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My computer in progress <3


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[url=https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhouV_4o6k55dE5MWEFnUDRYWnN5V2VMSTVnR3ZucHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CPPN2rAP]Here's a Google Docs link because file hosting websites suck[/url].

Also some thoughts:
I'd avoid BestBuy as NewEgg will probably beat them in price every single time.
Maybe spend a bit more for a nicer HDD setup. Either a small SSD (for system files) + a large HDD (for storage) or RAID together some fairly fast HDDs.

I played around with a build that costs about the same: http://imgur.com/wlJHq
Motherboard: Cheaper with roughly the same specs.
CPU: Exactly the same, but it's cheaper and came with free Kaspersky
RAM: How much RAM is in your build? I put in 8GB but I honestly don't know how much you're going to need for gaming.
Wireless Adapter: Uhh, it was cheap and I feel like all wireless adapters are practically the same.
HDD: Two faster drives, with the intent that they would be in a RAID0 setup.
Flash Drive: Uhh, I don't know how that got there, but it's free.

Yeah, sorry about the ugly formatting of this post, but I'm afraid to change it or things will likely break.
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  • 1 month later...
Edit: Oh, derp. I just looked at the google doc thing, looks pretty cool, just a little confusing. but I'll see if I can edit it to show the changes I've made...

2nd Edit: Thank you nyuuuu for this awesome google docs thing. heres the new spreadsheet. https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhZW2ozQjgV4dGtPcTZ1aUw0a2VSRXFJaDMtM05rN3c&hl=en_US

I also enabled editing incase you wanted to make any changes. C:

Well, Thanks, Nyu :3 I also noticed i had some bottleneck issues with that build, so I'm going to show you guys my newer improved one, thanks to help from some friends like you, and hard research.

First off, I don't know how recent this excel file is, and I don't feel like downloading it, so I'll just list the differences right hur.

Alright. Now, first off: I scrapped that crappy DDR2 and hard drive because they were both rippping me off. (Not to mention DDR2 won't work with LGA 1155 Sockets)

Secondly ; I downgraded from an i7 to an i5, because i didn't really need the i7, mostly because the only difference between the one I want now and the i7 is that the i7 has hyper-threading. (If you don't know what that means, it just makes your computer better for multi-tasking) and games don't even use many threads so it's basically useless. plus the one i5 that I'm getting is clockable.

Thirdly ; I'm upgrading to DDR3 (not like i had much of a choice but) and upgrading to 8 gigs instead of four. I guess my dad felt that he didn't mind paying an extra 20-30$ upgrading from 4 to 8 gigs. Also it's faster. here's what it looks like. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231428

Fourthly ; I scrapped the crappy 100$ video card off of best buy, and I'm getting something much more complex. It's a 6870 radeon HD with 1GB of memory. Not to mention sexy HD graphics I've been hearing.

The drive I'm getting is supposedly the best drive out there for the money so far, 1 TB for just a measly 64$. It seems to have a good reputation, also.

I'm keeping the motherboard.

And I changed the case, also. The other one started to get a little ugly in my opinion, so i found one that has alot more ventilation and is bigger and is upgradable to 5 fans! (not that i'll need it unless i do some HEAVY HEAVY overclocking...)

anyways th- th- that's all folks!
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