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Change on The Winds


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So this won't be a long thread but I've had this in me for a bit and I kinda just need to get it out. You guys will be my pillow to scream into, or so to speak. So yeah, sorry about that.

Basically my life is getting flipped upside down at the moment. Some of you might remember I made a status post a few weeks ago about how my best friend's dad lost his job and so my best buddy will probably move away soon. Well yeah, the madness didn't end there or else this wouldn't be a post. Life is getting pretty crazy for me.

Now my own dad lost his job.

I don't know the reasoning behind it and there were no signs that it was going to happen. All I know is that when I finally got my school and love life in order, everything else decided to crumble away. I'm halfway through high school now and if I end up moving, I'll probably need to redo all the classes I've done over the past two years despite the fact that I have taken nearly every core class at my school. I don't want to waste my time by dawdling in pointless retakes of Algebra and rereading Romeo and Juliet.

My older sister had to temporarily drop out of college to help my family support itself and while my family and I really appreciate it, she's also putting a whole lot more pressure on the situation.Yes, we won't need to pay for her college bills for a while, but the mere fact that my parents allowed her to leave college for any amount of time simply tells me how bad the situation is.

I just want a fairly simple life. I want to do great things. I want to do memorable things. But every time my life begins to work out well, another roadblock appears in my path. Now I'm one of the most willful people you'll encounter. I'm not going to give up on these hopes simply because of obstacles. But it would be quite nice if the universe stopped putting them in my path. Also a hell of a lot easier.

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Well, we know that the universe isn't like that, but we can always hope ;)
I don't know if it helps, but maybe talk about it to the principle of your school. Maybe he/she/xe can help you fending off unnecessary retakes.
I wish you the best of strength, and for things to work out soon. Until then, you'll have to face Flash Cannon Lucario ;)

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Well, I know this won't be much, but I hope you can just overcome all of these obstacles: our lives are full of those (in different amounts), and I have to say I'm in a better situation than you (but I sometimes still wish I wasn't Italian, not only there's the economical crisis, but our politicians seem to just raise taxes even more because they want three times the salary of a politician in Germany anyway.)

It always seems that after overcoming an obstacle like this you are weaker and you cannot do the same with the next roadblock... But, as you said, you can't avoid these things forever.

I have a lot of hopes for my future. I didn't do a professional school (here in Italy, that's a school that immediately gives you opportunities for a job, even after three years, so when you are 16). My parents are not in a bad situation and they have a job, but I seem to think that this situation could have been better. That's why I planned to go to the university, and then do some important jobs. This is going to be difficult, but do I want to have just a normal job or remain unemployed for decades after school? That's what happens to a lot of people here in Italy, especially young ones.

I just hope that everything will be alright and that you can still pursue your ambitions :)

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Don't even get me started on taxes.

Victor, I can understand how this is. It's going to be tedious for you, but I can hope for the best. Even if he finds a job that pays less than before, you can still manage things, if you're lucky. Your sister is doing a sacrifice that is probably saving you from having to move and re-do all your classes. Perhaps this situation continues for a year, so all I'm asking from you is to be patient, focus on your school work and try to achieve your dreams. You're probably thinking that since things are pretty bad now, you'll have to go to a professional school, rather than university, in order to back up your family expenses. I can undestand that thought, and I can understand that if you also go to uni, you guys will have to pay much for tuition for two people. All I can hope is that things go fairly well, your parents become fully employed again so that you can pursue what you want, so you won't feel guilt later on in your life. You have my full support, even if it's only on a psychological level.

Edited by nickcrash
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Professional school seems to be the European term for vocational school. Which isn't a bad thing. Especially since the push for higher education oh so many years ago have lead to a great increase in people qualified for a lot of education intensive jobs... while leaving a huge gap to be filled by vocational studies graduates. Which is why a lot of them pay so well. JS. Keep your chin up. Still lots of options and opportunities to be had.

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