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[WIP] Every Puzzle Solution & Event Pokémon Location


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I mean, I've got time to do it, and the only irritating part is 60FPS rendering, but considering some people don't use Chrome, I'll stick to 30FPS to save time.

I'll be uploading them based off how I'm playing, so right now I just beat Samson, so I'll record the puzzles ahead for now, and do the rest on another file.

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p.s. Lostelle, on Reborn uploading 60 FPS videos wouldn't be worth the time imo. It can double the file sizes and make the uploading take longer etc... and it only currently works on Chrome, so just do it in 30 FPS like ya said. It isn't like 60 FPS will make a huge difference on a 2D game so It is jsut a better bet for time's sake to just stick with 30.

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Hey guys, it's been almost a week now, I just wanted to fill you in on why there's been a lack of videos pertaining the topic.

So after I finished my first event list, I became sick and lost my voice. I just regained my voice back today, however I use a wireless headset, and well, long story short, I can't find the charger!

So until then, I won't be able to record anything with voice, and I really don't want to re-commentate over something, because I view it as a waste of time. I'm currently trying to progress through the story, but since I just recently replayed, I am quite bored and am becoming lazy due to not being able to do anything.

However, I still will be continuing this thread of course, but I don't want to continue the story without using this little flying rodent I'm currently saved in front of without recording it... so yeah.

Hopefully you guys understand, I'll continue this soon.

Jericho said it's okay for me to post this if it's been 4 days+ since the last post

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been way to long, I have added two more videos:

-Rodochrine Jungle Puzzle

-Shade's Gym Puzzle

**Blackstream Factory Puzzle coming soon!

Jasper & Beryl Ward Event Pokémon will be coming near the end of this week.

Thanks for patience & enjoy. :)

Edited by Lostelle
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this is so useful really appreciate all the effort helps me to decide if the event pokemon is worth the effort though I'll probably end up getting them all but either way thanks a lot

No problem. For the beginning stages, most of them require little or no effort. However, later on, some require LOTS of effort...

i'm not looking forward to recording them.


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  • 4 weeks later...

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