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[Head Cannon] Julia is with Team Meteor


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:: Why Julia is Evil ::

-After you get your second badge, she is never seen again. She doesn't even hang out at her gym and run the power plant like she is supposed to (as opposed to Florinia, who is still at the school).

-She was the first person you saw after the explosion of the station. She denied it, but what do we really have to trust her? For all we know, the grunt they caught was a fall guy.

-Before you fight her, she says he made her gym more pretty by "covering up the machinery", possibly meaning that there is something more to the machines and she needs to cover them up, but she passes it off as something casual.

-She also blew up Meteor's first factory, seemingly pointlessly. It seems more like she was covering her tracks. Even though Solaris said they had wiped the computers, Julia knew that Ame would conduct an investigation on the facility, considering how fast they caught her bombing fall guy. She had to be sure nothing would be found to lead her back to Team Meteor and jeopardize her position. This is also the only instance that Julia helps the main character on their mission.

-Even though Florinia came to help with Team Meteor at the factory, Julia does not go help Florinia at the Onyx Park, presumably because she knows they'll just get caught in vines and it doesn't help her in any way (unlike her needing to cover her tracks at the factory).

-You have to get Shade to reactivate the door in the Railnet to open the door. Who do you think shut off the power?

-Is it just a coincidence that most of the crime/poverty and two Team Meteor factories are placed in Julia's ward? Presumably because the placement is strategic in that the nearest gym leaders (Corey and Julia) would not be poking around.

tl;dr :: Julia is evil and Team Meteor Leader Lyn's daughter.


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-You have to get Shade to reactivate the door in the Railnet to open the door. Who do you think shut off the power?

Pretty sure it said that the door was connected to the OLD power plant, because it was not in use anymore after the earthquakes, therefore being pointless to power it with the new factory.

also, Lin* :P

Edited by Lostelle
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Is the misspelling of "Canon" in the title intentional, then? hue

This is certainly an interesting theory, but some points are quite a stretch, such as the power shutoff in the Railnet. After all, Reborn is a broken city, so that makes sense for the underground to not be top-knotch.

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While your theory is interesting, I can't really say Julia is part of Meteor considering Connel fills the Electric Type gym leader role already. There could be more to the Power Plant though, but Julia might not exactly know about it.

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The main reason why I can't see her as part of Team Meteor is because of the time. Finding out she sided with them would be "Hey, remember this character you spent very little time with waaaaaaaaay back then?! Yeah, she's evil."

With the other 2 leaders, it was a lot different. Corey first was a random Meteor member, then we found out it actually was Corey, then that Corey is also a gym leader (iirc), then we fought him, all in less than 3 battles (if you avoid the police men). For the second, we met them, they sent us up a mountain, heard they were evil, fought them. We were done with that after barely more than 2 episodes.

We last saw Julia 13 episodes ago.

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Interesting theory, gets me thinking who else could be a Meteor. Someone that comes to mind is Titania. I mean, she had a secret meeting with a meteor grunt in the middle of Route 1. Not only that but she lives with Amaria who has the sapphire bracelet (therefore watching over it). She jumped down the cascade just to retrieve the bracelet.

Although she could have joined meteor to protect Amaria, but I get the feeling that she doesn't really care about her. Not to mention her history with Florinia. Maybe her deciding to join meteor was the reason Florinia 'lost' her emotions. Also the Scrapyard makes a perfect place for the PULSE Mime to be in.

EDIT: She also told Amaria not to get involved with Meteor... Titania is at the very least shady. She must have some sort of connection to Team Meteor.

Edited by Farnsworth
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...But anyway, Julia actually seems older than Lin, so how could she be her daughter?

Also, what others have said rings true. Corey's allegiance to Team Meteor is left largely implied (obviously so, in fact) and Terra is a character the player constantly interacted with for over two or three episodes.

Julia is effectively your equivalent to a tutorial boss in Reborn. And after her defeat, she doesn't appear in the story at all; It wouldn't be a plot-twist if she belonged in Team Meteor. Most players would just be like "Who was that again? Oh. So she was evil? Okay." and move on. It's different from Terra, since her reveal pretty much only proved that team meteor's been manipulating your moves since you got to Agate.

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If the grunt was a fall guy, then why would they have him reveal the existence of Team Meteor at all? He could simply take the fall as some standalone terrorist, which would keep Meteor's identity under wraps. After all, the team has been getting away with all of their deeds mostly because they've kept everyone in the dark. Once that grunt was captured and the protagonists caught on to them, their entire plan has been steadily unraveling.

Furthermore, Meteor had been plotting to deprive the city of power (again), so instead of destroying the gym, they could just as easily have Julia sabotage it. Blowing up the entire power plant strikes me as a needless risk to their anonymity when they have the option of just inconspicuously shutting it down from the inside.

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If the grunt was a fall guy, then why would they have him reveal the existence of Team Meteor at all? He could simply take the fall as some standalone terrorist, which would keep Meteor's identity under wraps.

He was 'interrogated'. If you remember, it involved a steel chair and a torkoal.

Let's hope we find out what's going on in the next episode, even though we'll probably are only going to see the circus' involvement in 7th street and amaria's fate in it.

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He was 'interrogated'. If you remember, it involved a steel chair and a torkoal.

Yeah, so? If the guy was planted there by Team Meteor to take the blame, then the alibi that they feed him could just as easily be "I'm just a lone fanatic who got his hands on some explosives in 7th Street and decided to blow up the train station to forward my own personal agenda." Why dress him in a Team Meteor uniform? Why give him anything that could compromise Meteor's anonymity? The captured grunt simply was not supposed to be caught. Meteor's secrecy throughout the years has been the primary reason why it's been so successful at destroying the region, and there is no way that they would relinquish that secrecy so abruptly in order to avert suspicion from Julia.

Think about it. What logical sense does it make for them to plant a fall guy to take the blame for one of their executives' acts when no one knows that they exist in the first place?

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Well, so Julia is improbable. Julia is/acts also a bit erratic, however.
But it could also be that Julia planted them, and the grunt detonated those. It is assumed this was a one-man's job, but what if it wasn't? The grunt could be tasked by getting close enough, then detonate it, without knowing who in their team planted the explosives.
The only thing is, I don't really know if Julia would or would not be suspected if she was there in the train station before you came there. She's a gym leader, but she also likes to blow things up, so idk if this could be possible...

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Truth be told, i highly doubt this theory is true. For Julia to be so involved with Team Meteor and plan so much, I just can't see that kind of intelligence in Julia. Not saying that she is a stupid lady who just likes to Boom-Boom but she is not on the level of Team Meteor.

I mean, one could say the same about Terra, what with her passion towards b000ty.

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I mean, one could say the same about Terra, what with her passion towards b000ty.

True but Terra is a master hacker and stuff right? And i kinda doubt whether her reason for joining Team Meteor is legit. Yes i know it sounds like her, but i think there is a bit more backstory to it, kinda like Corey's.

P.S The extra 0 in your b00ty tells me everything about her nature :P

P.S.S Ame do you laugh when we try to come up with story possibilities or try to guess the story?

Edited by Dhanush D Bhatt
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True but Terra is a master hacker and stuff right? And i kinda doubt whether her reason for joining Team Meteor is legit. Yes i know it sounds like her, but i think there is a bit more backstory to it, kinda like Corey's.

P.S The extra 0 in your b00ty tells me everything about her nature :P

P.S.S Ame do you laugh when we try to come up with story possibilities or try to guess the story?

Possibly, but then again, Julia could be the weapons/explosives specialist. But I too, doubt that.

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