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A Mega Undertaking


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The tragedy of 3D technology is a desperate lack of canon sprites for newer Pokemon and form changes. Senior members of the community might remember the long period between Episodes 9 and the 9.5 release (I, personally, do not remember it; I blacked it out as a trauma coping mechanism a long time ago). As it turns out, with a new batch of Megas, it's been the same story now.

I've been putting ORAS Mega sprites, along with a few outstanding etceteras we were missing such as this gen's event legendaries, basically since Episode 14 release. Yes, it's taken that long. No, I'm not okay.

But as of today, I'm glad to say, YES, WE ARE DONE WITH THEM.

If I'm to be perfectly honest, I've done almost nothing else for the past month and a half besides work on these damn things. E15 may as well not be started at all, because these have taken so much time. Now that they're set, I'm finally free to move onto bigger and better things-- you know, like, making the actual game. Crazy, right?

That said, I don't have nothing to show for it at this point. Check out the videos below for a very very sped-up version of what the process of making these things looks like, using two different examples.

...back sprites aren't as exciting, but I didn't think about making demonstrations until after I had finished all the fronts. ("oops"). That might be a good thing anyway since, on average, back-sprites tend to be a reliable 5x easier than fronts because they're generally less detailed, and we can use the silhouette-flip trick as shown in the first video. Nonetheless.

With this out of the way, I can actually start making some progress on 14.5, and hopefully we can get it to you guys before too long. In the mean time, hang onto a few of the sprites I've been working on over the past forever.


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Dat Mega Salamence Sprite THO

Also Hoopa-U looks like its flipping the bird with one of the arms...

Anyways they look awesome and congrats on Getting them Done Ame!

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It's time for me to showcase my ignorance: why spriting Pokemon that aren't going to be in the game anytime soon?

Better to have them done right away than procrastinate for the last second, I suppose.

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Better to have them done right away than procrastinate for the last second, I suppose.

While this is fair enough, there must also be another reason... I mean, one could argue to such a point that, since the game is released in episodes anyway, one might as well split the spriting process between the various releases, instead of doing everything now... So yeah, I am not saying that your argument is invalid, I am saying that there is likely another reason that I, not understanding anything of how programming a game works, fail to see...

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While this is fair enough, there must also be another reason... I mean, one could argue to such a point that, since the game is released in episodes anyway, one might as well split the spriting process between the various releases, instead of doing everything now... So yeah, I am not saying that your argument is invalid, I am saying that there is likely another reason that I, not understanding anything of how programming a game works, fail to see...

Ame likes to be ahead of the curve with these things. Spriting is something that takes a considerable amount of time and doesn't add to the actual game until the sprites are finished. While there may not be an immediate plan for the sprites, mega evolution -is- something that will be rolled out ...."soon" and having completed sprite work adds to the totality of the game. This makes it easier for Ame to keep up with new generations of main series games without having her sprite work pile up on her desk.

If she did things like ORAS inbetween a release and an episode -normally- there would be a longer period of time between episodes.

I guess she kinda feels like she doesn't want to make you all wait -too- long.

ok im having a brain fart. what is the third sprite from the right???


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I'm a Xeno fan. I have to wait like 4 years for each game to come out. This wait is practically nothing. Seriously though, don't every worry about us waiting or trying to rush something.

As for the sprites, they look amazing. I seriously can't stop staring at Mega Swampert. I've done a bit of spiriting before and my god is shading a pain. Makes me miss the pixel days even more.

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Fantastic job Ame. We all appreciate the tremendous amount of work it took to make these, I'm sure.

Does this mean the Tanzan Steelix can be Mega now? :]

^Doesn't that mean that she'd have to animate the giant Steelix as a mega, as in... more spriting work?

Well these look delicious. Can I have them now? *puppy eyes*

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^Doesn't that mean that she'd have to animate the giant Steelix as a mega, as in... more spriting work?

Well these look delicious. Can I have them now? *puppy eyes*

The next gym leader will have all of them I mean... What?

That said, Mega Evolution/Primal Sprites (and code) were implemented mostly to get them out of the way.

Also, now that the option to use them is there and is actually viable, who knows?

Maybe we'll see one of them in a new release.

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Hoopa-U!!!!!!!!! *drools* Umm... I mean amazing work Ame!! Really incredible.. Does this mean that Hoopa and Volcanion will be implemented in game as well??

Edit: Also it's nice to have a pokemon that seems like it's Indian.. Who knows, maybe episode 7 will be based in India.. That would be amazing!! Though it would be funny too.. Catching Miltank and Arbok would be a criminal actvity and every trainer in the area would gang up and beat the living daylights out of you.. :P

Edited by Yash
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