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Least Favorite Pokemon


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I saw that there's no threat for this yet so I thought why not make one myself.

And mostly since I want to know who is your most hated/least favorite pokemon, and ofcource why.

Let me just start:

Bronzong, if you played gen 4 and 5 you know how annoying it is, it also helped that it OHKOed my Roserade... and that the two time that I got myself to use it it got the wrong ability, also why I hate it, almost every darn time it has Levitate, which takes away 1 of it's few weaknesses(Don't say that I should then also hate Elektross, Elektross isn't as Bulky and doesn't resist as much).

Edited by TheRoaringRight
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This is tied between 2 unova pokemon...

Emolga:Fucking troll,If you played BW/BW2 you know why i hate this thing.Volt Switch Spam Elesa is fucking annoying and very cheap.For example:Flaafy used Volt Switch>Emolga,You used -insert ground type move-.No effect.Fucking Cheap.

Sigilyph:It's just godamn cheap.By the time it's introduced it's by far the strongest pokemon encounterable and can easily knock a pokemon out and in the scenario of a Nuzlocke pretty much masacre a team ;~;

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I vote go for emolga too

same reason as the other post I don't like using rock type and I don't think you can get a ice type this early in game.I own Swotloon for beating those annoying squirrel.

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  On 1/31/2015 at 12:41 PM, Kurotsune said:

Right, so, this shouldn't be in the grand hall.

if you could then please tell me how to relocate it or maybe even relocate it it would be much apriciated

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Spinda. Don't get me started on how annoying that Pokemon is. It's practically a Zubat, but Zubat is actually a good Pokemon. I want to throw my DS across the screen because my Pokemon hit themselves 20 times in a row against that thing.

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I like this kind of thread, but I don't have as many disliked pokemon as I do have loved ones. Let's see...

Aromatisse: fairy is my 3rd favourite type, but some of its pokemon...not so much. This gets down basically to Spritzee's evolution, Cabarete Aromatisse. It just takes the "fairies are pink and girly" concept too far and deep into ridiculousness. Unlike its counterpart Slurpuff, which is candy that evolves from a candy, Aromatisse is...something that looks slightly like a bird, that evolves from a bird. They could have made Spritzee's evolution more like a flamingo, a rainbow parrot, a paradise bird... anything but a stubby, pink ball with a beak that looks like a nose and something that looks like a hairy tutu. And it's not even fairy/flying, ugh. I can somewhat understand if designs like this are the reason people dislike the fairy type, specially if this is the direction GF will take in the future.

Burmy's evolutionary line: is just ugly. I dig the idea of a bug that camouflages itself with different materials of the field around him, and depending on what disguise it chooses, he gets a new secondary type. But despite this interesting core idea, what ruins Burmy, aside from the fact that Burmy is plain uglily designed, are essentially two things: Mothim and Wormadam. Both of them are so goddamn boring. I like having butterflies and moths every gen (look at Vivillon for example, despite being just "the butterfly of gen 6", its design I like more than Beautifly's) but Mothim is just uninspired. Its eyes, its wings, its color palette....all bland and dull. And then there's Wormadam's....nose....I just don't like it.

Hippopotas: you can say what you want about disliked pokemon. This is ugly, that is boring, the one from beyond is dumb....in my book, no pokemon, at all, ever, beats Hippopotas for worst pokemon design. EVER. You know the ice cream and garbage pokemon? you know the pokeball and sludge pokemon? you know the key ring and heart-fish pokemon? None beats hippopotas. I despise its design so much. Hippowdon is great and its design is also great (is just an hippopotamus, but at least is intimidating, cool to look at it). Given what it evolves from, I'd wish it was a standalone pokemon. Hippopotas is a giant, butt/octopus head with a tiny body, with eyes in top and holes eveywhere. I just don't know how is this a good design (it is not) and how comes no one ever mentions it in threads like this. My most disliked pokemon ever.

BTW, I haven't based any of this list's choices in neither stats or battle "annoyibility". I just like pokemon based on design, and despite these three ones, the other 716 are cool in my book (yeah eeeeeven luvdisc, I know I know, is just that I hope GF connects it with Alomomola by meanings of evolution at some point, or at least give it an actual evolution. I can't hate things like luvdisc, dunsparce, or spinda. These poor guys haven't been even given a chance to redeem themselves).

Edited by zimvader42
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Starmie, everybody who played fr/lg with a charmander without a pikachu trained will know how hard is it to get past misty. I have a love/hate relateship with this thing.

Diglett, nuff said.

Mangeton (Watson) no fighting type and if you're playing emerald, you also had to with both this thing and manectric(which is my favourite pokemon)

EDIT: 300th post

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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  On 1/31/2015 at 12:47 PM, Hypa said:

dunsparce because he is the one pokemon that so useless it doesn't deserve an evolution

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F*ck this thing, this son of a- *Technical difficulties. Please stand by...* So my boss is telling me to keep it professional. <_< ...You know that poor, poor kid who thinks the pidove that I gave him is gonna be a staraptor? I was once that kid. Well, not as stupid considering they're nowhere near each other in the dex and people told him that's not whats happening. But anyway a time ago, before I used the internet for help with games, a dark time. I wasted a pokeball, I mean caught a dunsparce. I looked at my dex, saw the tail and then it all went wrong. The next mon in the dex gligar... "Meh, that tail looks kinda scorpion like, and it has wings. It must evolve into gligar." Raises dunspace to lever 32 before realizing. "This... thing. It's garbage. I can't withdraw anymore pokemon but this creature is an empty slot."

In conclusion, the most useful thing a dunsparce ever did was get traded to some unfortunate scientist for a tyrogue.

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Most annoying, useless #$%^& I ever saw in pokemon. They started this "Hey, we will make completely unneeded electric rodent pokemon every generation!" thing. I mean, they are just Pichu's with some blue and red. Who need those things!!?1

Gosh, I hate them.

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i fucking hate machamp

four fucking arms

its mouth is a goddamn duckbill

it looks like a person, specifically one who likes walking around naked

and competitively, machamp is the mon that has probably haxed me the most out of every freaking one of them. EVEN SWAGGER KLEFKI

like, every FREAKING time a mon hits itself in confusion because of machamp, it looks like its laughing at me like "hahahah bitch u though u could check me with a physically defensive mon or type advantage? LOL no its going to die hitting itself in confusion"


seriously its not cool ):

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I dont hate any Pokemon. I hate the people that use a lot of pokemon just because they are commonly used and OP, instead of using some original Pokemon.
But if I had to name one Pokemon right now it would probably be Salamence, because its just a sweeper, nothing more, but is so insanely terryfing to deal with, once it gets a moxie boost + I'm starting to hate serperior, because people started overusing it, just because it got a new ability and now they say, the like that pokemon. Of course they like it if its OP -.- However Serperior was one of my favourite pkmn even before people knew about hidden abilites.

Oh! and Shuckle.

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I assume one cannot cite an entire mechanic, so I'll avoid posting another tirade on megas. There isn't really a specific species I dislike, if I really have to mention something, I guess I am not particularly fond of Pokemon inspired to inanimate objects, design-wise... Stuff like the Magnemite line for example...

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i think everyone that knows me knows that i hate Rotom-Wash.

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff i really hate rotom wash, i'm okay with the other rotoms, and i really like regular rotom...

but rotom-w...




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  On 1/31/2015 at 8:00 PM, Tomas Elliot said:

I assume one cannot cite an entire mechanic, so I'll avoid posting another tirade on megas. There isn't really a specific species I dislike, if I really have to mention something, I guess I am not particularly fond of Pokemon inspired to inanimate objects, design-wise... Stuff like the Magnemite line for example...

I don't consider megas as pokemon on their own so I don't mention them in threads of this sort. Still, design-wise, I don't dislike any mega, except for mega-manectric, and maybe mega-pinsir a bit. Other than their design, I don't care about them in other ways for this topic at least, so I do not despise any of them for being either OP or Broken or whatever they're called. That I'll save for when a thread called "Least Favorite Pokemon in competitive battles" comes out, if it even does.

But just out of curiosity, name the mega you despise the most. Just one.

Edited by zimvader42
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