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NeverUsed Pokemon Showcase (Week 3)


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OP shamelessly stolen from Hilda
Approved by yung danny

NeverUsed Showcase

In which, we discuss offensive and defensive threats in the NU metagame.

Song of the Week:

Pokemon of the Week: Malamar

Viability in NU: A Rank - Malamar's ability to set up on 80% of the tier makes it a potent sweeper/revenge killer. Since ORAS gives Malamar Knock Off, it has become one of the fiercest threats in the metagame. It forces teams to carry coverage for it. If they do not, then it's an easy win for the player with Malamar.

Sets to use on Malamar:


Malamar @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 244 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Superpower
- Knock Off

RestTalk Malamar is probably one of the most annoying things ever to exist EVER. With max HP and nearly maxed SDef, Malamar shrugs off non-supereffective hits super easily. 12 Speed is to outspeed 0 Speed Seismitoad. Superpower is what you'll want to click 90% of the time in order to get as many boosts as possible.


Malamar @ Leftovers/Chesto Berry
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 148 SpD / 112 Spe
Careful Nature
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Psycho Cut
- Substitute/Rest

3 attacks Malamar is also quite good. You can run RestoChesto for added recovery, but it's usually better to run Substitute to help ease prediction on switches. The SDef investment is so that your Sub will live weaker Special attacks aimed at Malamar.


Malamar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Psycho Cut
- Switcheroo/Destiny Bond

This set is the most fun Malamar set. Click the move that is SE against whatever is standing in front of you and hope for the best. Switcheroo can be used to cripple walls while D-Bond can be used as a last resort to stop setup sweepers.

Also a very neato core based around Malamar is Malamar-Mega Steelix:


Malamar @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 148 SpD / 112 Spe
Careful Nature
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Psycho Cut
- Substitute


Steelix @ Steelixite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Toxic

This core focuses on Malamar being able to sweep. What needs to be out of the way for a Malamar sweep? Bug types. What gets rid of Bug types? Steelix! This is a very simple core based around getting rid of things that threaten Malamar with Bug type attacks.

Malamar is one of the most threatening 'mons in NU. It demands attention in the teambuilder and punishes teams without the proper coverage. Steel types are great partners for Malamar for their general bulk and ability to soak Bug attacks, be it Steelix, Probopass, or Klingklang. Fighting types are also great partners for their ability to wear down the opponent's checks for Malamar throughout the game.

I hope you all enjoy the third installment of the "NU Showcase"!! I'd like some recommendations on what to do in following weeks. I've skipped Mega Audino (for now) as I had trouble finding viable sets for it. I apologize for the late thread but I was rather busy this weekend. As always, leave your comments, checks, and counters down below!


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I guess this squid can find its place in NU. I thought you could pair it with Pyroar or Typhlosion to take care of bug types or guys that could use a bug attack.

I like the protection Steelix provides everywhere.

I'd like to see Golurk or Sceptile at some point in the future.

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Malamar is a big threat for sure (I would know my main squad has no bug coverage), with special defense invistments and a super power under its belt you need to hope something on your team has a bug type move. The mega steelix is a good idea as even with fire types like typhlosion scyther can u-turn all over the place. Steelix eats up bug type moves like nothing. I haven't been suggesting things but I would like to see your thoughts on sneasel. I want to know your opinion on the eviolite vs life orb situation.

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I haven't been suggesting things but I would like to see your thoughts on sneasel. I want to know your opinion on the eviolite vs life orb situation.

eviolite sd sneasel is better as a late game cleaner type dealy with ice shard, knock off, and low kick while lo sneasel is better as a "wallbreaker" with 4 attacks (the ones listed above with the addition of icicle crash over sd). you could run sd on the lo set but you'd be extremely squishy and most likely die to any faster priority (kang/hariyama).

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Oh hell yeah.

Malamar has recently become my fav Pokemon, and my most succesful NU team is built around it, so of course I approve. RestTalk looks like a fun set to use, but personally I have always used the Scarf set because I like how it can act as an end game cleaner, locking itself into a 120 bp move while bulking up at the same time. Personally, I have found Feraligatr to be a great partner for Malamar: the fact is that both are checked more or less by the same stuff, so the idea is to use one to weaken said checks so that the other can then pull off a sweep... As for the bug weakness, I've found that Mantine can switch into most bug attackers in the tier with little to fear, so it could deserve a mention too...

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Considering like pretty much half the OU metagame gets U-Turn... Yea, good luck getting up that many Superpower boosts lol.

It should also be noted that it is easy to feign a non-choice set with Malamar as most tend to just spam Superpower, and even if the opponent has a Ghost Type, they won't switch it in versus Malamar like... ever unless they are crazy. ((or know your locked into SUperpower.)) as Ghosts can't even touch the guy in most cases.

Also Jelly, Mega Audino has only really been run in VGC as like a bulky Trick Roomer ((which Cresslia does much better.)), and even then very little, the thing is just kinda bleh as a poke and it Struggles to find any place where it actually is viable or even matters... It is just... a bad poke and not ever worth your Mega slot, like really, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnything else is better, might as well just grab a 6th mon if you don't want to use the other Megas of the tier.

I will suggest Seismatoad or Feralgatr might be nice to see a Water type for one of these lol.

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