you're a beautiful soul, the rarest kind

sorcery and magic in your words, thoughts, in your heart

please, please, please understand

I know it sounds selfish of me

but you're safer at arm's length

I know it sounds selfish of me

but I know what it's like to have been tricked

and I won't lie to you and say I want things to change

because I'm not ready; I'm immature, selfish, fresh with wounds.


i'm scared of... feelings and

i don't want to lose you, too.

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"do you know the feeling when" pt.1 (Alternate titles: "lazy river", "mfw obligations", "oh look belletristic things")

it's kind of like

drifting down a river

on a nice, well-made boat

life's placid and peaceful till the rapids hit

kinda like when fans start to get hit by shit

the younger you knew for sure somehow that she'd've had the grit

and the spirit to bounce back, learn, keep going on

but now you kinda just want to keep drifting on and to yawn



it all









you know if you don't get up

you'll drown.

you know if you don't get up

you'll be crushed.

you know if you don't get up

nobody can save you.

but even with the waterfall approaching



more verbs with waterfall noises

you just kinda

want to stay down anyway

stop caring

keep drifting and yawning

pretending you're still in a well-made boat

sailing down a peaceful river that doesn't end in a painful deluge

cause hey

who likes big sudden changes, anyway?

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"stop motion"


watch your years suddenly fly by

now say goodbye to innocence

and blissful ignorance as they

give way to new burdens you don't

understand, won't ever ask for.


watch your responsibilities fly by

now look wry and laugh a dry laugh

cause it's daft how fast life suddenly is

and you just miss not being the you today

you just want to stay still and stop motion

cause life's just a big ugly commotion





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"a day of reckoning" (Alternative title: "a note to myself", "jaded philosophical bullshit", "I really need to stop talking to myself")

try not to think too hard about these things:

who are you and are you certain that you are?


just, why?

are you happy with you?

the people around you; who are real and who's just

a figment of your imagination

a part of your make-believe tales?

do you truly know whom they are?

why twos? just cause no man's an island?

even then, where's the other you?

where's the other you to know whom you are

to answer all the questions you wonder?

does that you even exist?

why are you asking these questions?

don't you have something better to do?

why aren't -

can you just stop


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