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Underused Pokemon Showcase ...Week 1 I suppose.


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UU Pokemon Showcase with that guy who's kind of a spazz...

...I hope i'm doing this right.

This weeks UU Pokemon is Absol

absol.gif> > > absol-mega.gif

Recommended Movesets

Moon Moon (Absol) (M) @ Absolite
Ability: Super Luck
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
This is a set I like to use. 252 Speed allows M-Absol to outspeed many non-scarfed threats, however priority can become a problem so he is best used during mid- to late game. Absol also works well as a bait switcher which can allow you to get a free Swords Dance or Knock Off an incoming enemy's item. Superpower does well to deliver fatal, if not crippling blows to any pokemon, mainly bulky steel types. Magic Bounce can deflect status moves, however not many people with set up Spikes or Stealth Rocks on an Absol so it's ability works best if it has already mega evolved. Although I haven't gotten too many chances to do that. Absol also works well with pokemon that can force out or take care of fairies or that can eat moves from Florges or M-Aggron. Overall this set is great for late game sweeping and dealing monstrous damage to the opponent.
Final Destination (Absol) @ Absolite
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 32 SpA / 224 Spe
Jolly/Naive Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Fire Blast/ Ice Beam
- Superpower
This set is more offensively balanced an allows Absol to deal generous damage to both physically and specially defensive foes. Knock off and Fire Blast make it a good wallbreaker, effectively taking out Forretress and Chesnaught. Due to limited switch in oppurtunites Absol is a glass cannon and as I stated before should be used mid- to -late game or after it's threats have been weakend or preferably dissposed of.
Glass cannon wise, I have seen most people prefer M-Beedril as it has more speed and acces to two different STABs (Poison/Bug) and U-turn. However the uses between Beedril and Absol can be different and vary depending upon what the rest of you team needs. I almost forgot to mention that it being used as a starter is also effective, as opponents likes to set up with Azelf or Forretress. It also gives Absol a chance to Sword's Dance, permitting early game sweeping or crippling (a strategy that I haven't tried in a while....that might be a good idea). So yeah, physical sweeper, pretty much sums that up.
Obligatory cute gif to make you happy inside:
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Nice guide Bluewolf! I think that play rough could also be a potential move slot for mega absol as opposed to superpower. Play rough could benefit the first set because it also hits dark type pokemon for SE damage, makes it not completely walled by fairy type pokemon, can lure fighting type pokemon, and helps mega absol sweep better due to not risking stat drops. It can also be useful in the second set with fire blast because fairy + fire coverage is just as good as fighting + fire/ice coverage. Other than that, I thought it was well done.

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Azelf will be more than happy to explode in M-Absol's face, so try to avoid trying to set up on it, as it always carries a sash.

Apart from that, nice guide. Keep up with the good work. Give us 1 or 2 pokemon that Absol could have good synergy with, to make the guide more complete.

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