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January 1992, an unidentified spacecraft crashlanded in the Friesland province, the Netherlands. Officials from the Dutch Government were able to recover one lifeform from the crash - A highly radioactive and severely disfigured alien who identified itself simply as Helia.

After recovering this lifeform from the smouldering crashsite, the entity known as Helia was seen holding only a 2001 September issue of Vogue Magazine and a doll of a small starshaped alien-like creature, later revealed to resemble a Jirachi once Pokemon R/S/E came out.

At least, that is how the stories go.

Held in captivity for years, the entity did not speak, not untill the children's series of Pokémon came on the TV and the alien was fascinated by seeing these creatures, shedding a single tear if these came by on the television.

Do Pokémon remind it of Home? That is yet unknown. But once Helia was given a Gameboy with a Pokémon game on it, Helia finished it within days, catching them all without a link cable.

When discovering Pokemon Reborn, however, Helia came into a troubled spot and seeks help teambuilding.

I, a scientist and long-time observer and researcher of Helia, came to this forum to ask questions in it's name, and help my subject and friend overcome struggles of the game.


Helia's current team consists of:

Empoleon (41)



-Metal Claw





-Mud Bomb

-Icy Wind

-Ice Shard

-Take Down



-Mega Drain


-Nature Power

-Stun Spore (keeps missing)



-Fake Out


-Charge Beam




-Shadow Ball


-Feint Attack

-Wing Attack




-Rock Smash


- Fire Fang.

Edited by Helia
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Sup, alien researcher! Glad to hear about a new worshipper of the game. Hope you enjoy your time here man who is clearly not helia!

Now on to team building:

-Try to evolve piloswine asap

-There's a shiny stone hidden in azurine island fyi: fair warning roselia doesnt learn any poison moves+no sludge bomb

-When you can, breed brave bird onto murkrow: wing attack just doesn't cut it. Also sucker punch at lv55

Finally, reborn is hard. Hard enough that you'll need to train multiple mons for gyms.

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Welcome to the forums, tell Helia that it's got some good taste in pokemon. Make sure to check out the rules and FAQ so you know what not to do and how to do what you might want to do.

If you want to chat with others from the community feel free to hit up the reborn server on Pokemon Showdown (located on your left).

Lastly if you have questions about anything drop me a message, the virtual door to my virtual office is always open.

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Thank you. Helia has an understanding of languages, in reading and listening, it cannot write or type, hence I have taken that job upon me, our only communication is pointing.

It seems very upset at the moment, as it is stuck with the Pulse Muk in Peridot West.

Helia played through the game a bit before, restarting the game around Agate circus. Helia's team then consisted of

- Swampert

- Mamoswine,

- Meowstic

- Dodrio(pulling through very well against Kiki and Aya, Drill Peck seems to be Helia's favourite move),

- Toxicroak(increadible failure against pretty much everything exept Senna's Cloyster and Abomasnow, and Noel's Wigglytuff and Clefable),

- Galvantula(replaced Pachirisu after Ditto Arceus. Though heavily underleveled Galvantula proved amazing asset against Radomus and Luna, 1HKO'ing both their Malamar and Radomus' Exeggutor)

We have put pictures of every Pokemon in Helia's Room. He seems very drawn to Dragalge and Froslass, though no success yet finding a Skrelp or Snorunt.

I found Snorunt won't be available untill after Agate circus, and no success finding Skrelp either even though Helia has tried fishing everywhere in Reborn City. Can it be caught with an old rod?

Edited by Helia
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A real alien.

Now they can't tell me I'm insane... but wait, I already am, aren't I? and what do you mean, stop talking to that lamppost?

Welcome to Reborn. Just as Sheep said, we've got great taste with Pokemon very, very delicious as well as are willing to help you out with whatever you need. There's a thread for Pokemon and Item Hunters, where you can gather more data and intel for Helia so he can have an idea of where the Pokemon/thing he's looking for is. The rest of the welcome wagon are still on standby for the night, but expect more warm greetings for you and your friend once they wake up. Hope you both enjoy your stays, and remember: the cake is a lie!

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Welcome Helia and accompanying researcher. I have no knowledge on team building except for my own. But! I can at least tell you that you need a good rood for skrelp.

...Hmm Helia's been on earth longer than I have. I suppose that makes me the invader.

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We have put pictures of every Pokemon in Helia's Room. He seems very drawn to Dragalge and Froslass, though no success yet finding a Skrelp or Snorunt.

I found Snorunt won't be available untill after Agate circus, and no success finding Skrelp either even though Helia has tried fishing everywhere in Reborn City. Can it be caught with an old rod?

Nope, you need a good rod. But I just got ninja'd so whatever.

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Welcome to the forums!! Tell Helia to have fun in the forums and tell him that there is no escape from the madness that is Reborn (unless he has a memory eraser or something).

Now for the team.........i suck at team building honestly. But there are a lot of people who can help. Where exactly is Helia stuck at or does Helia need help generally?

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I'll say 'we' from now on to make it easier.

We are stuck at the Pulse Muk at the moment, where the old team I posted earlier busted through on the first try, this team seems to fail.

We're very close to restarting again with Mudkip, as it has proven it's worth in an earlier game up to Agate Circus despite having a nature that really didn't do much for it.

We know there are 2 fighting type leaders coming, making Empoleon, Pilo/Mamoswine, Pyroar and Murkrow very hard to use.

Plus breeding a Murkrow with Drill Peck will take a lot of time as Dodrio and Spearow learn those moves quite late.

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Now they can't tell me I'm insane... but wait, I already am, aren't I? and what do you mean, stop talking to that lamppost?

That's allan. He gets mad when you talk about chandelures so we just stopped talking to him.

Anyways, hi and welcome to reborn, Helia. *hides the moonstones*

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Ok. The pulse muk has protean as its ability so you can use that against it: eg: make it use an electric move then pound it with a ground move etc. That is pretty much the only thing she can do. Although paralysis should help against it. She should also stockup on the best possible medicines she can buy which at that point would be the icecreams.... I think

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