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Since I never introduced myself


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I've been a member for a long time but since I never read that much, I was never able to properly introduce myself. I am Shadowfoxhound - a nickname given to me by my friends dunno why but I stuck to the name. I love video games and anime just like the next person. I make videos for youtube as a hobby but do not expect some flashy edits since my pc is a toaster.

I try my best to make people laugh and enjoy life. I am weird but im not scared to admit it. I think society is a bore and that math is an alien language we are forced to learn ( just a phase cause my maths mocks is tomorrow). Ive been playing reborn for over 2 years now o-o my memory is bad so bare with me. I play various games on the vast internet which are free with a few exceptions here and there.

My youtube link is on my signature so I wont mention it but my ign on League is well my name ShadowFoxHound. and on steam shadowfoxhound1. Its a please to be part of this huge family of interesting people. Some of them have helped me through rough times and others who supported me through my endeavors. So once again, I look forward to getting to know everyone on this forum :)

Edited by Shadowfoxhound
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Welcome friend.

Just say you've not been around the block enough to force Sheep to do more work

I guess you know where to go if you need anything. I'm not copy-pasting Jerry's guide this time in fear of a lawsuit, so you're on your own.

Have fun and don't let what's devouring your soul get enough of it.

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