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Erick's Trainer Card Emporium


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Wouldn't It be nice if we had trainer cards OTHER than the ones we are standardly given???? Well I can help with that. Just post your requests, or PM me on the server of here (whichever you want) and I'll get to work on them straight away. Here is a sample of my work:


Sexy ain't it??
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Isn't that ur ML team.......

EDIT: I already made the card....... http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss293/cheese8966/Glas.png It was ur ML card o___o
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mafia

PS I need a new trainer card erick I know you will do a good job like you did last time. Current pokes in my reborn TC with a rocket grunt and a purple background, thanks.
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