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potential concussion


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Hence topic. Today, during my b-ball practice, my teammate practically throws an over head pass to me and the ball hits me in the nose. Right now, I'm feeling nauseous in my house, no short memory loss obviously,but bit tired.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Get medical attention and/or don't sleep for extended periods of time (preferably the former). Strangely enough your not the only one around here who has recently got a concussion.

As for sleeping, there's a debate on whether or going into long periods of sleep with a concussion without seeking medical attention can lead to slipping into a coma.

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Just like Jericho said I think you should see a doctor..

I remember there was a girl in my school and there was a pääkallokeli (literally means skull weather and it means that ice is so slippery and if you fall over you can literally crack your skull and die.. and I don't know is there any English word for it) well she got a concussion and she died because didn't seek any medical help or that's what I heard and this happened over 10 years ago, I was about 7 years old (?).

I don't want to scare you or anything but yeah..


Okay checked and there is no English word for pääkallokeli.

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Okay checked and there is no English word for pääkallokeli.

Yeah, we don't have a word or phrase for when it rains, then freezes over and turns the whole area into a skating rink. And we did have someone get a serious TBI (traumatic brain injury) from it last winter.

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You wouldn't have memory loss from a hit to the nose. If it were stronger and higher (probably from another angle) you could have hit the brain, but now nausea is probably due to hitting the many nerves that are in the area. You might have had blurred vision and feeling dizzy for a bit after the impact with the ball. It's perfectly normal. As long as you remained conscious and have no deep cuts it is unlikely to be any serious damage.

What Jerry said has a basis, but only if you experience difficulty in staying awake. So, sleep well and don't worry. If the problem comes back tomorrow go see a doctor.

Edited by nickcrash
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