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Your Countries Political Systems.

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-Become member of a pseudo-massonic group.

-Use the connections you made there to become a succesful businessman.

-Buy a local television channel, and improve it to broadcast nation-wise.

-Buy two more nation-wise television channels: since there's a law against it, corrupt the current prime minister into removing that law.

-When that prime minister is arrested for corruption, corrupt the judge to make it out of it clean, then become the prime minister yourself.

-When justice eventually catches up to you, use your television channels to discredit the judges and create a movement that supports you no matter what.

-Solidify your position by promising to start a more lenient policy in regards to punishing those who don't pay taxes, winning the votes of people who dislike paying taxes

I was so certain you were speaking of Berlusconi when I started reading this! Oh, I believe you forgot to mention that he bought Milan to become popular. You do not necessarily need to know about the hoes to make it count.

In my country we have what's translated as: Parliamentary Republic. (republic=democracy)

The parliamentary elections happen every 4 years and in those you vote mainly for the party you want in, and secondary for your representative. The voting system is the traditional "first past the post". These elections create the government and the Prime Minister.

The parliament elects every 5 years the President, who doesn't have to be a member of the parliament. His role is to check on the decisions taken by the parliament, to serve as a check for the unity of the parliament, and for the most important matters to even do a referendum.

The requirements to vote are: Be over 18, to have the country's nationality, and not be currently in jail :P

+ free higher education

+ free healthcare

- high unemployment

- problems with taxation

Edited by nickcrash
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states with the harshest gun control laws have the highest rates of gun crime, just saiyan

I recommend looking at more than just gun control issues as they are relatively minor compared to other things the country faces

sorry if i come off like that, but that is one thing i am particularly curious about.

See, in Australia, we didnt have gun laws, until the Port Arthur Massacre and the Hoodle Street Massacre. After those 2 incidents happened, we brought them in, Banning High-caliber shotguns and automatic weapons. Would you mind telling me about the more 'pressing' issues

People were claiming putting restrictions on certain types of guns was against the 2nd amendment. Which is basically right to bear arms, so that people could fight back if the government was corrupt and needed to be changed.

Obama's plan to limit assault weapons. You know, guns that weren't made for hunting but for killing larger quantities of people in combat/conflict, would make it harder for shooters to go on a spree. You'd have to reload more often if you have smaller capacity magazines. And some people aren't allowed to own/posses guns as it is. Like the mentally unstable, or people convicted on domestic violence charges (this is a huge one for army guys, because they can't have a gun, even in a combat zone if convicted, so they get booted out). He was also trying to beef up background checks and stuff that people have to go through and pass before they can buy a gun. Makes it tougher and take longer for people to own a gun.

And I'll write more later.

That is what it is like in australia, Only Farmers and Police officers are allowed to own guns; Farmers so they can easily kill pests, and police officers for protection of the public

They are only taxing the excessive production of carbon because there is a 2020 carbon emissions goal set by the UN which countries must comply to the taxing of it reduces the likelihood of them producing the excess carbon therefore reducing it. I wouldn't by any means call it a bad thing its just a way to reduce carbon emissions and not get their asses handed to them by the UN.

In any case the reduction of greenhouse gasses and its effect is a long term benefit for our descendants, making it better (at least not worse) for the future is the main goal for any political party or group

sorry, i shoulda made it clear i was being sarcastic. (fucking poes law). The only real reason it was retracted was because Julia Gillard has lied about introducing it.

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I'm not particularly versed in British politics, but I know that the Prime minister is an important guy, though he seems to have been messing up, I think parliament plays a role similar to what Congress is as described by Mael and then there are a whole buttfuck ton of different departments that try to deal with specific issues. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work as we aren't a very united country.

Seriously, I don't bother with politics in my life and only get to see the conclusions of the systems actions through five minute intervals of news times every morning whcich really don't explain the process by which these decisions are made.

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Typhoons/Hurricanes are definitely a thing here, given how bad sewage is. Canals and such are clogged by trash, for one thing... Then, there's the road maintenance, who raise roads continuously, thinking it'll help... which, obviously, doesn't, because the water flows into the lower roads.

In fact, you don't need a typhoon to raise hell here. Steady rainfall will do.

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sorry if i come off like that, but that is one thing i am particularly curious about.

See, in Australia, we didnt have gun laws, until the Port Arthur Massacre and the Hoodle Street Massacre. After those 2 incidents happened, we brought them in, Banning High-caliber shotguns and automatic weapons. Would you mind telling me about the more 'pressing' issues

That is what it is like in australia, Only Farmers and Police officers are allowed to own guns; Farmers so they can easily kill pests, and police officers for protection of the public

sorry, i shoulda made it clear i was being sarcastic. (fucking poes law). The only real reason it was retracted was because Julia Gillard has lied about introducing it.

the massive deficit, the completely moronic penal system (basically dealing drugs can get you more jail time than some kinds of murder), the screwy tax system, police brutality, discrimination against pretty much anyone that isn't a prototypical American, government officials that intentionally cause fuckups for political reasons. . . pick any of these things and I can probably let you know a bit more.

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Murder is an organised and successful kill. It shouldn't have variations, except for the number of people dead. If you're including homicide in self-defense there, I can't call it a murder. How long does one get in jail for both crimes, just curious.

edit: intentional not necessarily organized. (thanks Jerry for pointing it out, forgot the correct word)

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Murder is an organised and successful kill. It shouldn't have variations, except for the number of people dead. If you're including homicide in self-defense there, I can't call it a murder. How long does one get in jail for both crimes, just curious.

No, Murder is any homicide committed with intent. For it to be organized it would have to be premeditated murder.

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