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Magma gang side quests



I want to Know what is the sides quest of magma gang, I alredy did that I pick an buizel and a water stone, and I pick the houndour, how I can go to 7th stret?

And other thing: I met a woman in the entrance of lapis ward that want to wke up her husband, but the solution in unthinckble of somethig like this, someone can help me saying what I can do to help her?

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You'll get to 7th Street after you beat the Psychic Gym Leader Radmous, who will be your 8th Gym Badge.

And the solution to the women's problem is later on as well once you get to Route 1. She is looking for erm, "weed", to help cure her husband's illness and the "weed" can be found in the South Adventurine Forest.

"The south adventurine woods. There's a narrow path between the trees that is blocked off by one of those flowers that knock you out when you step on them (and make Flabebe appear when you step on them with a floral charm). Use the floral charm to fight the Flabebe and walk past, and at the end of the path there is a shrub with this thing on it as a hidden item.

Use: You can give it to a lady in 7th street to get a Chespin egg. She only seems to be there during certain times of the day, though. I found her in the morning. And due to a glitch, she just won't stop giving you Chespin eggs." - Credits to Eagleby18

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