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News, Sakuna Uta Dies, and Phoenix WIngs

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I am here to make some announcements:

After a lot of deadness, Sakuna Uta has been disbanded. It's been very fun guys, but let's be honest: none of you are on the channel and it's empty and it's already been deleted.

Good night Sakuna Uta

Hello Phoenix Wings

This is the new clan I am starting. Any Sakuna Uta members are automatically invited! Send me a message and welcome aboard :D

This clan will focus on gaming, ALL GAMING! \o/ Since we are in a pokemon server, pokemon will be a good discussion topic. But MOBAs, fighting games, anything is fair game. There are no rules of entry as of yet, but I'll create some eventually. Just stop by the channel for now and we can welcome you aboard.

The only rules are that we ask for absolute respect to other members. Any problems you have with a fellow member have to stay out of the clan room. Outside you are enemies, inside you are buddies. Got it? Cool!

Hope to see you all around!

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