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THE APOCALYPSE!!! Now that I have your attention, intro time!


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Good day to you all! I, GalaxyForce, have decided to introduce myself to all you guys on this very handy forum of coolness. And let me say, it is a pleasure to meet you all!


I've basically been playing Pokemon since the earliest days of my childhood. Pokemon Silver -I think- was the first video game I ever owned, and I've been in love with the series ever since. I'm going on 20 and I still can't get enough of this great series of games!


I first discovered Pokemon fangames about half a year ago in the form of Pokemon Omicron version. As of this posting, the game is still incomplete, but I was really impressed and found the game to be a wonderful experience. I recommend it to anyone interested in more PokeFan games. (You could also check its alternate version: Pokemon Zeta)

This got me into a Pokemon fangame hype, and I started to scour the internet for more fun games to dowload and play. I eventually came across a playthrough of Reborn on youtube somewhere. At first, I wasn't really interested, the few videos I saw didn't leave that much of an impression on me, but I decided to try it out anyway. And wow, I was quite impressed with the game's quality and its well-written story. The game's pretty hard if you don't know what you're doing, and I sure didn't know what I was doing.

It was then that I discovered the forums. Giving out so many tips and advice that helped enrich my gaming experience. And so, here I am today.


So that's basically it. I'm introducing myself here and hope to make your acquaintances soon. Let's all have a good time everybody!


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Insanity warning. Check.

Song by Arkh. Check.

Jerry's welcome wagon.. Ummm... Oh well.. He should be along soon.. Hopefully

Anyways go through all the pinned stuff/rules/faqs..

And Welcome!!

And bye for now!

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  On 2/1/2015 at 11:56 AM, Yash said:

Anyways go through all the pinned stuff/rules/faqs..

This right here. Anything that's pinned is probably pinned for a reason, and rules are always a good thing to know about when entering a new community. Still if you've been lurking for any serious period of time, checking out answers and stuff then you probably know how this place works well enough. Any questions and my door's always open, figuratively speaking.

Also I like your profile pic, dunno quite what it represents, (if there's a story behind that please do tell) but damned if it isn't awesome anyway.

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  On 2/2/2015 at 6:07 AM, Sheep said:

Also I like your profile pic, dunno quite what it represents, (if there's a story behind that please do tell) but damned if it isn't awesome anyway.

That is the Eevee mega evolution from Pokemon Insurgence.

Here check out the link..


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